What is malware?
“Malware” is a term for any software that gets installed on your machine and performs unwanted tasks, often for some third party’s benefit. Malware programs can range from being simple annoyances (pop-up advertising) to causing serious computer invasion and damage (e.g., stealing passwords and data or infecting other machines on the network). Additionally, some malware programs are designed to transmit information about your web-browsing habits to advertisers or other third party interests, unbeknownst to you.
Types of malware
Some categories of malware are:
· Virus_- Software that can replicate itself and spread to other computers or are programmed to damage a computer by deleting files, reformatting the hard disk, or using up computer memory.
·_Adware_- Software that is financially supported (or financially supports another program) by displaying ads when you’re connected to the internet.
· Spyware_- Software that surreptitiously gathers information and transmits it to interested parties. Types of information that is gathered includes the Websites visited, browser and system information and your computer IP address.
·_Browser hijacking software_- Advertising software that modifies your browser settings (e.g., default home page, search bars, toolbars), creates desktop shortcuts, and displays intermittent advertising pop-ups. Once a browser is hijacked, the software may also redirect links to other sites that advertise, or sites that collect web usage information.
·_Ransomware – Ransomware blocks user access to data and demands payment to restore access. It’s possibly the most dangerous form of malware the average person regularly encounters. Once infected, the victim often has no choice but to pay the “ransom,” usually a few hundred dollars. In the past several years, ransomware has hit thousands of small businesses, government agencies and private individuals in North America, making millions for and the online criminals who distribute and operate it. It initially affected only Windows computers, but has spread to Android devices and_even Macs. There are two main types of ransomware: encrypting or “crypto” ransomware, which encrypts some or all of the_files_on the victim’s device; and screen-locking or “locker” ransomware, which disables the user interface.
· Trojan – _is software that may look legitimate, but tricks you into downloading it. It then activates, and can delete files and steal data or give the perpetrator access to your system.
· Rootkit – can be downloaded unknowingly along with other programs that you install. It can hide on your computer and can avoid normal means of detection. The attacker can then modify your programs and access your information without your knowledge.
·_bot (or botnet) – is a computer program that is automated. The attacker gains control of your computer or network and can distribute a virus or spam. Your personal information can be altered and can attack other computers on your network, sending out spam via email to your email address list.
·__Worm – doesn’t usually harm files on your computer, but can take up enormous amounts of space on your hard drive, slowing it down. It can travel very quickly through your network and can access your email address book, spreading to all your contacts.
How malware gets through
Malware writers are very experienced in using tricks to get users to download their malware. Software that comes bundled with “other software” is often called a Trojan Horse. For example, an instant messenger software bundled with a program such as WildTangent, a known spyware offender. Peer-to-peer file sharing software, such as Kaaza, LimeWire, and eMule, bundle various types of malware that are categorized as spyware or adware. Software that promises to speed up the Internet connection or assist with downloads (e.g., My Web Search) will often contain adware. Another common way to infect a computer through email containing a seemingly benign link or email attachment.
Malware can exploit security holes in your browser as a way of invading your machine. Sometimes websites state that software is needed to view the site, in an attempt to trick users into clicking “Yes” thus installing software onto their machines. Another trick is if you click “No,” many error windows display. Other sites will tell you that using a certificate makes their site “safe” which is not the case. Certificate verification means only that the company that wrote the software is the same as the company whose name appears on the download prompt.
Some malware provides no uninstall option, and installs code in unexpected and hidden places (e.g., the Windows registry) or modifies the operating system, thus making it more difficult to remove.
Anthony Regina was born and raised in California and grew up in Benicia. He has been working with computers for 30-plus years, starting with the early PC clones up to the latest equipment. He has worked for IT companies large and small and has worked for larger companies such as IBM Global Services, Apple and Microsoft.
Thank you for the information. What’s a person to do once computer is infected with malware?
That is covered in Part 2: