One might associate fantasy fans and theater fans as being disparate groups of people, but they will come together for Benicia High School’s fall play “She Kills Monsters,” which opens tonight. However, the fantasy elements will be intertwined with the harsh realities of grieving and growing up. Qui Nguyen’s comedic drama only debuted off-Broadway in […]
Voice of the Village: Black Friday antidotes
By Judie Donaldson Well, “IT” is officially here. By that, I mean the holiday season. It’s sad that what marks the official start of the holidays across our country is Black Friday, the epitome of commercialization. Although I tried, I could barely evade the news reports – of melees, brawls, black eyes, arrests, and even […]
Letters: Approve cannabusinesses
Approve cannabusinesses I would like to urge the City Council to support having one or two marijuana dispensaries and other related businesses in Benicia. As a medical marijuana user, I would like to be able to buy locally. I think this could be a way to diversify our businesses and also our tax base. We […]
Carbon dioxide emitted from railroad cars in Industrial Park; no danger reported
A small volume of carbon dioxide leaked from two Union Pacific Railroad cars on Monday evening. City officials first received 911 calls about the incident around 5 p.m. The Benicia Fire Department traveled to the vicinity of 200 East Industrial Way and found two rail cars used by welding supply store Praxair Distribution, Inc. were […]
Throwback Thursday: Herald headlines for the week of Dec. 3, 1942, 1967 and 1992
Compiled by Nick Sestanovich 75 years ago Mayor and City Attorney Report on Tannery (Dec. 3, 1942) Mayor Charles G. Clyne and City Attorney Harold Simon who went to Los Angeles recently in the interest of the Benicia Tannery sale, reported at the City Council Tuesday night that up to that time […]
Here comes Santa Claus
You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout and here’s why: Santa Claus is coming to town. That’s right, Santa comes to Benicia a little early on Saturday, Dec. 9 to visit with all the little girls and boys. First, he will be present for Benicia Main Street’s annual Christmas Parade […]
Benicia Letters Once More: Secrets
The following “letter” is part of the continuing series from the unpublished novel by James Garrett, “Benicia Letters Once More”. He does not plan to publish the book but instead is choosing to share the letters with the readers of the Benicia Herald. The letters continue the storyline of Garrett’s first novel “Benicia and Letters […]
Arsenal artists’ holiday Open Studios tradition continues
In the mid-’90s, Arts Benicia began hosting Open Studios, in which artists open the doors of their studios to showcase the creative environments they work in. The event was such a success that it became an annual occurrence each May, drawing 4,000 visitors each year, many from outside Benicia. However, Benicia being the art haven […]
Benicia organizations to participate in Giving Tuesday
In the first few days after Thanksgiving, the sequence goes like this:Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, a break on Sunday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday was founded in 2012 by New York community center 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation as a means to support organizations through charitable means and kick off […]
Small Business Saturday continues in Benicia for 5th year
Local businesses will be opening their doors and welcoming as many customers as they can for Small Business Saturday. After enjoying Thanksgiving and relaxing on the following Friday– if they are not swimming through crowds of people trying to score Black Friday deals–, people are encouraged to shop at independently owned businesses for Small Business […]