At first observation, these might seem to be strange bedfellows. But bear with me, I progress. To design is to plan, to improve, to make better some current dysfunction or lacking in overall function. To song write is to create a pleasant composition that soothes, entertains, maybe even teaches. Both actions yield benevolent and constructive output products for those affected. Counter this to the confrontational, always demeaning to others, and shallow exalting of self of the current White House Chief Occupant. What kind of a plan or song is he writing? For the benefit of whom? Self? To the detriment always of others? What kind of Chief Executive leadership of the masses is that? Always the shallow, abrasive attack and bullying of others, what kind of a musical piece is this? A chronic, shallow blat. Who needs that? A sub-base of like-minded bullies and blatters? And why deny science and assume that that is an asset to anything? How does that serve as a methodical benefit? Undo the Clean Water Act? Who doesn’t need clean water in the healthy environment of all? So what kind of song are we hearing? What kind of a composition are we seeing being planned for whom? Tax breaks for the oligarchical few? Who sings these songs? Show me one.
Build me a wall. Demean me a subgroup of people. Exclude one group of people for the benefit of another. Discordant Blat! Discordant Blat! Discordant Blat! Shallow noise, benefiting no one. In the side arena, who’s not enforcing international sanctions imposed previously? Who’s playing favorites with former international adversaries? What other secret agenda is being played out here? The same kind that’s evidenced in withheld tax information? Always the singular preferred benefit for the party in power at the detriment of all others and in power by what means? Collusion by what means, what lack of transparency? This is not a song or design for the benevolent many, but shallow dog crapping by medieval charlatans who think they are above the law because they have bullied others for so long they think they are the law but they are not. Robert Mueller is the law enacting a design of democracy, a song of hope and justice for the masses, not collusional crime and treason by the few over the many. Sing, Robert, Sing.
Peter Bray lives, works, and writes in Benicia
and has written this column since 2008.
It does appear President Trumps song is a hit. Roseanne is a hit. Anderson Cooper and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS need Peter Bray to write another bad song for them. None can seem to get a hit song. I believe Peter it is better to understand a winner than try to bring down a very successful President. After all he is your President, mine and the rest of this wonderful USA. Go America. That is the song you should be singing Peter. Try it you might like it.
So sad, Bob, Trump is a new low level life form, even making W look half-bright. Not surprising you’d back a misogynist and bankrupt wreck in need of laundering Russian money for income.. Watch Mueller closely and see who he indicts next. pb
Peter you are showing your political leanings very strongly. It appears you are a very far left leaning Socialist Progressive. It appears Bernie and Warren are your favorites. The give away leaders of America. Nice people but do not understand American politics or the will of the entire nations of wonderful folks. Sorry Peter you are in a big minority except in California, Solano County and Benicia. I will say this about the leadership of California, they are making many of us millionaires many times over. For that I thank them. Love those high rents.
Bob, I bet Peter is leaning towards Kamala Harris, the women who rode Willie Brown to the top. (or was Willie on top?)
DDL, don’t you have a local paper in Arizona where you can try out your distasteful jokes? Didn’t you move there several years ago?
Maybe Comey or Brenner.
This whole tariff thing is turning out to be quite a disaster, primarily for our agricultural commodities. Agriculture is always the first to suffer in these type of situations. I’m sure NK is watching this closely.
And, what’s not to love about the royal family trying to broker a deal with Planned Parenthood?
The hits just keep rolling in.
The tariffs are not in place and may never be. More fake news. The very left leaning Socialist Progressives do not understand good politics and never will. President Trump will win big time on this. Just what and see.
LOL!!! Good one, Bob.
Here’s a good song:
Here is the appropriate song for the Donald:
Should really P-Off the snowflakes.
The ending is worth the wait!!
The day I accept Trump would happen only if I lost my soul.
Yes. Acceptance is what everyday Germans did as their Jewish friends were taken away. Or what Americans did as their Japanese American friends were taken to
internment camps. So, getting used to Trump means accepting hate, what comes with it, and being an accomplice. Don’t do it.
I lost nearly half of my ancestors in the concentration camps.
Beginning when we kids were in elementary school, our mom would make us sit and watch documentaries of the holocaust, if they came on television. She said we should never forget what happened there.
It haunted me, but in a positive way, (if you can believe that), because it taught me to speak out and make trouble whenever I witness injustice or cruelty in the treatment of others.
When I’ve been the only one who called people out over blatant mistreatment and injustices, and without any support from others, it was scary and lonely. But I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t plant the thoughts of decency in the minds of the oppressors.
It’s scary seeing Trump follow the same game plan as thugs, tyrants, and evil dictators. It’s surreal to be living through all of this, and watching how he gains power from manipulating uneducated people in real time.
