Not bullying
I feel compelled to reply to the opinionated letter Sunday by Mr. Bob Livesay. Attacking the mayor has become his mantra, and it serves only to inflame not to inform. If he truly had issues with Ms. Patterson’s policies, he could politely and thoughtfully write a letter to her or to the editor– he actually did have some good questions in this diatribe that most people will miss because of the enveloping vitriol–, listing his questions and concerns. Instead he attacks, insinuates and calls the mayor names like a fourth grader on the playground.
Especially inappropriate is his insistence that she is a bully. Our mayor takes charge, knows the law and understands procedures of good government. She also has had the welfare of the citizens in her heart and mind for a very long time, hence her re-election. Asking questions of the city manager at the council meeting is entirely appropriate; it is taking charge and guiding the council meeting according to law. It means she understands the functions of good government. Listening carefully to comments and responding appropriately means she cares about what the citizens need and want.
There are two reasons why the Mayor has the authority to turn off the microphone at a public comment section: 1. inappropriate or objectionable language, and 2. exceeding the time limit. For those that were not at the council meeting, it is pretty easy to guess that both these limits were met by Mr. Livesay.
Susan Street,
Susan Street it is not me. I suggest you watch the video again. I think you will find out it was the mayor not me. Go to Benicia Happenings also. It was the Mayor that the folks were attacking not me. They even talked about recall.. My language was not inappropriate or objectionable. It was the mayor. On Benicia Happenings over fifty residents hammered the mayor for her behavior not me. Susan who got the cheer at the end of my comment at the council meeting. It was me not the mayor. I do understand the mayor has her block of followers and defenders but this time Susan you are wrong. You just defended the mayor and went against the residents. That is not a win.
Susan as I said earlier go back and look at the video again. I did not go over the time limit. There was about two minutes still left. If you are going to write a LTTE at least get the facts correct. This destroys your credibility and shows your personal bias toward the mayor which simply means mayor over residents. I will take the residents anytime.
Susan you were wrong I did not go over the five minutes. Confirmed by the mayor. I assume you have heard from her. It is now your chance to apologize to me and the public for reporting false information.
Thank you Susan!
I too was at the meeting and I was frankly surprised that the mic wasn’t turned off sooner. The mayor is far more polite, educated and patient than I ever will be. The bully I saw in the room was Bob. His “plea” to the mayor for her to take action, was his way to try to get her to make promises that are not her’s to keep. To make her put others in a tight place. Which she didn’t do. A person who didn’t have the care that she does for our city’s employees, would have mis-spoke just to try to make Bob stop talking (When his 5 minutes were clearly over) and go sit down. When you are informed that the city is enforcing a law voted on and passed by a state election, stop beating the preverbal Horse and wasting all of our time. Sit down!
It’s very sad that where we live is in such high demand as a place to call home, that everything is stupid expensive. It’s the price of paradise throughout our state. This is not a Benicia issue. That means that some people will move to try and save money. Sadly they will not out number those who are actively trying to replace them. Personally I appreciate the splendor of where I live and realize that with every passing year the price of living here is going to go up, as more and more people realize what a gem this town is.
Even sadder is that many, probably including Bob, will get up and speak out about cannabis, saying we don’t need those tax dollars! No doubt they have some other wonderful idea about how our city should continue to provide every service they want, while never expecting it’s citizen’s to pay for those services and not go bankrupt at the same time. Thank you Mayor Patterson for having the sense to not buy into other people’s fairytales.
I do hope by this time you have heard from the mayor. She will confirm I did not go over the time limit. Time for an apology to me and the public. Get your facts right next time you challenge me.
Sorry Gretchen time was not up. No Fairy Tales! Just facts. Did you go on Benicia Happenings and watch the video. Clearly time left. Did you read the comments by the residents. Over 50 anti Mayor Patterson saying she was very rude. Not me. The bully was definitely the mayor all seen by the residents. Have you paid any attention to what I have said for over eight years. I have had many good ideas for economic development. Yes there are other ways to keep this city on the financial safe side. Is yours only cannabis. Very sad.
I do expect an apology from both Susan and Gretchen. I did not go over the time limit. I ended with two minutes left. If you cannot get that right neither of your comments are credible. You are spreading false info about time. Review the video. It is all there. Two minutes left and Benicia Happenings scorched the mayor. Not me. It was the mayor that was rude and disrespectful. Do I think these two will apologize? No. That would be admitting they did not review the video and destroy everything they said about me. Sorry Susan and Gretchen I won big. You two lost big. I will come back when false info is being spread about me. Do your homework. I do mine.
