- Letters can be submitted to beniciaherald@gmail.com.* Letters should be no longer than 500 words. If you would like to submit a longer piece (501-1,000 words), please consider submitting a guest editorial to beniciaherald@gmail.com. (Many of the same letter rules will apply.)
* A maximum of five letters will be published per issue (depending on space available).
* No more than two letters by the same author will be published within a 14-day period, although exceptions may be granted in time sensitive circumstances – or if a letter is sent in as a rebuttal to a prior letter addressed to that individual. Only ONE rebuttal letter will be allowed during this period.
* Letters signed by groups or agencies must list the names of individual members. If your group has more than 10 members or some do not wish to identify themselves, designate someone to sign on your group’s behalf.
* Chain letters using the same wording will not be accepted.
* Please confine the content of your letters to issues and not people, especially those who do not hold office. Letters should not be submitted if the sole intent is to publicly ridicule someone. Also, do not resort to namecalling or assigning names to others. The letters section should be a place for lively, informative debate, not personal attacks or taunting.
* Letters attacking others based on their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or gender will not be published.
* Anonymous letters or those signed with an obvious fake name also will not be published.
* Hard copy letters are permitted, but letters should preferably be sent via email to beniciaherald@gmail.com in the body of the email or as a Word attachment. Please do not send letters as PDFs.
* Please do not submit unproven conspiracy theories.
* Letters will be published on a space-available basis and will be corrected for grammar and AP style, if necessary.