Rent control program needed
It looks like the Trump administration is taking care of the people who elected him: big business and the rich. I see real estate investors and landlords getting richer thanks to Donald Trump. Like most rich people, they are greedy and selfish. Just the other day, one of my rich friends told me that he was going to raise the rent on all his tenants because everything was going up. The real truth was that he is a multimillionaire getting greedier just like all the other rich people never satisfied having millions of dollars without any regard for those people struggling every day of their life. I have seriously been thinking of getting away from my sick friend.
My real reason for writing this letter is to ask the good people of Solano County to join me in demanding our elected officials in Solano County to start a rent control program that will protect all those people that can’t afford a house. I’m sure there’s millions of people in that boat.
I also know that rent control is an unpopular subject with elected officials because many of them are landlords themselves/ I’m sure many people have children who are living at home because they can not afford an apartment. When you see many employers paying their employees $10 an hour with no benefits, you can see what our young people are subjected to.
My great wish is to help all those kids who really need our help. I’m very serious about demanding our elected officials to take action now. If our elected officials fail to take any action, I would strongly recommend that we remove them from office like the people in Pacifica did several years ago. They removed every single City Councilmember. I really don’t like the way this little town of Benicia is being run, especially with the outrageous water bills.
Michael Escobosa,
Trump using slurs against poor, non-white nations
President Trump has repeatedly used crude language, and now has used unacceptable trash talk to describe the nations of Haiti and El Salvador and “Africans.” His language betrays him and exposes a heart and mind that is ignorant, bigoted and racist.
Here in a small town on the West Coast, we may think that our voices are insignificant in the wider picture of U.S. policy and politics. But, as Chris Carson, president of the League of Women Voters put it, “We can and we must do better to be vigilant about speaking out against racism. We must stand up as a nation and say this is unacceptable.”
My outrage and passion tempt me to make vile comments about our president. But like the Obamas, and as a person of faith, I will try to take a higher road.
Every single one of us must speak up to confront the ugly head of racism when it surfaces, whether in a school or grocery store or bar in Benicia or in a magnificent meeting room in a white house in Washington, D.C.
When will it be time for American legislators to begin serious conversations about impeachment?
Roger Straw,
Roger only one Democrat said he made the comment. Three Dems and three Republicans plus President Trump at that meeting. Senator Durbin is not to be believed, he was the only reported Dem who said President Trump said those words. Since President Trump was elected there have been many nasty comments about President Trump. Read what Peter Bray has to say. President Trump is not liked in this very Socialist Progressive town. The local Progressives now have started their own group and their main theme is to get Progressives elected. I call them Socialist Progressives. They want Progressives even in Non-Partisan elections. Like our city council and mayor elections in 2018/2020. Sorry Roger impeachment is out. Sorry Roger I hear the same language coming from all your local anti President Trump haters. Believe me Roger it is said all the time in this town. In the paper, comment sections on-line, in private but better yet a lot of those nasty remarks are said in public. Read and hear them all the time. Get out of your shell Roger.
Bob, can you give us the names of the other Dems in the room?
No need to. Just read about it.
I did read about it and everything I read said Durbin was the only Dem in the room.
There were three dems and three Republicans. Durbin is way of base. Read it again
Read what?? Give me the link.
If Durbin was the only Democrat in the room as reported, you could be correct on that it makes it even worse. He is the only one saying President Trump said what Durbin says he said. Bad news for ,the Democrats. Durbin is not credible. Sorry for the confusion.l
“How Republican Lawmakers Responded
to Trump’s Vulgar Immigration Remarks”:
The majority of the good people of this great nation do not like Trump. It probably has less to do with his politics, than it does with him being a simpleton, and a reprehensible and vulgar clod. Respecting the office of the POTUS has nothing to do with respecting the person who holds the office, especially when that person brings disrespect to the office. Only 3 YEARS: 4 DAYS; 3 HOURS: and 9 MINUTES left.
