Compiled by Nick Sestanovich 75 years ago Benicia To Have New Telephone System (May 20, 1943) The best news of the week comes from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company in an announcement that Benicia is to have better telephone service. The announcement follows: Replacement of the present magneto type telephone system in Benicia with […]
Gretchen Burgess: Why do we argue? (Law Day honorable mention)
By Gretchen Burgess Special to the Herald “NO, NO, Mama, Daddy, NOOOOO Fighting!” When I first looked down at my wondrous 3-year-old as he pushed his little body between his father and me as we were conducting, what was for him, a bit too heated an argument over some paltry domestic issue that neither of […]
Human Services Board aims to raise $5K in online fundraising campaign
Spring is the season of giving, and the Benicia Human Services Board (HSB) is providing a chance for people to give. For the next 21 days, the HSB is hosting an online fundraiser for its Human Services Fund in the hopes of raising $5,000 before the deadline. The HSB oversees the Human Services Fund, a […]
Letters: Thompson’s voting record and Benicia Chamber Players
Dark money In today’s episode of Antiestablishmentariansm (yes, its a word, look it up) we’re going to talk a little bit about dark money. That’s a term that I think might have a few definitions. To me, that term refers to the money received by a politician, that influences that politician to vote against the […]
Maximillian Rex Heian Burgess-Shannon: Middle school kings and queens (Law Day honorable mention)
By Maximillian Rex Heian Burgess-Shannon Special to the Herald Some places have Kings and Queens, some have a Democratic Leader, some have Head Families and some have no government at all. But I’m here to tell about the government of Middle School. Well, not a government, more like the separate powers that run the place. […]
Wyatt Fry: Separation of powers (Law Day winner)
By Wyatt Fry Special to the Herald The United States government is split up into three branches, Executive (President and Vice President), Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives), and Judicial branch (Supreme Court). Separation of powers is the division of equal responsibilities to each branch. Checks and Balances is the principle that all three branches […]
Gallerie Renee Marie to host first juried show, ‘The Art of the Book’
A celebration of books is underway at Gallerie Renee Marie as the gallery gears up for its third anniversary. These books, however, are pieces of art which have been altered through collage, entertaining elements and creative interpretations, and they are all part of the gallery’s first juried show. “The Art of the Book” opened May […]
Mrs. B’s Blather: How does the Benicia Public Library enhance our community?
When a public library is as central to the community as are the schools, we can bet the town is a great place to be, Whether it is the quilt exhibit, artists displays, community meetings (“Great Decisions”), or representative authors, the library has something for everyone while applauding the communities treasures. Recently, David Dodd and […]
Letter: Stronger emergency response system needed in Industrial Park
Stronger emergency response system needed in Industrial Park In her May 6 letter, Kathy Kerridge brought up an important point about adopting a Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO). There have been several letters and information about what would be covered in an ISO. Although I have not seen a final draft of the ISO, as it […]
Benicia Letters Once More: Just Too Young
The following “letter” is part of the continuing series from the unpublished novel by James Garrett, “Benicia Letters Once More”. He does not plan to publish the book but instead is choosing to share the letters with the readers of the Benicia Herald. The letters continue the storyline of Garrett’s first novel “Benicia and Letters […]