I always wondered how the holocaust could happen. Now I’m understanding in real time, which is way better than learning from a textbook.
I may regret this but; what actions, as President, have been to make you think we are living in the Fourth Reich under Adolf Trump?
Correction. That should read: “have been taken to make you think…..
I’m not here to educate you about what happens when certain groups of people are demonized by propaganda and poisoned words released by so-called leaders. This time around, it’s people of color and the poor who are the chosen target. Sadly, we don’t learn from history.
Your comment comparing Trump to Hitler and the holocaust was absurd and you know it.
This organization makes several comparisons. Obviously not the holocaust. But certainly characteristics of Hitler early rise to power.
Thanks, Thomas.
“…characteristics of Hitler’s early rise to power” are the words I was looking for, but my emotions got in the way.
“If We Don’t Act Now, Fascism Will Be on Our Doorstep, Says Yale Historian”:
Lee the City of Benicia, County of Solano and the State of California are already Socialist Progressives. If this country is going Fascism it will follow Benito. So it will be caused by the far left leaning Socialist Progressive Democrats. It will be the Dems doing the harm not the Republicans.
In 2012 I wrote a two part piece regarding Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian who actively worked on several conspiracies to assassinate Hitler.
One reason he did was because of his contacts within the German bureaucracy, he was aware of information that was out of the reach of the general public.
Any leaders power is restricted to the willingness of his followers inside the government to do his bidding. Hitler’s power was consolidate in 1934 with the murder of over 400 opponents (The night of long knives). He ruled by fear.
Trump will never have control of the bureaucracy of the USA. Yes, he is the President, but the thousands upon thousands of bureaucrats will never do his bidding.
The comparison of Trump to Hitler are simply absurd.
Here is a link to Part I of the Bonhoeffer piece:
Clarification: “thousands of bureaucrats will never do his bidding………….” Should have added: If that action is illegal or immoral.
Thanks Thomas. Here is another perspective on the “Anne Frank” Center:
Note: There is not connection between the US “Anne Frank Center” and the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam
DDL, I posted the Anne Frank site with little opinion on their activities or their causes. Meaning I’m pretty indifferent, as their day to day activities have no impact on my life. However, I was fairly certain that you would dig in to it and try to find some information that leaned towards discrediting the organization. Thanks for doing the research.
BTW Were you able to find their list drawing comparisons to Hitlers early reign and Trump?
Yes I did see the list and found it to be a stretch. I knew nothing of the organization, prior to today. I did do a search on: “Trump vs. Hitler, Anne Frank”. The Atlantic article came up as well as the Anne Frank Center.
I made no effort to discredit the organization, but was also merely presenting what I found.
“I don’t know anymore, man. I genuinely do not know how to argue empathy at somebody. I don’t want concertgoers and school children to be routinely slaughtered in hailstorms of bullets. You don’t care. I don’t want some kid’s first memory to be that of a jackbooted deportation force-kicking down their door and ripping their father from them. You don’t care. I don’t want a mother to bury her child solely because she couldn’t swing $600 for a two-pack of epipens. You don’t care. Everyday you wake up and deflect, but-what-about, twist, bend, contort, and echo whatever vile, clubfooted rationalization keeps you from having to admit that you’re, not just complicit in, but in fact actively facilitating this nightmare of a reality so many people are experiencing. I care about other people. You do not. It’s as simple as that.”
-Brandon Weber
It’s not difficult to recognize the intended audience on this so-called forum.
You may love all the money lining your pockets, but it’s off the backs of those who are suffering because you’re blinded by your greed.
Response to your question inquiring what actions Trump has taken that is characteristic of a fascist’s (or a Hitler’s) early rise to power:
“At one time or another, Mr. Trump has attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and — jokingly or not — equated mere policy disagreements with treason. He tried to undermine faith in America’s electoral process through a bogus advisory commission on voter integrity. He routinely vilifies federal law enforcement institutions. He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are so often at odds with the truth that they can appear ignorant, yet are in fact calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions. Overseas, rather than stand up to bullies, Mr. Trump appears to like bullies, and they are delighted to have him represent the American brand. If one were to draft a script chronicling fascism’s resurrection, the abdication of America’s moral leadership would make a credible first scene.”
-Madeleine Albright
So a lesson on moral superiority from Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State? It was under that President that the Democrats lost any pretext to moral superiority.
I recall a quote from the election, one that is applicable to much of what Albright’s tirade can be applied to:
“(Trump’s) detractors take him literally but not seriously, while his supporters take him seriously but not literally.”