Today, Cotton and Perfue changed their stories, claiming that he said “Shithouse,” which is, of course, not racist at all. This is according to a statement from the White House spokesman, indicating the POTUS’ willingness to throw even his minions under the bus. We are at a crossroads in our history. We can either go the way of the white supremicists who are so vocal now, having gotten permission to crawl out from under the rocks they have occupied for decades, or turn away from that and try to look to the “Give me you tired, poor, etc.” The readings in most Christian churches on Sunday included Nathanial’s question to Phillip about Jesus. About how he came from Nazareth, a poor, struggling village and, “Can ANYTHING good come from there,” he asked? I thought of those words during last week. If it was said about Jesus, where does it stop? This POTUS has certainly betrayed racism more than once, so why are we surprised about this. Senator Durbin has had along, distinguished career and being called “Dicky Durbin” by this POTUS is disrespectful and typical. Being given the choice between believing a person who has racked up 2,000 public lies in a year or a man that has shown integrity and a willingness to work with both sides of the aisle to better our country, it’s a no-brainer. And I make no apologies for being a Progressive, several of whom wrote a document called the US Constitution, among other things.
Very true.
To: j.Furlong,
Actually Durbin is not the man who “has shown integrity and a willingness to work with both sides of the aisle” as much as may think. Let’s look back at two examples (from Politico):
In a ‘negotiation’ meeting with the president, one GOP House Leader told the president: ‘I cannot even stand to look at you,’” Durbin wrote in a post on his Facebook page over the weekend.
This was later investigated by Jay Carney (Obama White House Spokesman: I looked into this and spoke with somebody who was in that meeting and it did not happen,”
Second example. After comparing US troops to Nazi’s Durbin offered this (from the Washington Post):
Durbin, the Democratic whip, acknowledged that “more than most people, a senator lives by his words” but that “occasionally words will fail us and occasionally we will fail words.” Choking up, he said: “Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line. To them, I extend my heartfelt apologies.”
What do these two missteps have to do with working across the aisle? Check out the Congressional Record. And he apologized, most sincerely, for what he said – which I need to look up.
You are ignoring integrity. Does a man with integrity lie like that?
As to working across the aisle:
Do you think comparing our soldiers to Nazi’s is going to help his relationship with members of Congress who are Veterans? Or those that respect the military?
You picked the wrong man to hold in high esteem when you chose to defend Durbin.
His comment about soldiers was made 13 years ago, in 2005, about the few troops guarding the prisoners at Gitmo and was a response to an FBI report noting the torture being committed on prisoners, many of whom had not even been charged with anything. He had enough integrity to admit he was wrong and apologize, unlike the current POTUS who lies almost every day about things that he has either said or been videotaped saying. I would never praise Durbin for what he said 13 years ago, but even a supporter of this POTUS and this administration has to admit, at some point if not already, that the constant barrage of racism, misogyny, disrespect of foreign world leaders and sitting senators, governors and representatives is getting to be a bit much. My daughter lives in Europe – in a very conservative country – and she is constantly barraged by citizens of Europe with questions about what is wrong with our president? why does he hate so many people? why does he lie so much? why has he decided not to stand with us as we watch Russia preparing to invade Ukraine again? As for respecting the military, well Mr. Durbin has consistently pushed for legislation to provide more benefits and salaries for our vets and members, while the Republican Party in Congress shot down at least 3 or 4 bills to do so during the past administration. BTW, the comment about a negotiation meeting at the WH was passed along by a Republican member and repeated by more than one attendee at the meeting.
During a Congressional hearing, (the one where Cory Booker had a meltdown) one attendee of the ‘S-hole meeting Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, stated:
“I don’t remember the specific words [Trump used]. What I was struck with, frankly as I’m sure you were as well, was the general profanity that was used in the room by almost everyone.”
So it seems that Trumps language was in keeping with the tone of the meeting.
What is also being ignored is that some countries are S-holes.
The World Health Organization issued a warning of yet another breakout of Hemorrhagic Fever (aka Eye bleeding disease) in one country: Nigeria.
Now, I am sure there may be some very interesting things to see in Nigeria, but if you need to worry about breaking out in an eye bleeding disease, you pretty much know you are talking about a S-hole country.
I will also note that Obama once referred to an African nation as being a “Shitty Mess”. Where was the outrage over that very similar comment?
