The national cannabis landscape is quickly advancing towards re-scheduling or de-scheduling cannabis to expedite research that has been stalled due to the DEA’s tight grip on cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug with NO medicinal value. To this end, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) has introduced legislation, with bipartisan sponsors, to collapse the federal bureaucracy that is limiting clinical research of cannabinoids in medicine. The senator’s pun-filled press release certified him as a “compassionate conservative,” a term introduced in the early part of this century, and reinforces the national trend of conservatives acknowledging the efficacy of cannabis medicines and advocating for expanded clinical research that has been restrained by the DEA’s categorization of cannabis. Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) recently signed several bills related to patient access to medical cannabis, and there are many other conservative legislators and candidates that have taken hold of the trend to advocate for safe access to cannabis for patients as a platform to assure election, and it is paying off. Although most conservatives typically are in opposition to “recreational” consumption, many are joining the movement towards patient access in all 50 states eventually. More states are expected to remove barriers to patient access in 2018 and beyond.
The national opioid epidemic is said to claim over 90 American lives a day. Prescription drug abuse, especially with synthetic opioids, is killing more Americans than illegal street drugs (CDC). No state has escaped the scourge of Rx opiate drug overdosing and death. States where cannabis is accessible are showing 25 percent reductions in opioid-related deaths. Entire nations have deployed cannabis as an alternative to opioid addiction and death, such as Canada and Israel. I have a particular interest in veterans issues and how the VA in some states makes it difficult for vets that prefer cannabis over opioids to safely access it, forcing them to acquire it from the dark market, travel to an adjoining state, or grow their own illegally. Still resonating with me is the comment from local businessman Tom Hamilton, who told our city council that his veteran friend was on a path of self-destructive behavior with opioids until he substituted cannabis. In our community, we have citizens that acknowledge cannabis as medicine but do not support local safe patient access, as well as some that are incredulous about the medical efficacy of cannabis, despite testimony from Tom, myself, and others and the fact that cannabis has been recognized as medicine for thousands of years until prohibition came along and seeded the lies that are still being repeated 90 years later.
Benicia voters racked up nearly two-thirds in support of Proposition 64 last November. The recent City of Benicia Town Hall poll indicated around 15 percent supported medicinal consumption only, and can rightfully be added to the “adult use” tally to push support for cannabis into the seventy percentile range. It has been said the town is divided on the cannabis issue. More like it is partitioned, with a very small number in opposition, citing concerns about increased crime, lower property values, image, fear of feds, and the traditional “message to youth.” There is NO evidence supporting increased crime due to cannabis dispensaries, but plenty of it indicating the opposite effect. Property values sinking? No protest from the local real estate community expressing this concern. Image? We have rotting ships offshore, a toxic waste dump in the hills, munitions in the ground (with regular warnings in our water bills), homes built on an unregulated landfill and an oil refinery. A bipartisan congressional committee has denied funds for the Department of Justice to prosecute cases in states where cannabis is legal and this trend is not expected to change. The youth of our community have been heard by way of an excellent Forum submission from Andrew Kelly, Benicia High School senior and future voter, along with potentially thousands of youth voters that will help elect our two expiring council seats in 2018. Teens and young adults are recognizing that chronic cannabis consumption could affect brain development in the early years. Statistics from several states where cannabis is regulated indicate youth consumption to be on a downward trend. The takeaway message from Andrew’s work is that youth view legalization as the undoing of a decades-long civil rights issue, and are not likely to vote for anyone with anti-cannabis views, especially those not supportive of local safe access and responsible adult use.
Seniors like me are the largest demographic of cannabis consumers, almost exclusively for pain management in lieu of traditional opioid regimens. One citizen warned the council that it could someday be possible for a cannabis storefront to open right across the street from senior living centers. That would be great in my opinion. I have previously mentioned the 500-plus members of a cannabis club at the exclusive Rossmoor retirement community in Walnut Creek. They rely on delivery services because Walnut Creek does not allow cannabis storefronts. Rossmoor residents will start visiting Benicia when our cannabis shoppes open, along with thousands of other East Bay, Napa, and Solano consumers.
