By Kerry Lee
Intention. It’s a thought, an idea, an inspiration, a desire that with mindful action can change everything. When we create with intention, whether making soup, planting a garden or writing a business plan, it turns out differently than if we are not paying real attention to the process. And when we access our own internal “knowings” that may not have been accessed before, through our heart, our imagination and intuition, and then express ourselves through our hands and creativity, transformations can occur.
Welcome to Creativity at Work. This is my first column in a weekly series on Intentional Creativity and Wellness, and I would like to introduce myself. Four years ago, on January 1st, 2013, while well into mid-life, I declared that I was ready to recreate the way I lived my daily life. Especially my working life. The path I had created was depleting my energy; mentally and physically, my life force, instead of feeding my energy. It was time for change, and to love my life and myself as much as possible. I still had many years of life and work ahead of me. And with intention I set out to find something new.
I was born an artist. My way of expressing myself was through my hands and creativity. My first painting at the age of three, was of President John F. Kennedy’s casket with an American flag draped on it. As I grew up I lost my way and became what I call a “constipated creative”, only able to create when I took art classes. When I made this fateful New Years’ declaration for a new path, I imagined myself using my business background and producing mind, body, spirit and creativity retreats. Little did I know that sixteen months later I would be away from my California home and in New Zealand teaching a transformative step-by-step method of creativity that all can do. This method, called Intentional Creativity® can release blocks (it sure did mine!), heal negative life experiences and transform them into empowering new stories, as well as get clarity and vision for a desired future. Two years later I would leave corporate life to venture out on my own to share this way of being with the world. I call it my soul work. What I am here to do.
Each week I will be sharing a story, an inspiration, a suggestion or an activity for you to experiment with and enjoy while living with intention and creativity in your life and work. For today, and whatever you are doing today, stop and pause for a moment, thinking about the results or enjoyment you would like to receive from this activity and set an intention for that. And notice if the journey and the results are different than you might expect. Even if that activity is washing the dishes. Notice, see, smell, feel the bubbles and their prismatic beauty on the sponge. Who knows, maybe it will feel less like a chore and more like play! Until next time, may your intentions find something new and wonderful for you.
Kerry Lee, a 25 year Benicia resident, is a Certified Intentional Creativity™ Teacher and Coach leading group workshops, experiential retreats, mobile social painting parties, customized corporate team building and corporate social responsibility events and teaches essential oil lifestyle and wellness classes. Find her at
Your writing inspires me to read your next column and do the dishes!
Happy to have inspired Shelley! Thank you
I’m so happy for you and the work that’s changed your life’s path. I’m looking forward to reading your weekly offerings.
Thank you Susan! You’ve witnessed much of it too. If you’d like to subscribe to my Occasional E-Newsletter (going out today) as well you can sign up here.
I’m looking forward to the weekly updates. Thank you for a nice introduction Kerry Lee and to the Benicia Hearld for carrying what looks to be an inspiring column.
Thank you Kim.