Well, I’d say that if Trump’s language was in tune with the rest of the meeting, we should be very, very afraid of what our leadership is doing these days. I also want to congratulate you on making two responses without mentioning and/or blaming Obama, who is no longer in office. By that reasoning, I guess we can excuse any rotten behavior by pointing to someone else who “did it first?” Reminds me of the 5th graders I used to teach, trying to get our trouble on the playground. So what if anyone said something vulgar in the past? That makes it OK for the present POTUS to one-up that statement? More than once? I would think it would inspire a stable genius to do everything he could do to improve discourse. And, could you please give the the when and where citation for Obama’s statement? I couldn’t find it.
J, I think that is referred to as “whataboutism”.
Your traditional condescension is both noted and expected.
That not with standing one has to have lived a very sheltered life to not expect profanities to be used with regularity in many, including high ranking, circles.
What I find to be troubling is not the language used , but the feigned outage by the left. Cory Booker being the best example of this righteous indignation.
BTW, the term used by Obama ? The second word was ‘show’ not mess. But a simple search would produce results for either.
To: Thomas P.
Small correction, if I may?
Only 7 YEARS: 4 DAYS; 3 HOURS: and 9 MINUTES left
DDL, No, you may not. And, you know why.
No, I do not know why, go ahead and tell us.
Losing your memory, huh? “Us”? Who else are you speaking for?
This is a public forum, thus ‘us’ refers to any of those who may read your response.
If I wanted you to tell ‘me’ I would have told you to use my e-mail address, which you have (or once did) since you have previously corresponded with me privately.
But your less than friendly response to a little joke tells me (and the readers) were you are coming from.
Have a good day, Mr. Peterson.
Oh, so you do remember. Next time, do “us” a favor and forgo the feigned ignorance. Better yet, forgo a next time. Sleep tight.
LOL.. Thanks Peterson, I will sleep very well, and hope you do the same.
You bet, Dan.
Who are the bad people. Folks that voted different than you?
Roger Straw asks: “When will it be time for American legislators to begin serious conversations about impeachment?”
Maybe when he commits a ‘high crime or misdemeanor’?
Or should we just impeach him for the heck of it?
From conservative columnist Michael Gerson
‘Trump has revealed who he is. Now it’s our turn”:
LOL!! Yes, Trump has revealed who he is. I’d argue that that was many years ago.
Thomas, you are correct:
Donald Trump’s Racism:
The Definitive List:®ion=CColumn&module=MostViewed&version=Full&WT.nav=MostViewed&src=mv
Truly amazing that he still has apologists. It is also extremely insulting that there are those that would suggest a second term for this reprobate.
“In Trump’s White House, lies beget lie”:
Who is Dan. He will win a second term. Who are you going to run a Socialist?
LOL — I am Dan, Bob. That is Petersen’s way of getting back at me for spelling his name wrong once five years ago, and again yesterday. The dude has a real issue with E’s vs. O’s so he thinks calling me “Dan” has a similar impact on me.
Dennis ‘Dan’ Lund
I honestly think it takes much less than that to have an impact on you. LOL!!
I’ve mellowed with age, Tommy.
If the author wants rent control, true rent control, the solution is easy:
Hold down the population growth of the state via true immigration control (demand) and deregulate environmental laws so developers can build (supply).
With diminished demand and increased supply, market forces will limit and push back rental charges as landlords must compete to fill their rental units.
“deregulate environmental laws”. Which ones, specifically, do you consider to be limiting developers?
Nearly all of them. Simplify and stop the overlapping bureaucracy. Recent plant expansion experience … after 14 months in CA being held up by EIR process, we gave up and bought land in WA. Within 2 months we were pouring concrete. We will never build in CA again. And, may I add, the state of WA is not an environmental “hostile” state.
CA regulations kill business. It prevents expansion. This results in limited ability to build housing. It thus stifles supply driving up costs. More people chasing limited resources. Price increases!
The EIR process, and the ESA process, definitely has it’s place. Especially, when it come to industrial developments and due diligence. But, I’m still wondering what was meant, as it seemed residential development environmental regulations was the subject.
The EIR process is cumbersome and inefficient at the state level and it affects residential development projects. I think that is very clear. Do you believe CA regulatory environment is efficient or is on par with other states? If so, we have a basic disagreement.
The EIR process is required for some residential developments. I agree it can be less cumbersome, however, not done away with.
That said, I am still looking for something outside of the EIR process, in terms of environmental regulations as they apply to potentially hindering residential developers.
At this point, I’m not sure if we are talking about the regulatory environment, or environmental regulations.