The so-called “war on drugs” has failed to make a dent in the popularity of cannabis across the nation, proven out by the regular addition of more states permitting and regulating consumption. Twenty-eight states today, a dozen or so more expected to flip in 2018 election cycle. More importantly, the national opioid epidemic has coalesced politicians of both major parties to recognize the deployment of cannabis as a tool in the war on opioid addiction and abuse. I am extremely grateful that three of our elected officials have taken a worldly view of cannabis issues extending beyond Benicia, and have now become gladiators in the war on opioid abuse and the DEA stubbornness to release a hostage plant that has done immensely more good than harm over thousands of years.
I am an advocate of whole plant cannabis; as fiber, food, fuel, and medicine/recreant. I don’t care if you eat it, inhale it, rub it on, drip it under your tongue, or use a suppository. What you do in your own home as a consumer is none of my business. I am a Prop. 215 patient since 2009, and an aficionado of vaporizer systems in lieu of traditional combustion inhalation of plant material. I grew plants in my home and processed the resins into two pounds of powerful topical analgesic, and travel to Sonoma County to acquire vaporizer cartridges. I look forward to shopping Benicia instead in the near future.
Stan Golovich is a 31-year Benicia resident, senior, veteran, artist, and cannabis advocate-educator. He is an alumnus of Oaksterdam University in Oakland, America’s first cannabis college. He is the husband of former Benicia City Councilmember Jan Cox-Golovich, and is often seen riding his bike on First Street, said to be the only bicycle in the world with a stained glass window in the frame, a product of his work in stained glass.
It appears Stan that by shopping in Benicia for your medical cannabis may be very difficult unless what you really want is recreational and not medicinal. I do understand that medicinal cannabis can give great relief to folks. I have no problem with that. But it appears Stan you are not pushing medical cannabis you are pushing recreational cannabis. I am not clear on your motivation. If there is no delivery or ,medical cannabis store fronts in Benicia I do think your total mission is recreational cannabis. I do think you need to clear that up with the voters. Why would I say voters because you brought it up. You want the pro recreational cannabis voters to grab those two seats. So as we all see Stan you have brought Progressive politics into the conversation. As far as Rossmoor goes I do believe it is medical cannabis they are reaching out for and not recreational. Big difference Stan. Stan have you talked to the real estate people, teachers, school administrators, school board or any parents of school age children. If so give us the information on their input. If all what you say is true you have taken very long trips around Benicia on your bike to get that info. We need facts Stan not your personal opinion or hear say. I do believe we will have recreational cannabis store fronts in this city Probably two. Maybe not delivery or store front for medical cannabis. The council will decide this. It will not be in the Raleys center. State law prevents that. And may also may not be in Solano Square. May also be limited on First Street. The council will decide that. Do not count on your mystery third vote on parks Stan. Stan there is no doubt you are pro recreational cannabis. I do not understand that because you talk about medicinal benefit from medical cannabis. You need to take care of that mixed up talk. Maybe you are for both. Good reasons of explanation would help. Thank you.
As usual, it’s hard to believe– and certainly difficult to follow the chop-logic — of the droopy Owl character above. His usual, tired accusations, innuendo, snarkiness and holier-than-thou finger-pointing abounds. Again. As one folk-poet summarily put it: “A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest….”
I was moved to reply to the actual essay itself, which by all accounts, is superbly written while reflecting an informed, experienced and innovative perspective on what’s practical and possible, while recogniziing and respecting the limitations of virtually ALL approaches in this diverse small town. Whether one wants to join Mr. G in his position or support it with certain tweaks, or disagree altogether with its conclusions, it is a very impassioned, respectful and knowledgeable stance. Thank you, sir.
“The Owl” does know what he is talking about. Get your reading classes on Robert?. Because I am the only one in town it appears that is willing to take on Stan and the rest of his limited followers I will be a target. I know that and except that. So have at it all you Progressives. I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I just wait for your personal attacks. It is just the usual suspects with a few that fear to ID themselves. Big win for the “Owl”.
You seem to be the only character out there “keeping score, ” Owl. Is this a game? Unbeknownst to you, apparently, the vast majority of us from all political stripes — and it’s always a pleasure to watch you defensively and inexplicably label people to your eerie political fantasy — are actually trying to solve problems together, think with clear heads and with eyes open to other peoples’ contributions.
