What about medicinal only? Many opponents of regulated cannabis activity in our town have stated that the convincing win of Proposition 64 in Benicia was not an indication that the community actually wants adult use sales here. Some have even stated they voted for legalization but don’t want it sold here. Some of these folks […]
Steve Young: The rationale for my cannabis vote
A recent guest column by Dennis Lowry referenced the following article that I posted on social media two days after the Dec. 19 meeting at which the City Council voted 4-1 to allow cannabis businesses– exclusive of downtown and the Southhampton Shopping Center. I want to thank Mr. Lowry for his kind words about my […]
Letter: Benicia deserves better
Benicia deserves better Here’s something that might take your breath away, literally. I recently learned that the city of Benicia has not received a report from Valero concerning the events that led to a large release of toxic chemicals into the air in May. The event was serious enough to cause evacuation of the industrial […]
Bob Livesay: No change in council thinking in 2018
By Bob Livesay Special to the Herald A very happy new year to all. Yes, 2018 will be a challenge for the city of Benicia. The biggest thing to look forward to is the City Council election in November. The biggest issue is water/sewer rates. Economic development will be a major issue too. At that […]
Dennis Lowry: Council gives Benicia a lump of coal for Christmas
(Editor’s note: This column was published in two parts in the print edition for spatial reasons. It is being posted here in its entirety.) I was disappointed that all but one member of our City Council voted to allow marijuana to be legally grown, cultivated, processed and commercially sold in our little town beginning sometime […]
Cannabis: Evolving in Benicia
“You bet I did, and I enjoyed it!” said businessman Michael Bloomberg when answering a reporter’s question about cannabis consumption previous to his first run for mayor of New York City, where he went on to serve three terms. I had the same response back in 1965, and went on to enjoy “recreational” cannabis consumption […]
Roger Straw: Councilmembers and city staff, please get the ball rolling on ISO
At its May 23, 2017 meeting, the Benicia City Council agreed on a 4-1 vote to “agendize in the future” a discussion on possible adoption of an Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO). That was over seven months ago now. More than most, I am aware of the time it often takes for government to move forward […]
Letter: Better regulated than unregulated
Regulated is better than unregulated Benicia parents are concerned about regulated cannabis activity in Benicia. In a perfect world, youth would not want to experiment with cannabis but that is not the reality. For whatever reason, youthful interest is consistent from generation to generation. Few if any members of our community disagree that chronic youthful […]
Dennis Lund: Predictions? We don’t need no stinkin’ predictions
With apology offered to B. Traven for the above appropriation of his words, I wanted to take a moment, as we approach 2018, to look back on tumultuous 2017 or more specifically, some of the comments made foretelling of coming events. It takes a certain person: cocky, self-assured and thick skinned to make such predictions. […]
Mark Altgelt: Stop an impending global crisis
By Mark Altgelt Special to the Herald (Note: This article has been corrected and expanded from the previous version.) Antarctica, Greenland and Arctic ice is melting because more than 90 percent of the heat from greenhouse gas emissions has been absorbed into the oceans and warm currents are rapidly melting exposed ice. Warm currents are […]