I think you know of what I am referring. Regulatory environment. You want a specific list of state and local regulations? If you honestly believe that CA does not have an over regulatory problem then you are seriously misinformed.
If you are asking specific list of regulations I am assuming you are doing so for argument sake. It is a debate tactic to ask for specifics so one can try to divert attention.
Suffice it to say, my statement and basic truth is that CA regulatory levels are beyond other states. Ask Tesla why their new battery plant is in Nevada. Ask Applied Materials why they are building in TX. Ask any auto maker why they don’t build in CA. Google “State business climate ratings” and you will see CA is at the bottom of every list due to taxes and regulations.
Actually, no. I’m not debating. I’m seriously looking for some insight into the environmental regulations as they apply to residential developments. However, it is beginning to appear that there aren’t any.
Also, “If you honestly believe that CA does not have an over regulatory problem then you are seriously misinformed.”, wasn’t even part of the discussion.
Matter – For a serious look at the impact of CA regulatory requirements on residential development this guideline is a great resource:
“A Guide to Understanding Residential Subdivisions
in California”
It is available in PDF on-line. , the requirements are extensive.
Although in my work I deal with commercial or municipal projects, it has become clear over the years that many of those who favor increased government involvement through regulations, have little understanding of the risks and costs involved to those who must abide by those requirements.
Very goo0d Dennis.
Cost of doing business index. CA dead last. Cost includes regulatory environment.
Anyone who thinks the multiple levels of regulations and the total burden on business to expand in our state is simply … head in the sand.
Building regulations are one component. Cap and trade regulations prohibit nearly all industrial expansion. Multiple layers of environmental regulations preclude efficiency in moving ahead with timely permits.
Thanks for the info.
Matter it appears now that Dennis and now you are part of Petersen attack process. Have it he will make it even uglier. I love it and the topic subject is being followed. Good work.
Thomas may be right, course that depends on how you define “not that extensive.”
For example, developers need to review SB 375 – Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act, which requires them to meet the regulations of 18 metropolitan planning organization (MPO) , located in California. I am sure that will be just a minor inconvenience.
They also need to comply with AB 32 – Global Warming Solutions Act. From the article referenced, we have:
The measures that will affect residential development include:
· Energy Efficiency: Building and energy codes are likely to be revised to require greater energy efficiency in new construction.
· Regional Transportation: Local agencies are likely to revise their land use and zoning plans to implement sustainable regional transportation plans designed to reduce GHG emissions from vehicles (see SB 375 discussion below).
Now this was written in 2014. I am sure that since that time Gov. Brown has worked closely with developers to create a far more friendly environment for developers in California. LOL
“developers need to review SB 375 – Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act” Incorrect. They do not NEED to review it.
Energy Efficiency? No complaints there.
Regional Transportation – “land use and zoning plans” already exist. It the reason heavy industry is located away from residential neighborhood. No complaints there. Developers typical know what the properties they own, or are planning to develop, are zoned as.
What is significant is the list of project specific exemptions from the CEQA process.
Thomas, since developers are compelled to follow these regulations can you explain how they can do so without having them reviewed by someone?
Dennis, Developers (and in sticking to the original conversation re: residential developments) are only compelled to follow these regulations when there is a requirement to adhere to CEQA. Typically, adherence to CEQA is limited to projects that are taking place on previously undeveloped land (this can be verified by reviewing the 32 exemptions, which, BTW apply to all types of projects). Even then, it may not be required if there is a determination that there would not be any significant impacts.
Thanks for the clarification. Good info!
There you go Matter making sense again. You are correct.
Boy did I get lucky. Dennis made some comments and now he gets attacked by Thomas Petersen.
You need all you can get. LOL!!
Matter, I happened upon “A Guide to Understanding Residential Subdivisions
in California”. I noticed the environmental aspects/”regulations” are really not that extensive. Nothing really very significant outside of CEQA. I believe we already established that EIRs are not required for all residential developments.
“Happened upon” — a half hour after I posted it. LOL
Congratulations Thomas. But I would not have though being laughed at was the desired impact.
Dennis and Matter are correct. You will not convince any Progressive otherwise. Keep at it. As was said on “Laugh In”-“very interesting” and stupid. I do believe we all know what I am talking about..