Goodnight, Owl.
I am very open to other peoples contributions. They all seem to think it is their way or no way. I am not like that. Just read all the comments. They are correct and want no other words written or spoken to counter their very one sided view. I have always said there would be two recreational cannabis stores in town. I have never glamorized recreational cannabis as others have.; Please be open minded.
Hi Stan,
Great column today.
I have a question about the vaporizer cartridge. Is that the same as a vape pen? And do you know of a place to buy those that is closer then Sonoma?
Vape pens are a generic name to describe any number of small discreet vaporizer systems, usually consisting of a cannabis concentrate cartridge and a battery, joined by an industry standard screw-on fitting. This type requires button pushing on the battery to activate the system. Some are concentrate and battery enclosed in a pen-like case and buttonless, meaning you just start inhaling and the atomizer starts making vapor. Incredible technology. Most if not all the eleven dispensaries in Vallejo should be carrying a variety of vapor-delivery systems. You would have to describe to the cannatech what type of response you desire to achieve. They are trained to guide you to the right strain for your situation..
At my dispensary in Sonoma, I have seen the display cases go from all flowers and pre-rolls to now about half as many because the concentrates market is going vertical on sales as people discover the advantages of not inhaling smoke. The last two times I went there they were giving away ten dollar pre-rolled “cones” (a big fat joint) because combustion inhaling is on a big downturn.
As far as vape pen technologies go, I would recommend finding a place that sells Rove cartridges and Icarus batteries. Rove is using the Itsuwa V9 ceramic wick cartridge with top-flow air ports. The Icarus batteries use the new micro USB cable technology for re-charging. Just screw the Rove cart onto the Icarus battery and you have a top-end delivery system.
Thank you for that information, Stan.
You’re welcome. I recommend two batteries, as one will not be enough to last to the point of cartridge exhaustion.
“One citizen warned the council that it could someday be possible for a cannabis storefront to open right across the street from senior living centers.” As the Reefer Madness-indoctrinated generation subsides, the above will be seen as as selling point for those seeking elderly care, whether recreational or otherwise.
It’s too bad the community cannot discuss this issue without the town kook blathering nonsense almost every comment.
Who is the town kook Janet.
You are.
Your description of “KOOK”.
It is being discussed Janet. You just do not like the other side. I hope I am the town kook.
I believe that Benicia First Street could quickly evolve into a hybrid Fairfax-Berkeley Fourth Street type destination when cannabis is made available there. Fairfax has the ONLY medicinal cannabis dispensary in Marin County. The county bans cannabis, but all Marin consumers head for Lynnette Shaw’s place to load up. I was a member there until the shutdown a few years back, but she is back to serving the needs of thousands of patients, just 50 feet from a youth baseball field. I never did get the distancing issue since youth cannot buy it anyway.
The anti-cannabis crowd remind me of the flat earthers. They have no facts but plenty of dramatic, emotional testimony. By the way, our tea party was wonderful last month, and a little naughty.
Sounds like old Benicia is turning into a really swinging burg. Time to bring back the train ferries?
Right? Next we’ll start hearing that devil music everywhere and seeing routine dust-ups in the town square.
It’s clear some conservative-labeled voices are conflicted on the emerging new face of the GOP, driven mainly by a generational shift, a view expressed earlier by Thomas Petersen. I have sought the views on Benicia regulated cannabis from resident conservative-labeled OGs. They had no problem with it because it’s here anyway. The old canards about youth zombies, crime, and gateways have been refuted, in a lot of cases by official federal government policy statements, or fed-sponsored commissions and studies conclusions. Conservatives are lining up behind the views of Orinn Hatch, calling for more research and less federal interference, because there IS proof that cannabis is medicine.
The Planning Commission is set to green light cannabusiness in Benicia, including consumer sales in commercial areas, not in the Industrial Park. We already know the welcome mat is out at BID for supply chain, quality control, and research ops. The eleven regulated dispensaries in Vallejo still don’t have a local regulated supply chain, Vallejo staff is not going to even discuss supply chain ops until December or later, so wholesale activity at BID is sure to go straight up solely on demand from Vallejo market, not to mention local Benicia market demand. Add to this consumer demand from Napa, the East Bay, and up-county. They would be happy to shop in Benicia on First Street, and they will someday. The new policy gives the hammer to the Police Chief to pull the plug on any cannabusiness not in compliance with local/state regs. That’s good enough for me.
