The filing period for Benicia’s school board election is not until tomorrow, but if a panel at Thursday’s Progressive Democrats of Benicia (PDB) meeting was any indication, the race has already begun. Among other things, the panel saw the emergence of a potential challenger and the announcement by an incumbent that she would not seek […]
Letter: Medicinal benefits
Medicinal benefits The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a cannabis-derived medicinal product formulated specifically to treat seizures associated with two rare forms of epilepsy. This means that clinicians can now write a prescription for the product, and patients or their caregivers will obtain it at a pharmacy, including the pharmacies in our town. The […]
Bob Livesay: Where have all the voters gone?
By Bob Livesay In my opinion, the voters just got a big wake-up call. They will not let Mayor Paterson, Vice Mayor Young or other progressive groups make their decisions for them. The “Dear Gov. Brown” letter was the last straw. You know, that letter that says “End the issuance of permits for new fossil […]
Mayor requests rehearing of Industrial Safety Ordinance vote
At its June 19 meeting, the Benicia City Council voted 3-2 to not take any further action on Mayor Elizabeth Patterson’s request for an Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO) in Benicia until November. Now Patterson is requesting a rehearing on the item, which is on the agenda for Tuesday’s council meeting. Following a flaring incident […]
Gallery 621 artist to take viewers ‘Backstage’ in new abstract exhibit
Visitors who step into Gallery 621 beginning today will be whisked into a world of abstractness, surreality and colors of all hues. In other words, Marjorie Lutz is this month’s featured artist with her new show “Backstage.” Lutz, a Fairfield painter, had previously spent 30 years as a stone and wood sculptor until she developed […]
Throwback Thursday: Herald headlines for the week of July 15, 1943, 1968 and 1993
Compiled by Nick Sestanovich 75 years ago Judge Fines Self For Overtime Parking (July 15, 1943) Expecting to be occupied only for a few minutes, Judge Hartley Russell of the Benicia Police Court parked his car last Saturday in the 20 minute zone near the postoffice. The Judge is a busy man and forgot that […]
The A Cappella Handyman: Evening at the Naked Oyster
Pedro Los Dos is back in town. He’s First Mate on The Valparaiso, an oil tanker out of Coos Bay, Oregon. He’s here in Benicia for some R&R so he checks into the Union Hotel and heads for dinner at his favorite waterfront nightspot, The Naked Oyster. He’s got a Rib Eye Steak in mind, […]
Kinder’s owners retiring, Heritage proprietors taking over
Where one door closes, another one opens. Jeff and Karen Hodgkinson, the owners of Kinder’s BBQ on First Street, will be retiring after 15 years of running the popular delicatessen. However, lovers of hot sandwiches and barbecued entrees need not worry. The space in the historic Washington House will continue to serve hot and cold […]
Letter: Why wouldn’t people want renewable energy?
Why wouldn’t people want renewable energy? I have been reading a string of comments on an earlier letter online and am having a hard time understand the resistance there is to renewable energy by some members of our community. One writer says renewable energy is only 28 percent efficient and to wait until it is […]
Images of France come to Benicia Library
When visitors step into the Marilyn Citron O’Rourke Gallery at the Benicia Public Library, they will be transported to scenes of France as they gaze upon photographs taken by Michel Guido. Beginning today and continuing through August, the photographer’s images of France and California are on display in his exhibition “Tour de France.” Guido, 69, […]