There are so many examples of this phenomenon that the validity withstands all tests
This quote is frightening in its truth. I am an old lady; have watched many presidents serve – both those I liked and those I didn’t. However, I always took my presidents, when they were expressing policy or plans, both literally and seriously. If his supporters don’t take him literally, that would explain why he gets a “bye” on a myriad of issues that should bring disappointment and outright fear to the rest of us who listen to him and, frankly, don’t know if he is being literal or just spewing b.s. That is what is frightening about this president. We just don’t know how he thinks, why he thinks and what he means on any given day. This quote, while it might have been an attempt to jin up sympathy for the president, just illustrates how frightened we should all be.
I like you Jay have seen many Presidents come and go. I voted for Ike in my first Presidential election. Back then you had to be 21. Voted in every Presidential election since. I have no fear of President elect Trump. I fully understand his every move. He speaks to the people. He is the peoples President. He has North Korea, Russia and even China starting to think that he means business. Told the farmers he has their back Yes he does talk like a street fighter at times but it is effective. He is doing the right things and it is working. We will all be better off in the short and long run. He could care less about CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, AP, NYT and the Washington Post. He has a very strong base and will keep the house and the senate in 2018 and get re-elected in 2020. The big problem with all the locals is that they only think their way. The Socialist Progressives in the state of California has all the elected state spots, super majority’s in both houses and the same in the congressional seats. So the simple answer is you only get one side. You also get high cost of living, high rents ect. That this wonderful state that I dearly love now wants to control every move that the residents make. Is that what you really want? I sure hope note.
Thank you for a response that makes sense. My take-away from working in your town for almost a quarter century was that keeping ones head in the sand about threatening things is the way to go. A town with a history of not welcoming outsiders seems to operate that way.
What amazes me is the lengths people will go to blind themselves to what is right in front of their noses. It’s called fear.
Tariffs generally don’t work, unless they are a negotiating tool. Time will tell. China clearly has stolen 8ntellectual property, manipulated their currency, and practiced protectionist trade policies. If we use the threat of tariffs as a negotiation pressure point, maybe this will work.
It is funny to see both sides change position because of the White House occupant! Once protectionist Dems are now free traders! Funny.
Regarding the southern border wall … build it! Walls work! They are used everyday around the world. It’s funny that s9em argue that physical barriers aren’t … barriers! Funny thinking. If walls don’t work, why do we build walls around prisons? Huh? If we are to seal off our border, we need walls and OTHER devices. Build the wall where it works. Seal the rest. Then we can talk DACA.
Matter, Prison walls are not typically 2.000 miles long.
Walls work. Combination wall and other defenses. It is a tactical situation. They know where to build. And they can adjust when needed.
It isn’t that difficult if you want to control the border.
Do you want a controlled border?
Only those that want an open border are opposed to the wall.
Prison walls are designed to keep people in, not out.
Lee, I think you will really enjoy my piece slated for Sunday. I will look forward to your comments. Thanks for asking.
I’m sure it will be about Chappaquiddick…..old news. Why don’t you write about the Trump family and why you still support them. Talk about corruption and traitorous behavior.
Yes, Hillary’s loss was a tough pill to swallow wasn’t it?
Not much for intellectual honesty are you?
I will look forward to your response to the article.
Wow. I’m surprised. It took over 4 responses to bring. Hillary into the mix!
I agree j.furlong. I don’t know why Lee brought up Hillary and the Clintons with his comments about corruption and treasonous behavior.
Chappaquiddick? Is it going to be some kind of movie review?
I have not seen the movie, yet. When do you plan to see it, Thomas?
When on Netflix, perhaps, Dennis. When would you recommend?
I kind of feel like I’m watching in real time, though.
The article is now on line Lee. Time for your intellectual honesty. Just when are you going to write the article about President Trump? It appears you will not. All talk and no action. I admire Peter Bray for writing his opinions and willing to take the good and the bad comments. That is what it is all about. Not personal attacks. By the way Lee Dennis does have his articles printed in other outlets. Dig a little deeper.
The theme here seems to have turned to one-hit-wonders.
Mr. Bray, How many hits are you getting on your column?
Thomas yours are 28%., DDL 28% mine 15% 71% make up the big portion of hits. Three people make up the majority of hits. That is not a big deal. Lee when Peter talks about the President the way he does it is now an open national discussion. It does not matter {Love Matter} where you live. By the way Lee since you made the comment about the Trump family and their corruption and traitorous behavior now is your chance to back that up with an article in the Benicia Herald. I will be looking forward to it. Thank you.
Not what I meant, Bob. None-the-less, thanks for taking time to do some math. Maybe that data will prove useful at some point. I’ll wait for an answer from Peter.