Thanks for the shout out, Stan! You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Where did you get your info on the planning commission. They have not had the meeting yet. Stan you are very confused on the Republican Party. The Republican party hold the President, Senate, House of Representatives, Governors and the state houses. I would say the GOP is doing very well. You are using only California it appears for your info. We are alive and well.
What I am finding with consistency in reviewing 2016 election results, from ours and surrounding counties, is that individual cities passed Prop. 64 but most still disallow cannabis activity other than delivery. All the better for BID as a delivery hub, with a fleet of EVs charged by on on-site array. Onboard GPS and route management software so all you need are drivers to deliver the product and collect the tip. Something like the “Geek Squad” for cannabis delivery. It’s being delivered to Benicia now, anyone notice? .
Stan can you give us any of the info on just who is doing this delivery service. Where they are located and how often do they come to Benicia. Or are they already permitted/business license/property to work out in Benicia to do this service. If so how many and who. You seem to have a lot of info that needs to be verified. That info would be helpful. Thank you.
Stan, you have not answered my questions.
The cannabis industry indicates about half of California’s huge consumer demand is satisfied by delivery services, most under the radar during the rules flux. These are all independent operators or in some cases a service of a regulated dispensary. A regulated fleet-scale delivery business at BIP could double the retail revenues realized by cannabusiness in Benicia because the sales taxes would ring up here.
Sales tax could go to point of destination if not delivered in Benicia. May want to check that out.
I have no problem with cannabis sales in Benicia and I am Conservative/Libertarian. Let’s generate the revenues that will offset the city fees; I.e. Water Bills!
While we’re at it … let’s legalize all drugs…. heroin, cocaine, … everything. Let’s sell it for profit. More revenues. It’s all a personal choice.
But wait … do I have to pay for the resulting medical bills downline? Hmmm. I thought this was all about personal choice, so why am I on the hook for other people’s choices? Maybe single payer health isn’t fair …. hmmmmm.
Lots to think about.
I think I favor legalized drugs as long as we don’t have single payer/socialized medical. You want to get high and wreck your health, dude, go for it! I just don’t want to have to pay your medical bills.
Key quote from the post below:
“No matter the size of the community, retail marijuana has been, well, a big hit.”
From the above commentor:
“I have no problem with cannabis sales in Benicia and I am Conservative/Libertarian. Let’s generate the revenues that will offset the city fees; I.e. Water Bills”
Well stated, sir.
Key question: Should the revenue from this product be used specifically, as the the citizen mentioned above or should it just be used as part of the General Fund? Either way, it seems to be a win-win for our “little city.”
The article below gives our citizenry and our appointed and elected representatives more information and news about marijuana revenue stream from small to large cities in Colorado…this may give our community a sneak preview of what to expect in the near future.
A clip from the article—Marijuana sales tax revenue huge boon for Colorado cities
“From small towns that barely dot the map to the state’s largest urban areas, revenue from retail marijuana sales is helping communities address homelessness, send children to college, patch potholes, secure water rights and fund an array of projects”
Nice try Will. Aurora, Colorado is ten times the size of Benicia. Water/sewer is an enterprise fund. Will not go there. The question that no one seems to have the answer for is how much tax revenue will two recreational cannabis stores bring in. Does Will even know. There will be tax money no question about that. But how much. When the city General Fund is going up at the rate of 1mil a year any tax receive will be just keep the lights on. Mostly because of CalPers unfunded liability which is not going away any time soon. The real avenue for sales tax is the development of the Seeno property. Put three electric/hybrid car dealers there and your problem could well be solved. This asleep at the switch council will never do that. It makes too much sense. I do believe Councilmember Hughes does understand economic development. We need two more councilmembers that think that way and the city long term financial issues could be solved. The elections of 2018/2020 is your chance. No more Patterson/Young councilmembers.
