It seems hard to believe that, “The Godfather,” considered to be one of the “best” movies ever made, was originally released 45 years ago this past week. Trying to determine the “best” movie is a fool’s errand, as there would be no winning that argument. I will say this though: “The Godfather Part I and […]
Matt Talbot: The absurdity of despair
“Everything dies, baby, that’s a fact But maybe everything that dies someday comes back.” –Bruce Springsteen, “Atlantic City” Have you noticed how green the hills across the water are? I take Mom to lunch on Wednesdays, and afterward this week we took a drive around the Bay Area, and everywhere we went the hills were […]
Letters: Solo show a success
Solo show a success I want to thank all of the wonderful people who attended my artist reception on March 3 at Milinda Perry’s Salon and Gallery. I was honored to have so many visit the opening of my solo show that features paintings of locations in our lovely Benicia community. Special thanks to Milinda […]
Letters: Just the facts
Just the facts This is in response to Susan Street’s March 14 letter. I can take critical responses on anything I write, but my suggestion is to not make a personal attack on me or the facts. I write a lot of letters, and they are, in most cases, backed up with facts when necessary. […]
Letters: Be the change
Be the change Returning from a two-week vacation, the first thing I did was pick up the Herald to see how our town fared in the storms. I saw that there was another storm brewing on the bottom of Page 4. A letter writer whined for six columns about the proposal to reduce city salaries […]
Letters: Seeking WWII veterans for Memorial Day ceremony
Seeking WWII veterans for Memorial Day ceremony This year’s Benicia Memorial Day ceremony will be on Monday, May 29, beginning at 10 a.m. at the historic Benicia Military Cemetery. The ceremony is sponsored by the Benicia Historical Society, and all are invited. Each year we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our […]
Letters: Great passion for city employees and services
Great passion for city employees, city services I love living in the city of Benicia. I do not think I am alone. We enjoy great services: parks, the library, the swimming pool and way more. Most are supplied by our very fine city employees. But we must be reminded who gets hit the hardest when […]
The A Cappella Handyman: Dump run
The day was sufficiently planned, my trailer was loaded: Mom’s leaves from this entire season in large black plastic bags, and a few pieces of other customer’s junk – a 4 x 4 rotted-bottom gate post, scrap metal posts from another job, some chicken wire from a third, and a large cardboard box. The bulk […]
Mario Giuliani: An update on Measure C progress
By Mario Giuliani Special to the Herald With these past few days of sunshine you may have had the opportunity to stroll down First Street. If so, you likely have observed crews working to repair areas of sidewalk. If your walk took you to the end of First Street, you may have leaned upon the […]
Cannabis: Myth and medicine
By Stan Golovich Special to the Herald I believe that cannabis can be regulated, taxed, and used responsibly by adults (21), just like alcohol, and that Proposition 215 patients in Benicia should have local safe access. Last November, 9,559 Benicia voters– 63 percent– said “Yes” to Proposition 64, also known as the Adult Use of […]