School solutions
Wow, did you see all the parents upset because our great school board voted to approve new graduation requirements without community input? Didn’t the people elect them so we will be kept informed? Do we need another bill that informs us ahead of time before changes are voted in? Anyway, I am OK with the school requiring kids to actually have to learn something. The idea of our children being prepared for the big world out there just seems right to me.
However, we have so many kids that shouldn’t even be in the school system. I know it is all about dollars for each butt in a class seat, but is that really fair to the majority of kids who do try to learn academics? Every day, I hear more and more about problem kids who wouldn’t even be in school back in my day. They are probably at school only because they have to be or their parents don’t want them at home. Why is this tolerated by our school system? Oh yeah, the almighty dollar rules! I feel for our teachers who have to put up with these issue kids on a daily basis. We are lucky they even try, we really are.
So, Bob the Owlish One, why not stop beating the mayor dead horse issue? I am sure you know that all politicians have their own bought-and-paid-for agendas. Ours surely isn’t going to change midstream. What is the old scorpion and frog saga? Why don’t you focus on our school board trustees and bring some heat on them? I am sure you will receive tons of support from parents who really care about their kids getting ahead versus preparing them for a life of adult state-run organizations.
So, as we look around the world and see all the better educated kids, don’t you wonder why our people in charge don’t put more effort forth? I wish I could say I am surprised, but all one has to do is look at Washington. The only difference I see politically between us and, say, one of our bought-and-paid-for allies, is we don’t use suitcases to carry the bribe money.
OK, time to step down and let someone who cares speak up. We have a great school system despite its many failures. Can you imagine just how much more we could do for our kids if we were allowed to remove the kids who just don’t give a bleep? OK Rob, you say, go sit in the corner and behave.
Rob Pearson,
Not entirely sure I understand your proposal. Are you suggesting that Public Schooling should, if it feels like it, remove students at will?