Having recently moved to Benicia, There’s virtually nothing we don’t like. Good schools and there’s much to do for kids, Adults are happy here too, so we’re psyched! Except first off, we found fisherman (unlike our neighbors) When asked what they fished for, weren’t kind. We didn’t believe when they said they were fishing for […]
Jeff Burkhart’s “Rhyme and Reason”: Smooth Brains
Our brains need convolutions Just to squeeze our minds inside Otherwise our heads would be Too tall and much too wide Think of all the desk top files That hide behind our brow Shakespeare, Einstein, Nixon Kerouac and Chairman Mao Science, Santa, etiquette; So many rules of thumb The more the convolutions then The farther […]
Poetry Corner: Bud Light “Quiet Desperation”
Wars and disease may be the cause Of some man’s expiration Yet isn’t it true that most of us live In a state of quiet desperation? Imprisoned as we are by the bore of routine Immersed in a quagmire of rut Holding the mentality to break clean away But lacking in courage and gut. We […]
Poetry Corner: James Garrett “Two People”
Just two people, standing still. Alone the two, upon the hill. Sun shines down and seems to say, “Come walk again with me today.” Soft breeze blows and seems to know, They’ll be together, wherever they go. To feel the warmth throughout the day. The touch of love with no need to say.
The A Cappella Handyman: Dream Trough
Dream Trough Did you fall in again? It’s not a river or a closet or a book or a collection, but an old, nearly hollowed out horizontal tree body with closed ends. Somewhat like what you might expect deer to drink from in a forest. And therein float our dream fragments, our poor befuddled brain […]
Jeff Burkhart’s “Rhyme and Reason”: Perspective
Basking in my fatal flaw Jack Daniels, rocks; no fruit no straw Stocked in Perth, Rome and Sumatra Drink of choice for Frank Sinatra Drink the first, my mind starts numbing Drink the second; poems start coming Drink another, it’s my third Oops; I just mis-spelled a word Counting drinks that I have drunk Thinking […]
Poetry Corner: James Garrett “Pretty Trees”
The trees were pretty on Saturday. You were young and clean. Beneath the boughs we walked, On grass bright with green. Your hand in mine was placed. A lovely shoulder touched my arm. I smelled the sun on your hair. I sheltered you from harm. Grass grows. Lovers walk. Love grows. Such sweet talk.
Poetry Corner: Johanna Ely “July”
In this month darkness comes late leaves glisten for hours in waning light breezes calm the heat a fan purrs in the room while cats sleep belly up miniature moons dance on a wall then disappear the roses in the vase swell and unfold petals curl then drop too soon the peaches too soft the […]
Poetry Corner: Bud Light “The Choice”
We are, all of us wholly unto ourselves existing, as a thread somewhere between nothingness and eternity. The choice, as to the weaving of the thread, and its colour is ours.
Jeff Burkhart’s “Rhyme and Reason”: The Gnat in the Glass
Upon the lip of my wine glass A tiny gnat alit All day he darted here and there He wanted just to sit The fragrance of the wine was wafting Up for him to smell The gnat was slowly drawn into It’s deep dark purple spell He felt a certain tipsiness His head began to […]