Thanking Robert Mueller
Recently I wrote this stuff
and I know it’s not enough
to get me into ANY Hall of Fame
or have All The Waterfront Ducks
remember my name, but that’s OK,
so long as Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash
singing now over the PA system at Starbucks
will cut me some slack
while they’re singing, “Jackson,”
that’ll be OK with me –
I’m not asking for Instant Fame,
Fortune, or Notoriety, I AM a Patient Man.
So long as The Illegitimate Donald Trump
doesn’t nuke (sell or buy with his
less-than-a-real billionaire,
Russian money-laundering-income)
North Korea in our sleep,
we’ve still got tomorrow
(until he’s impeached by Christmas)
and we can sing “Jingle Bells” & “Silent Night”
once again and thank Robert Mueller
the most at this Thanksgiving 2017
for all his indictments and MORE
currently in the works.
I upload my stuff to my Facebook pages,
it seems like I’ve been doing this for ages –
4,700 Likes they say I’ve acquired,
that’s a bundle of rotations for this old tire –
Does that make me some kind of
Digital Mark Twain
or a Virtual Robert Frost
or a recycling penny in the rain?
If each Like were a dollar,
I’d be miles ahead,
or proof to some marketing Ace
I’ve got places to go
before I’m dead.
I’m OPEN for suggestions,
how do I proceed?
An easier daily workload
is something I could use
this body’s getting tired,
if not abused, how much can I bleed
doing this stuff forever: ??
Maybe a NEW CD is in the works in 2018?
Stay tuned.
Corporate Sphere
36 years in the Corporate Sphere,
I’ve been tumbled, turmoiled, sliced, diced, chopped, grated and graded, put aside, added to, awarded, frozen in pay, negotiated, promoted, and laid off more than once. I’ve lost my edges, found new grit, been hammered and made malleable, alloyed, and enriched. Been asked to leave or left more times than fingers on my hand. Wow, what an experience! Would I do it all over again the same way? You gotta be kidding, I’d rather dance with the Devil in wooden shoes, but what are my alternatives? Being bored to death in some basement organization with leaking pipes, no sunlight, and no diversity? It’s a market place and everything and every one has a label and a price, a place of birth, death, origin, exit, alpha and omega. There is no free lunch, it all has to be earned. Good luck and sense of direction. There are very few maps but a few rules:
1. Keep your powder and your seasonings dry,
2. Persevere 3. Try to have some fun
along the way.
©Peter Bray 11/19/2017
All rights reserved
Peter Bray lives, works, and writes in Benicia, California
and has written this column since 2008.
Sorry to spoil your Thanksgiving Peter. But President Trump will not be impeached. He will finish the first term and be re-elected. I love hearing Frank Sinatra singing “My way”. A salute to President Trump. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We can now all say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holliday.
Robert Mueller will clean Trump’s clock, treason of collusion with Putin to effect a US election and obstruction of justice are not playground offenses even for Republicans except for Nixon.Your misogynistic science-denier can’t even conjure up a national health plan…”Merry Christmas” never left our vocabulary, so even that is a trivial accomplishment. Perhaps his only.
Peter we are in the Christmas season. The lighting of the Christmas Tree at the end of First Street. A very exciting and joyful event. As I said Happy Holidays was before Thanksgiving. Now it is after Thanksgiving. So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Peter. President Trump is doing very well. That is why we have elections. If he does not do well he will not be elected. I do hope you are looking at the accomplishments meant for all. World threats, economy, immigration etc. I could name many but you would never agree with any. Call me what you want Peter. But I am not a misogynist. By calling me that you do not know me. I do call it as I see it and do present facts. I want to see you out shopping on First Street Peter. Support our local merchants. They all desire our support. There are all great business’ .
Flashback: “Trump is just weeks or hours away from full disclosure for Treason & Impeachment for complicity with the Russians in the 2016 Election” Peter Bray March 9, 2017
Maybe he meant 34 weeks or 5,700 hours?
Thank you Dennis. That was good. Merry Christmas.
Trump is a science-denying flake. The corrupt GOP is complicit with his every treasonous move, they need him as a diversion. Mueller is a real asset to the US. Where is your wonderful tax reformation plan for the middle class? Your TrumpCare or RyanCare or McConnellCare answer to ObamaCare? How will you fare with no EPA? What kind of foul environment will you tolerate?
I’ve been a supporter of Benicia since arriving here in 1982. I have seen neither of your and DDL’s names on an any volunteer, committee, appointee or elective office roster in 35 years. Aside from your pro-fossil fuel attitudes, what pray tell will be your legacy to Benicia? Harassing Letters to Mayor Patterson? Can I pray there’s something more?
Peter said: “ I have seen neither of your and DDL’s names on an any volunteer, committee, appointee …””
As to myself Peter,: you have not paid close enough attention. As to my thoughts on the mayor: give me one example of a negative comment I have made in reference to her Again, you are not paying attention.
Peter I have been in Benicia eight years+. I have two grandchildren who graduated from Benicia schools. Both went on to college. One is a Grammar School Principle at 32. The other is in the enviro field out of state. I also have two other grandchildren that are in Benicia schools. One at the the Benicia Middle school. One at Benicia High School My son-in-law is a Benicia High School teacher. My daughter is a high school teacher Marin County. Peter in my life I have done a lot of volunteer work. I was a member of the 1984 Olympic Committee. I never saw your name. I have over the years done many things in every community that I lived. My wife volunteers in this city. Peter I do not need a lecture from a has been failure that is still working. Peter I am 84 and could run circles around you. Quit tooting that bicycle horn of yours. It is worn out as are you.