Susan and Gretchen are now hiding out. They were called out and disappeared. Show some courage and admit you did not watch the video.
Bob, before I retired I worked in mental health services for the county. I am concerned about your mental health as you have exhibited extremely aggressive and angry behaviors here. I recommend you seek counseling for anger management. Being angry all the time is not good for you. I say this out of genuine concern for your mental health which often has an influence on physical health as well. Good luck to you, make an appointment today with your regular doctor who can refer you to the proper counseling for older citizens.
Betty are you sure this comment was not directed at Mayor Patterson and not me. If I were you I would look at Benicia Happenings and see what the residents think of Mayor Patterson. She is the one that needs anger management. Not me. I am concerned about your biased opinion on someone you do not even know. Is this how you diagnose patients. Wi9thout even seeing them.
Betty maybe you are allowed to diagnose people without knowing them. Was that a normal practice in your field. I assume you also feel the same about President Trump. You do not fool me. This is a political issue with you. By the way where did you work. That information would be very valuable. That way I can check up on your background. Could you please tell us all. I always assume doctor/patient info was private. Do you have info on me or are you just using your long past history of not seeing a patient before making an evaluation. I am going to forward this to the proper folks for evaluation . Maybe they will give you a call. This type of comment is not opinion. You identified yourself as being in the mental health services. Would your field be happy with this type of public evaluation without even seeing me. Sorry Betty you are out of line and this type of behavior by you must be stopped. I will do my best to identify your background and but an end to this very unprofessional behavior.
Editor, can you please ban Livesay for this very threatening comment? This is way out of line.
It is not out of line. It IS however extremely unethical to try to analyze someone you have never met over a web site.
Unethical? Looks to me like Betty claimed she was retired. In what fashion has she acted unethically? Also, she is hardly the first to ‘try to analyze someone “you have never met over a web site” on here.
Funny Tom, it doesn’t say anything about being retired. It is unethical and wrong. In terms of being the first, nice attempt at deflecting. Two wrongs don’t make it right.
The “Goldwater Rule:”
On occasion psychiatrists are asked for an opinion about an individual who is in the light of public attention or who has disclosed information about himself/herself through public media. In such circumstances, a psychiatrist may share with the public his or her expertise about psychiatric issues in general. However, it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.”
John, what is your last name. that would be very helpful.
It is not threatening. Call someone out for a very unethical comment. This should not be allowed. It is very clear Mike is not a fan of Bob Livesay. Mike tell what you would do if someone said that about you without even knowing you or for that matter never even seen you. How would anyone even know that she is even who she says she is.
Mike I hope you know that the mayor Susan Street and Gretchen Burgess lied about me going over the time limit. Do you think that is OK? The video showed very clearly I did not. The mayor to her credit did send me an e-mail saying I was correct and would inform the others. If I do not correct a lie then everyone will think I did in fact go over the limit.. We must all protect ourselves and the truth at all times. Mike you must remember I have family in town and I think you will find out that was very hurtful to them. I do everything I can to protect the truth. I hope Mike no one says those unethical statements about you.
Mike what is your last name. that would be very helpful.
Your behavior here is all anyone has to observe to conclude you really have some issues. Know you? What does that have to do with my opinion about how you behave?! Now you are blasting away at me after I tried to help you? Well, good riddance to you. I will now join many others that skip over your angry rambling posts, so you won’t even have the last word with me.
Now I understand what you said. It was an opinion not a professional diagnosis of my behavior. Good cop out.
Had Betty revealed private medical details about you, then you would have something with meat. As it is, she expressed her opinion, same as mine and many others, that you are mostly out of your mind, trolling and barking all day long. There is something wrong with you.
Only after stating that she retired from the mental health industry. She could have expressed her opinion without backing it up by saying her experience in the mental health services industry. That is where she crossed the line. And by the way, I don’t know Bob and don’t agree with him on quite a bit of what he writes.
Thanks John. You are a very honest person. I will take any comment about me from you with great regard.
Well again we have personal opinions from people that do not even no me. You hide under a no name comment. Just tell us who you are. Are you afraid to tell us who you are.
This whole thread strongly reminds me of playground duty in elementary school. The only thing missing is, “Teacher, he called me the “b” word.” Come on, people, get a life. There are really important things to discuss in our community without a bunch of children calling names.