Pups ‘N Purrz owner James Long, seen here with his Chihuahuas Leila and Margo, will be moving to Oregon and is currently training new owner Karen Hanna. (File photo)
A lot can change in four years. There could be new a president, what was cool in 2013 now seems lame and a pet store in Benicia could bid farewell to its owner. Saying goodbye will be what Pups ‘N Purrz does once store owner James Long moves from Benicia to Oregon.
Long is moving to Oregon due to his wife’s retirement. Long’s wife was an attorney for 15 years and wanted to retire and be with her friends up north. Because he loves his wife, Long agreed to sell the store and make the move north. Long says he plans to still be somewhat involved with the pet store business, and his plans will include trying to convince pet stores in Oregon to sell healthier gourmet pet food.
The former Pups N Purrz owner began his career at the shop as an employee of the previous pet store owner. He would do typical employee things like take inventory, stock shelves and make sure the shop was clean. Six month later, the store’s owner would sell the pet shop to Long. Before the store owner handed over the keys, he showed Long the ins and outs of running a pet store.
“Going from doing retail for 25 years to being an owner is just totally different,” Long said. “When you are an employee, you don’t have to worry about ordering. You are mostly helping customers. Even I still help customers as an owner. You don’t have to worry about ordering supplies. You don’t have to worry about paying rent, bills or insurance. You have all these bills you have to start paying and you’re like ‘OK, I guess I have to pay these bills. I am not an employee anymore, I am an owner.'”
While at Pups N Purrz, Long expanded the store’s adoption events. Pups N Purrz would partner up with local animal rescue organizations, like the Humane Society of the North Bay, California Animal Rescue, Umbrella of Hope and Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation to host almost bi-monthly adoption events. Long estimates close to 200 animals were adopted at the store.
“My theory is every puppy, every kitten, every dog, every cat needs to find the right home and they need to find the right owner,” he said.
Long even got one of his dogs at an adoption event. Long’s dog also became the store’s dog as well .
The store itself will be in good hands according to Long. He has been training new owner Karen Hanna and helping her transition to this new position.
“She’s doing great,” Long said of Hanna. “The only advice I have for her is to keep doing what she is doing, and customers will keep coming in and she will be good for years and years.”
Long says a majority of his customers know he has already sold the business. To customers, Long was just known as James and they wanted to know if he had a Facebook account. According to him, a lot of his customers have sent friend requests to Long’s Facebook account to follow his personal life after the pet store.
“I just want to thank the town of Benicia for opening up their arms to me and letting me run that pet store very successfully for four year,” Long said. “I would like them to still come in even though I am not there and welcome the new owner and bring her in as Benicia’s family.”
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