Great Vallejo Choral Society concert
Kudos, awe and aahs to the Vallejo Choral Society’s end of season concert. Did you ever wonder what it’s like to leave the restraints of gravity and soar to heavenly realms? It wouldn’t be too far off to say that it was like having an out of body experience, where you’re floating up above in a different realm of reality. Could it be a music sphere where lost chords are tucked away, not in a black hole, but in a white space of light. And you’re just floating on that ray of light, in a symphony of angelic sounds. You’re beyond the white noise of earth, and you don’t know where you are, because your eyes are closed, but you stay there for awhile in awe, peace, and wonder.
Back down to Earth. I wonder if the singers and musicians knew the profound effect that took place. I wonder if Maestro Brown knew what he was creating during all that rehearsal time. I like to think– he did. And the applause told him so.
Imagine an evening immersed in centuries old and contemporary sacred, Latin, and classical music. Imagine the music of Vivaldi, a priest, composer, whose faith inspired him to praise God… Gloria in excelsis Deo. We, the audience, was inspired beyond our senses, some peering through a divine veil, others breathing in rhythm to the title of the program: “Transcending.” The voices intertwined perfectly with the harmonies of the orchestra, the strings bringing us to an unimaginable high. Need I say more? Yes.
The evening ended with composer M. Lauridsen’s “Lux Aeterna,” a pulsing chant of “Light” sound, with Latin prayers invoking Lord, Domine to let perpetual light shine upon the dead. And for the living, this prayer: “O Light most blessed, Fill the inmost heart of all thy faithful. Without your grace, There is nothing in us, Nothing that is not harmful. Cleanse what is sordid, Moisten what is arid, Heal what is hurt. Flex what is rigid, Fire what is frigid, Correct what goes astray. Grant everlasting joy.”
True professionals– we heard and saw. Singing and playing with impeccable clarity and grace, the caliber of a cathedral choir–St. Peter’s? (Where’s that CD?) Let it be known that we have a Top o’ the Line group of talented singers in the VCS, led by the most professional conductor, Mr. A. Brown. They will be singing again in next year’s concert season. Let’s support our arts! Come see them, if you want to be inspired beyond your earthly senses.
G. L. Primer; retired teacher, member of Arts Benicia
Thank you so much for your eloquent words. It is so good to know that our efforts to produce beautiful music are appreciated.
Joyce (alto section)
Thank you for the wonderful review. For me the joy of singing in harmony with others is often spiritually thrilling. There were moments in the “Lux Aeterna” when I was only aware of being part of a wave of interweaving gorgeous sounds. Yes, we choral singers love what we do!