The City of Davis just closed a two-week window for dispensary operators to apply for a Conditional Use Permit. They are going to allow FOUR dispensaries, in Mixed Use zones, with an option to allow more later. Basically, they are going to let the market drive how many they will allow. Prop. 64 passed overwhelmingly in Davis. They have also amended their zoning to permit and regulate cannabusinesses from seed to sale (cultivation, processing, quality control, etc.) Davis is seeing a HUGE amount of sales tax leakage from residents and UCD students running over to Sacramento to acquire cannabis. Some Benicia residents may recall when Davis banned off-sale liquor and you had to go to a liquor store just on the other side of the city limit line. They changed that back in the eighties for the same reason.
If this doesn’t make your eye wet, you are heartless. Unfortunately, our city council is not unanimous in believing cannabis’ medicinal efficacy.
Is AG Sessions going soft? Sparring of two conservative-labeled pols today, one compassionate, the other not so much.
One by one. Here’s Concord with a major policy shift.
One of the compassionate OGs in our town told me I was like a refreshing hybrid of (Former City Treasurer) Bob Langston, Rick Ernst, and Jim Milburn, all dearly departed. In that spirit, I sent out my own survey to determine the winner of the Oscar Mayer Award from the recent Planning Commission meeting on cannabis. I’ll post the results tomorrow.
Berkeley is gearing up to have traffic jams galore Jan. 1. A friend tells me their only concern is the capacity of the safe in their Finance Department. Do we really want to be like Berkeley, or Davis?
There is no need to protect churches from cannabis. Why hasn’t St. Paul’s protested dispensaries on First Street?
“Seek and ye shall find”, the Episcopal Church supports safe access of medicinal cannabis.
Thank you, Saint Paul’s.
Episcopalians are my favorite. Very open minded. I rent an office in an Episcopalian church. The pastor and admins there are the kindest ladies.
Cannabis and Red Cross, side by side?
“I want to be on the forefront of this industry and be a part of the normalization of (cannabis)”
Members of our local education community have expressed a fear of “normalization”, among other things. Here is a contrasting perspective on the new buzzword of the anti-cannabis assembly in town.
Hayward and Union City are getting on board the Cannabis Express to prosperity. Concord is going soft by allowing delivery. As mentioned previously, many East Bay cities ban storefronts but allow delivery. Out of sight, out of mind. These cities are where the biggest delivery markets are.
What is emerging from the anti-cannabis assembly in our town is a great fear of recreational sales, like people will purchase cannabis on First Street, smoke a joint in their car and go careening back home. I believe first time consumers will approach very cautiously, in the privacy of their homes, with a low dose edible portion. Enjoy a rich dark chocolate square with less than 10mg to check out the response. Follow the directions on the package and heed the warnings. Responsible adult use. It’s that simple.
“Marijuana addiction can also lead to stronger drugs and the social problems they could cause including joblessness, homelessness and crime,” – Alameda resident addressing city council. This is why there are bans in some cities and not in others. The majorities are either pro or con cannabis, most of the con rooted in archaic unfounded fears. It’s been a scare campaign for ninety years, fizzling out quickly all across America. Here’s the nutty view in Alameda, that if they ban “A” license activity, only legitimate patients will have access, not the “stoners” that will ruin Alameda’s image, corrupt the kids, crime, etc.
Here is a refresher on CBD:THC interactions. Basically, medicinal efficacy of cannabis is NOT limited to low or no presence of THC. Please do your homework. there will be a test on Nov. 7th.
Go Astros
For instance, this strain is highly desired by those with sleep disorders. Very high THC and also very popular with strictly recreational consumers. Available in vaporizer cartridges so no reason to eat smoke if you prefer this strain for whatever reason.
It’s a miracle drug! It cures diseases, sleep disorders, probably even cancer! It lowers crime rates! It’s non addictive! Cities that embrace pot sales have falling crime rates, quality of life sky rockets, city coffers overflow with cash! It’s a miracle!
And I have ocean front property in Arizona I’d like to sell you …
Cmon Stan, et al, it’s a drug. It gets users stoned. Intoxication is a good thing? No crime is ever associated with intoxication, right?
