By Denise Hasler Special to the Herald Art Blakey said that “Music washes away the dust of every day life.” The L.A. Swing Barons are helping make that happen in Southern California. The classic 13-piece jazz big band was formed in 2015 when it became clear that no one in the greater Los Angeles area […]
BMS, Henderson receive $1,000 music grants
(This post has been updated from the print edition.) Benicia Middle School and Joe Henderson Elementary School were among 13 schools in Solano County to receive a Wong Music Mini-Grant from the Solano Community Foundation. The grant was established in 2011 by Donald and Rose Marie Wong who were concerned by the amount of schools […]
Letter: Downtown dispensaries will happen eventually
Downtown dispensaries will happen eventually A speaker at the recent City Council meeting discussing cannabis activity on First Street asked where we (the “pro-cannabis crowd”) were since the chamber was dominated by an organized assembly of anti-cannabis citizens and, unfortunately, youth that have been indoctrinated that cannabis is all bad no matter what and has […]
Benicia Fire Department sends aid to So. Cal as fires rage
The fires ravaging Southern California have created images that many would describe as “apocalyptic.” So far, these fires have destroyed 96,000 acres in Ventura County and causes 100,000 people to be evacuated. During this time of overwhelming adversity, Benicia has sent firefighters to help the region in their hour of need. Five firefighters from Benicia […]
Benicia artist supports animal rescue in wake of Nor. Cal fires
By Tibby Lerner Special to the Herald Local artist Gaul Culley woke up the first night of the Wine Country fires back in October, knowing that something was terribly wrong. She smelled the smoke and turned on the TV, watching coverage of the events as they unfolded. She fell asleep after hours of watching the […]
Letter: Move forward with ISO
Move forward with ISO Benicia suffered a major toxic incident when Valero emitted thousands of pounds of dangerous chemicals last May. On a continuing basis, Benicia’s Valero refinery is fined by Bay Area and State agencies for emissions exceeding toxic limits. Currently, access to the refinery emissions data as well as the actions taken to […]
Letters: Crab feed canceled, Benicia Chamber Players, a good Samaritan and more
Lions Crab Feed canceled Dear Friends of Benicia Lions Club, It is with regret that we must inform you that we will not be holding the Annual Lions Crab Feed this year. This is a temporary postponement of the event, we have all intentions of having the same event next year. The reason for the […]
Throwback Thursday: Herald headlines for the week of Dec 10, 1942, 1967 and 1992
Compiled by Nick Sestanovich 75 years ago 150 engage in fight at dance (Dec. 10, 1942) Approximately 150 men including soldiers, sailors and civilians engaged in a free-for-all fight at the I.D.E.S. weekly dance last Friday night with result that the city has ruled against any more public dances except those sponsored by the Women’s […]
Council denies downtown dispensaries
The potential for cannabis dispensaries on First Street went up in smoke for the time being at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, as the board voted 4-0 to prohibit such dispensaries downtown. However, the debate over other potential locations will continue at a future meeting. Cannabis has been a hot button issue in several communities ever […]
Artist’s Northern California neighborhood series on display at library
For the past eight years, Benicia artist Donna Covey has made a name for herself by painting images of local landmarks in Northern California communities such as Benicia, Napa, Vacaville, Truckee and Suisun Valley. Those who have spent any amount of time in said places might have seen her paintings, but the uninitiated will be […]