Sad to see Carter’s go As one who has used Carter’s Biz Cafés at the Commanding Officer’s Quarters, I’m sorry to see that it will be closing. This action is short-sighted on the part of the city. Carter’s is an important asset to the city, one that attracts people who live here, as well as […]
Benicia High School grad scores lead role in ‘Hamilton’
Austin Scott has had an incredible acting journey. The 2011 Benicia High School graduate has gone from starring in advertisements at the age of 8 to being cast in the title role in “Hamilton” for the smash hit musical’s national tour. “It’s a dream come true,” Scott said of his role. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tony Award-winning […]
Throwback Thursday: Herald headlines from the week of Jan. 14, 1943, 1968 and 1993
Compiled by Nick Sestanovich 75 years ago Deadline For Tire Inspection Postponed (Jan. 14, 1943) The Office of Price Administration has postponed the deadline for tire inspection from January 31 to the end of March for holders of basic gasoline ration A coupons with a six month requirement for inspection instead of the former requirement […]
Letters: Thanks to Carter Rankin, Tim Grayson
Keep Carter in Benicia It was with great dismay I learned that Carter Rankin at Carter’s Biz Cafes in the Commandant’s has lost his lease. I do not know the story, I just want to say that he has been an invaluable asset to our great town. Every transaction in which I was involved was […]
New healthy juice bar now open for business
Eighteen hours before the grand opening of Juice House Co., sisters Tiana and Kelsea Duvauchelle were busy juicing fruits and vegetables. This was the moment they had waited for and wanted to make sure that when customers came into Juice House Co., the shelves would have a full stock of selection. With hope in their […]
Letter: Another POV on cannabis
Another POV on cannabis I am not part of an anti-cannabis assembly. I’m coming from a different view of pot. Benicia is such a small town that we have only one main street. All the other surrounding streets are residential. The downtown is one street only. Think about it. Walk down First Street, and you […]
Board of Supervisors to recognize BMS campus supervisor as Classified Employee of the Year
The Solano County Board of Supervisors will present and adopt a resolution recognizing Benicia Middle School campus supervisor Angie Porter as the county’s Classified School Employee of the Year at today’s meeting. “The Clasified School Employee of the Year program is designed to highlight the contributions of classified school employees who support the education of […]
Benicia Letters Once More: Prince
The following “letter” is part of the continuing series from the unpublished novel by James Garrett, “Benicia Letters Once More”. He does not plan to publish the book but instead is choosing to share the letters with the readers of the Benicia Herald. The letters continue the storyline of Garrett’s first novel “Benicia and Letters […]
Letter: What about medicinal only?
What about medicinal only? Many opponents of regulated cannabis activity in our town have stated that the convincing win of Proposition 64 in Benicia was not an indication that the community actually wants adult use sales here. Some have even stated they voted for legalization but don’t want it sold here. Some of these folks […]
Planning Commission to vote on West K Street land application
A discussion on a proposed tentative parcel map to create four lots on a 1.38 acre parcel located at 1201 West K St. will ring in the new year for the Planning Commission for their first meeting of 2018 Thursday. David Bates filed an application with the city to renovate a small parcel of land […]