It’s legal. We can tax it. There will be offsetting costs. Will the costs exceed the income? No one knows. But all these posts about the miraculous social and medicinal affects of marijuana are just laughable. In 5 minutes on Google I found a dozen arguments countering your posted articles.
Agree to disagree. But I am sure your new business of growing and processing pot will be solid and lucrative. You may not be able to do it in Benicia. I really don’t care. I wish you success. And I hope you do get your business opened in Benicia. Seriously.
But pot is no miracle savior for Benicia. And I do believe it will cause more problems than benefits.
Should be a short line of prohibitionists on the 7th. League and Police Chiefs flip from policy of “unconditional opposition” to support for regulation. It’s that simple. You’ll learn.
A new kind of lettuce is king in Watsonville.
SC County is going to boom.
Stan how come you never answer any questions I ask.
I spoke with the one of the top owner/operators in North Bay cannabusiness that has a vision, and $$$, to BUILD an international training campus in Solano County for the cannabis industry. Everything from seed to security, staffed by seasoned pros in the business. Basically the Oaksterdam model scaled up several orders, with student housing either adjacent or very close to public trans.
I really can’t wait for open sales on First Street and Raley’s shopping center. It will be miraculous!
Money will fall from the skies, parents can cure kids diseases by consuming the herb, and we can all get high.
Awesome dudes.
I love your comment Matter. I think we all know that Raley’s and First Street are out. But I took your comment as I think it was meant. Funny, very funny. The one thing you left out was the Micro Cannabis operation in the lower Arsenal. Top to bottom action. Retail sales and even a welcome sign to consume on sight. I assume the chair of the Planning Commission wants to now hold all their meetings there. Maybe councilmember Young will even want the City Council Meetings their followed by the CSC group. What a revolting issue.
Just sarcasm.
Reading all the comments from the pro weed group …. makes me laugh! They remind me of snake oil salesmen. Miracle drug! It cures everything and it will solve Benicia’s financial crises at the same time! Amazing!
Marijuana is a drug. It intoxicates. It is legal. Fine. I don’t care. But increased intoxication due to readily available and legal supply is going to cause problems and will cost the city resources. Do we know how much? Nope. Will the tax dollars collected offset the costs? Don’t know.
But the legal selling and processing of marijuana is not miraculous. Some people will make money; good for them! But let’s not make this into something that it is not: a miraculous cure all for the city.
You are correct. Good Comment
I hope Stan runs for mayor or something. I have learned a lot from his articles.
Here’s tony Marin County going soft. For the money? Absolutely. All the MC consumer spending for cannabis has been concentrated in Fairfax, and now the county wants some of the big $$$ to be spent in unincorporated areas. That’s been the pattern in other counties as well. From total ban to allowing deliveries, then an interest in permitting one or two as a trial.
Fairfax has the only cannabis storefront in MC, FIFTY feet from a Little League field for the last twenty years, NEVER been robbed.
This about medical and not recreational store front sales. This means nothing to Benicia.
According to a survey submitted by the Benicia Youth Action Coalition, cannabis use is “very prevalent”, with easy access at BHS and Liberty. This is NOT news. “Edibles are sold openly on the school grounds”? This IS news to me. But the hammer is that 70% of the youth say they are using cannabis edibles to help them sleep since they are slugging down energy drinks all day! That is the ROOT CAUSE of youth cannabis consumption at the high schools. The youth are cranked up on ADDICTIVE energy drinks! The district should sweep its own doorstep first and get a grip on the abuse of energy drinks by youth! Most likely acquired at Southampton Center and Safeway. These are ANOTHER youth killer! There are several brands targeting younger consumers.
As to “open sales”, I hope a council member drills down on this issue to.get to the truth. Seems like taking the K-9 for a random walk through both campuses unannounced would put the brakes on cannabis activity. I wonder if a
K-9 can be trained to sniff out Red Bull?
The BYAC and others may get their wish regarding Southampton Center. I have received no response yet from emails sent to Weingarten Realty agents in CA and CO, as well as the home office in Houston, regarding leasing to cannabis dispensaries.
Weingarten has 32 properties in western states where cannabis is regulated, plus Nevada. Maybe they will talk to staff. A council member surely may ask for a clarification on this issue, but it should not stop approving the area. A big cannabis operator could buy out Weingarten eventually.
