The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) will be hosting a refinery air monitoring workshop next month at Benicia Veterans Memorial Hall. The workshop is part of a series of four events BAAQMD– the agency responsible for protecting air quality in the Bay Area– will be holding over the next three weeks in the […]
Black Irish Band returning to Benicia Historical Museum for concert
Like clockwork, the Black Irish Band is returning to Benicia. The quartet is playing a concert of traditional Irish & Scottish, Italian and American folk music, along with Gold Rush-era songs at the Benicia Historical Museum on Saturday, Feb. 24. The Sonora-based group has been performing for nearly three decades and has been performing […]
Letters: Cannabis and cultivation
Cannabis: Too many unanswered questions I had the opportunity to attend the Feb. 6 Benicia City Council meeting. I was an instructor for 37 years. I have been a small-business owner in Benicia for the last 14 years and a resident for the past eight. I attended so I could be apprised on the cannabis […]
Throwback Thursday: Herald headlines for the week of Feb. 18, 1943, 1968 and 1993
Compiled by Nick Sestanovich 75 years ago Benicia School Won’t Accept Shipment of WPA Warehouses (Feb. 18, 1943) Disregarding the refusal of the school board to accept discarded WPA plyboard demountable warehouses for a school here, the old buildings have been shipped here and are being unloaded at Benson’s Lumber Yard. Consigned to the school, […]
Photo: Stanislaus congressional candidate speaks at library
Photo: Caught in the act of kindness
School board to hear quarterly bond update at Thursday’s meeting
As Measure S bond projects continue to move along, attendees of this Thursday’s school board meeting can get a greater understanding of which projects have been completed, which ones are nearing completion and which projects will be taken on next. The discussion will be presented by Bond Director Roxanne Egan. Measure S was a ballot […]
BHS holds fundraiser for paralyzed wrestler
For the past few weeks, Benicia High School has been raising money for a severely injured wrestler from Pleasant Hill. On Jan. 10, College Park High School sophomore Ryan Joseph suffered an injury to his spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down and affecting his ability to breathe and speak on his own. […]
Benicia High School debate team preps for State Qualifiers
The Winter Olympics are taking place right now, but it is not just athletes who are practicing to do their best to compete. Just ask Benicia High School’s Debate Team. The team will be taking part in the Golden Gate Speech Association’s State Qualifiers at James Logan High School in Union City on Sunday, March […]
Letter: Delightful Semple event for a good cause
Delightful Semple event for a good cause Regarding the Jan. 30 article on Robert Semple Elementary, I attended the school’s second annual Teacher Lip Sync Battle on Thursday, Feb. 1. The event was a delight. A shout-out is needed to the teachers and other staff members who participated in the program. As a retired teacher […]