LWV should host congressional debate
I am the Green Party candidate for Congress in this district, and I am trying to get the League of Women Voters in Benicia to host a debate. They are telling me that they will host a candidate forum only, and only if all candidates are present. The problem with requiring that all candidates be present is you give the incumbent the advantage. A debate or candidate forum allows other voices to be heard, which furthers democracy and encourages young voters to be involved, per the LWV website. All the incumbent has to do is say “No,” and then no one else gets to be heard, voices are stifled, democracy is stifled and voters don’t get excited. It strikes me that that rule is actually the opposite of furthering democracy.
It seems to me that, as long as at least two candidates are willing to appear, it should be on the other candidates to show up or risk looking disinterested. * I ask the Benicia Herald’s readers to please contact the Benicia League and ask them to host a congressional debate. Even if you support our current congressman, a public debate which allows other views to be heard, can only benefit the public. Thank you.
Jason Kishineff;
congressional candidate, California’s 5th District
Coming together on the gun debate
Saturday the 24th of March was a beautiful day for Benicia to flex some political muscle, marching in support of the ban on assault rifles. I was proud of the turnout and loved that the kids in town showed up in support and in leadership roles as well.
While in the park listening to various speakers, I noticed a couple of men in NRA hats walking around and one of them was waving a small American flag. I wanted to talk with them about their views on the march and what they thought about the overall struggle and question about assault gun ban. I missed the first guy going by and waited for the second one to pass by and approached him. After shaking his hand, I asked him what his view on the event was. He didn’t slow down but assured me that he was in full agreement on the assault ban. Although he seemed reluctant to stand and chat with me, I was pleased to hear that he agreed with the need that something has to be done to deal with the ease with which assault rifles can be obtained.
I think that we can come together on this problem/question if we open up our hearts and minds and have some discussion about it. For too long, we have remained divided on this problem and kids have lost their lives. Let’s come together on this issue and do something about it sooner rather than later.
Roque Gutierrez,
FedEx boycott: Think it through
Before boycotting FedEx for offering discounts to NRA members, please consider this:
Most of us are employees with a supervisor. All supervisors have a superior. At the end of the day, all of us know that even someone who is “self-employed” isn’t free to work as he wants. He must answer to the contingencies of the market.
Virtually all FedEx employees are like us. They don’t determine company policy. Should the boycott actually be effective, many individuals who have nothing to do with company policy are going to be hurt by losing their jobs.
Are you willing to support an individual who stood up for what you believe in and then lost his job?
I do quite a bit of business at the FedEx offices in both Vallejo and Benicia. I know that their frontline staff is committed to providing the best customer services possible.
The best way would be to ask the FedEx managers to tell their corporation that customers disapprove of FedEx’s offering discounted service to the NRA.
As always, the best way to make a statement is to vote.
Leave this note saying that you, their customer, is asking that FedEx join with other corporations and discontinue discounts to the NRA.
I’m certain that the FedEx managers would send the results of the vote to their company.
After all, even the FedEx Board of Directors has a boss. Again, it’s the marketplace.
Will Emes,
Will I would never do as you are saying. First off I am a Conservative. Am I supposed to Boycott every business that is run by a Progressive Democrat. NO. When you bring politics into everyday of your life you will end up a very lonely person.
Jason, Great idea. I hope it happens. I will be there, for sure, if it does.
Roque, It seems that you happened upon some NRA members that have the ability to exercise a little common sense. As I’ve said, California’s gun laws (as they stood before 2016) would be a great model for the whole country.
Will, I think that rather than boycotting, your alternative approach seems fair. After all, the idea is to get the message through, not necessarily crush all that dissent.