“Without medical (cannabis) I would be dead”
Stan the focus by you and others on these runs has been recreational cannabis. Can you live with medical only in Benicia or do you want both? I do believe most of the public does understand the benefits from medical cannabis. Just what do you want Stan? You seem to be all ,over the board. I do understand your knowledge but am very confused by most of your comments. I think a straight out answer could answer the confusion.
A huge 9 point swing UP from a year ago among conservative-labeled respondents and rising fast. A year from now in our 2108 elections, conservative-labeled candidates with a history of anti-cannabis views are sure to be the least popular choices.
Stan I think you will see a non recreational cannabis candidate for City Council will be the most popular regardless of what you say or think. Its is very evident at present because of the schools, teachers, boards. Stan if you are talking about the City Council election in 2018 it is a non-partisan election.; No identify party by their name. Now Stan unless you go out of your way to make it a point to ID a candidate as a Republican then you have joined the “Progressive Democrats of Benicia”. Did you join that group? I do not expect an answer Stan. You never answer anything I ask.
Walnut Creek going soft? For the money?
Cannabis in Benicia is the biggest thing to come to town since Humble Oil. There will be new revenue and jobs for our youth. The pols and prospects regarded as conservative-leaning have all rung in on where they stand on regulated cannabis activity in our town. They all lost last election yet were resolute in continuing to paint themselves as anti-cannabis with a platter of nutty ideologies. No need to mention names any more as anyone who is paying attention knows who the most vocal cannabis players on both sides are.
We have heard compelling testimony from actual patients like myself or their friends. Fact is, a lot of patients in Benicia are mobility-impaired or experience other physical ailments that would make attending a City Council meeting a burden. Senior patients, the largest consumer group, include many veterans. Info from the Census Bureau indicate over 2000 vets in Benicia. Add in another couple thousand non-vet seniors as unverified but presumptive cannabis consumers, and you have a healthy block of senior votes that will not be filling the oval next to your name on the 2018 Benicia ballot if you have been pounding the drum to deny them local access to their medicine. Saying they can have it delivered is not good enough to cover your square as showing compassion for local patients. I like to browse the selections as do many other patients. I have seen cannabis emerge from darkness starting over 50 years ago, when a joint meant prison, so to me it is like landing on the Moon to be able to shop for a wide variety of cannabis products today.
Some locals have expressed acknowledgement that cannabis is medicine, they just don’t want it sold in our town. Does that sound right to anyone? Support for medicinal cannabis across the nation is so high that pollsters have little interest in it. What they are tracking now is the percentage of Americans that support full legalization, and that is rising quickly. The licensing program by the state does not require any local jurisdiction to permit both M and A license activity. Some operators I know are not going to apply for an A license because they want to remain as a small apothecary model serving the needs of patients. They don’t want the added traffic and inventory, Others are going to run a strictly A license operation, but many will probably apply for both licenses. Remember, it’s all the same cannabis with different labeling requirements. It would have been a smart play politically to support M license only. It wasn’t going to fly anyway, but at least it would have not tagged you as cruel and insensitive in the minds of citizens who experience relief by cannabis. That’s how it is going in my score book. It will be interesting to see who returns for an encore performance in Feb.
This article gives you the real story. Not as some of our local pro recreational cannabis folks thought. It will not be a big tax revenue stream for Benicia as some commentaries think. I was correct all along. Local pro cannabis recreational city councilmembers may well be out of a job and for sure that goes for any new candidate with the same MO.
So strange that you didn’t demand this person post their real name. is one of the best pro cannabis and cannabusiness sites in California. Their mission statement, in part, is “to tell the remarkable story and answer the many questions we all have about the expanding legal use of marijuana in California.” I am glad their site is getting some exposure here. They have a great piece on how to make cannabis oil –
Here is leadership from new-age Republicans. What is interesting is the Democrats bashing him for it.
This legislation is likely to pass easily.
Oh for gosh sakes …. marijuana is legal. Most of Benicia does not want pot stores on 1st Street or the Raley’s shopping center. It will still be readily available and legal. Why all the concern?
Pot was readily available when it was illegal. It is legal now. Why does the pro-pot Group feel the need to have pot stores on First and Raley’s? I don’t get it.
