The following “letter” is part of the continuing series from the unpublished novel by James Garrett, “Benicia Letters Once More”. He does not plan to publish the book but instead is choosing to share the letters with the readers of the Benicia Herald. The letters continue the storyline of Garrett’s first novel “Benicia and Letters […]
Alcohol in parks, water rates on council agenda
The Benicia City Council is poised to make a potential decision at its Tuesday meeting on whether alcohol should be allowed in Benicia parks without permits. The Benicia Police Department is asking the council to pass an amendment to Title 12 of the Benicia Municipal Code. The amendment is intended to remove the allowance of […]
Benicia Middle School pitches in to help fellow student
March 26 to 29 was March Madness Spirit Week at Benicia Middle School, where students got to show their school pride by dressing up and partaking in various activities. They also had their annual coin drive sponsored by the leadership class, where students donate money to a particular cause. Past donors have included the Humane […]
DVC professor to discuss Chinese immigration experience in Historical Society talk
Camellia Tea Room is generally not open past 4 p.m., but this coming Thursday the restaurant will open its doors around 7 for a history lesson on the 19th-century Chinese immigrant experience in Solano County as part of the Benicia Historical Society’s “Speaker Series.” The presentation will be delivered by Greg Tilles, the society’s historian […]
Green Party candidate, former Benicia resident running for congressional seat
For a long time, Benicia has been in a congressional district that is colored blue on the electoral map. Jason Kishineff, an American Canyon resident, is hoping to turn it green. Kishineff, a stay at home father and former pharmacy technician, is challenging Rep. Mike Thompson’s seat. He has lived in American Canyon for the […]
Voice of the Village: Why we are celebrating
By Lois Requist Maybe you’ve seen the announcement about our first birthday celebration this month, on the 25th at Benicia Yacht Club from 3 to 4:30. I hope you come! Since the creation of Carquinez Village took a significant chunk of my time since January, 2015, indulge me in remembrance. A friend of mine said, […]
Poetry Corner: Carolyn Fallon “April in Benicia”
Such a surprise! Out my kitchen window- A demure, debutante delight, in fragile blossom, Gowned by Spring’s couturier. An intimation of youth and joy, But, alas, so ephemeral, Just like us.
Benicia High takes audience back in time with spring dance show
Remember a time when people weren’t consumed by their smartphones? Benicia High School’s performing arts department will take audiences back to such a time period— several of them, in fact— for its advanced dance show “Scrolling Through Time,” which opens tonight. The dance show— which combines the talents of Benicia High’s drama, dance and other […]
Senate hopeful Kevin de Leon speaks at Benicia Library
Kevin de Leon, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, spoke at the Benicia Public Library for Tuesday’s Progressive Democrats of Benicia meeting. De Leon was introduced at the meeting by Vice Mayor Steve Young, who described the state senator’s upbringing. He grew up in the barrios of San Diego as the son of an immigrant […]
Throwback Thursday: Herald headlines for the week of April 11, 1943, 1968 and 1993
Compiled by Nick Sestanovich 75 years ago Doris Azevedo Sings on Amateur Broadcast (April 15, 1943) Miss Doris Azevedo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Azevedo and local high school girl, sang over KFRC last Saturday night on the Budda Amateur Hour. She hopes to receive enough votes that will give her a place on […]