And to compare the potential tax revenues generated to the refinery? Are you high dude?
Pot is legal. Open a store in the industrial park. No 9ne cares and it won’t hurt sales. This subject is boring.
“The fact that we have a plant that can give them some respite and can help them if they have convulsions, if they have pain, constant pain, we can [pass] it and do what the federal government should have done a long time ago.” – Utah Rep. Mike Noel (R)
Newly announced Utah Senate seat candidate Mitt Romney (R) has yet to take a position on regulated cannabis, popular as a medicinal choice only at the present in this extremely conservative state. Retiring Rep. Orrin Hatch (R) has been a champion of removing federal obstacles stalling much needed research. My guess is Romney will continue the path forged by Hatch and win easily. The GOP is coming off the hard right margin, too fast for some.
Anyone who doubts the coming budget nightmare, please read the following:
Benicia and all CA cities face a budget disaster. The groundwork for this disaster was set in 1999 by then Governor Davis. Unrealistic if not criminal CalPERS returns were locked in. Soon, nearly 20% of our city’s budget will be consumed by pensions. Is it any wonder why water rates, fees, and charges are spiking? The only solution appears to be more taxes. Most likely a sales tax.
All this amounts to wealth distribution …. from the middle class to the state employees. Criminal.
Mitch McConnell? Where will it end?!
You don’t get any more significant than Senator McConnell getting behind the normalization of hemp production in our nation. Benicia has hundreds of acres of grassland that are a potential site for research and production cultivation of this multi-benefit agricultural product. We are planning on purple pipe water to Valero and can extend to the nearest cultivation site across the road.
“…expects that more developers will choose the path outlined by the law, which allows developers to move forward without city hall approval.”
Here is an example of SB35 on the city of Cupertino. Their General Plan provides for around 400 housing units at a former mall, but a developer is planning on 2400 that the city cannot stop. This is my concern for our undeveloped parcels north of Lake Herman Road in the near future. Measure K will not protect us from SB35. I would be pleased to hear otherwise.
New hope for vets with ouster of pruneheart VA Secretary.
**WARNING** The following information may cause discomfort to dedicated prohibitionist hard liners.
“Boehner said in a statement his position “has evolved” from opposing to supporting legalization of (cannabis).”
Stan do your homework. He has a vested financial interest. Just cut it out.
**WARNING** The following article may be too hard to take for some persistent rejectors. It will get worse as the months wear on. Prohibition is over and your island is getting smaller every day by the rising tide of knowledge and normalization. What is to be gained by a continued hard line stance against regulated cannabis, medicinal or otherwise?
What is interesting in Boehner’s remarks is that he is advocating for descheduling instead of rescheduling. This means removing cannabis from the list of controlled substances altogether, much like any herbal supplement.
Funny. I haven’t seen a Prohibitionist on this site yet. Are we paranoid due to the weed?
***WARNING*** The following cannabis-related news article from Texas may cause convulsions in hard line rejectors of medicinal cannabis in Benicia.
“At their state convention last week, Republicans added medical marijuana use and decriminalization to their party platform.”
The timing of this flip coincides with the FDA acceptance of cannabis as medicine. These pols evolved, and that’s that.
Illuminati can identify the sex of the plant in the photo.
Dude … it’s legal in CA. Were you high when it passed?
WARNING: stoners and daily pot smokers may have tizzy fits when reading this comment. Pot is legal in CA. You don’t need to promote legalization any further. You won.
Now … go order a pizza and eat a bag of Doritos. Chill. Pot is legal. Get some sleep and sober up.
Texas Republicans put the business end of their Tecovas up the backside of the DEA in calling for re-scheduling, consistent with the new sheriff in town, the FDA.
A little something for the Blackheart Society to aid in your evolution.
“CBD is more like maintenance,” Jana Adams said. “The THC actually works like a rescue medication. It stops (the seizures) within three minutes, and that’s really the life-saving part for us.”
The product just accepted by the FDA has proven effective and will be helping untold numbers of children. Hope it gets to an area pharmacy soon. The Governor has signed legislation making this product legal to sell at CA pharmacies despite DEA classification. Keep an eye on this one.