Actions matter, so do words
A recent op-ed (“Trump the Puppet? Words speak louder than action, it seems,” July 22) said we should look at Trump’s actions and not words in deciding if he is under Putin’s influence. I think the president’s words matter, and coupled with some the actions he has taken, we can see if he is acting in ways to further Putin’s agenda.
I see that Trump, backed by many Republicans, has furthered Russia’s agenda in the following ways: he has inflamed divisions in our country, he has sown distrust about our elections, he has done nothing to ensure our elections are protected, he has created distrust in our intelligence services, he has created discord between the U.S. and our strongest allies, he has lavished praise on the worst dictators and abusers of human rights and insulted those who stand for democracy. In all of these ways, Trump is furthering Putin’s agenda, whether he does so inadvertently, or under his direction, the damage in done.
I never thought I would see the day when the president and some Republicans seem to care more about communist dictators than do about the leaders of democratic countries. It is as if they think dictatorships are better than democracies, and I find that terrifying.
Kathy Kerridge,
Cathy what is terrifying is the anti President Trump Progressive Socialist all over this country. The press and the so called Progressive Democrats not only dislike President Trump they hate him. I am a very big supporter of President Trump and in this town I am looked down upon as a very hateful person. I am not. By the way we are a Republic not a Democracy. I speak out about the “Shadow Government” orchestrated by the group that calls themselves at present the “ISO WORKING GROUP”. The name always changes but the motives are the same. Use the group thru the Mayor to bring their one-sided issues to the council agenda. President Trumps winning. The Republicans will hold the House and Senate, Governors, State Houses in 2018 and he will be re-elected in 2020. Keep my prediction close by so you can either attack me if I am right or do the same thing if I am wrong. You folks will attack me either way. If I am wrong I will admit it and move on.
Thank you, Kathy, well stated. We are in the midst of a treasonous, incometent loser and a corrupt group of cowardly GOP supporters in Congress. I bless Robert Mueller daily to bring this sad charade to a widespread impeachment and imprisonment of all complicit parties. And there are many.
Peter Bray
Peter you must be talking about. Hillary, former President Obama, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein [Mr. Impeachment} and many other Progressive Socialist Democrats. I am surprised you turned on them.
You know, you don’t generate much sympathy when you cry about how mean people are because of your political affiliation, while on the exact same article mock other people for their political affiliation. It kind of makes you look like a snowflake.
I just stated facts about their political ,ID. No name calling. Is Socialist name calling. I do not think so
Don’t play stupid.Peter Bray made a comment that anyone can clearly tell is referring to the Republican party. You thought you would be cute and pretend he must be talking about democratic leaders, even tho ugh he specifically mentioned the GOP. So, either you didn’t read his comment and didn’t understand him, or you did read it and decided to make an unimpressive joke at him.
Peter said incompetent loser, I assumed he meant Hillary. The only incompetent loser I know. Then he said Cowardly GOP supporters. First off I am a GOP supporter and I am not cowardly. He is name calling and you appear to support it. GET WOK.
If you assumed that, in the exact same message, Mr. Bray was referring to both the GOP, and Mrs. Clinton (Who was never the subject of the article either), then you are not thinking very hard. You can disagree with him all you want, but it doesnt look clever or intelligent to misunderstand an obvious opinion, even if you don’t like it.
Also, I already own a wok, but thank you anyway for the undesired request.
B.B., You can explain it to him in 500 different ways. He knows you have him against the ropes. He is just pulling a Charlie Z.
You are correct. It’s probably impossible to get Bob to ever admit when he acts inappropriately to others.
I never act inappropriately. Just the facts. Get Wok. The biggest problem with the Socialist Progressive is they are now very willing to admit that is what is controlling the old Democratic Party. Led by the likes of Warren{50% Tax WARREN} and Bernie Sanders. They are digging their own hole as President Trump is “MAKNG AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” as the Socialist Progressives try to take it down. Again get WOK.
I would stop worrying about me. I am just a Conservative Republican living Benicia, Solano County and California. Your problem is a national one and getting worse. President Trump is {Making America Great Again} . That also includes you folks in Benicia, Solano County and California. What a great life. Join in and Get WOK.
First off you do not even know what WOK means. I react to comments. You and Peter made one and I reacted. Thomas, Peter and you may not like my comments. But do you really think this so called run makes any difference in any ones opinion. I just love to comment on what the very far left leaning Socialist5 Progressive Democrats have to say. You folks cannot take..
You have an imagination that is not very6WOK. That word again.;
The big problem is all of you Socialist Progressives are clueless on its meaning. More than likely have a terrible shine also. The big problem also is you all hate success. Try 4.1. Do any of you understand that. Call President Trump all the names you want. He is producing and I am a very proud to support President Trump. I am also a very Conservative Republican. Trying to make Benicia Great Again.
Good points, Kathy. And, this is only one issues on a long list of problematic in-discrepancies that exemplify this GOP administration.
One other thing that bothers many is that the right has long held itself up as the defenders of family values. Yet, the supporters of this GOP administration, have seemingly abandoned family values (that is if their support for such wasn’t actually just skin deep),
White evangelicals, this GOP administration’s most solid backers, have not parted ways. They remain indifferent or even supportive of ideas that fly in the face of family values, it seems like we can at last retire the idea that the right can still lay claim to “family values”. At least 15% of folks that identify as conservative/right-wingers/republicans, currently disapprove of this GOP administration. I am thinking that this 15% might, in part, be comprised of real Christians
KK–I see you are a bit biased, but that’s your right…let me take your points and show how what you hate is an interpretation of events and not fact
he has inflamed divisions in our country,
Well, the country has been divided for a while…inflamed is as likely a result of “the other side” winning and the media hating him (which he exacerbates, I admit (fake news)).
he has sown distrust about our elections,
Honestly, I don’t think HE would do such a thing, after all, he won, right?
he has done nothing to ensure our elections are protected,
What do you want him to do? Shut down social media? All I can tell so far is that a bunch of folks bought political targeted advertisements. Are you susceptible to advertising? If so, I have a bridge for sale…
he has created distrust in our intelligence services,
OK, I’ll give you that one. He really thought FBI was out to get him and it turns out, some of them were.
he has created discord between the U.S. and our strongest allies
That’s true, but he also had that as his platform which is how he got elected. He kept saying we were taking it in the shorts on trade deals.
he has lavished praise on the worst dictators and abusers of human rights
RU talking about Korea, Iran? I don’t recall any lavish praise coming from the guy. Perhaps your definition of lavish praise and my “pat on the back for one thing or another” are the same thing.
and insulted those who stand for democracy.
Insult, like strong drink, affects only those who accept it. Who specifically are “those” that he insulted other than being his normal blustery self who has no governor on his mouth motor.
KK, I’m not saying you are wrong completely, just that you are letting your bias affect your observations. Not a big deal, most people do. Some famous psychiatrist actually wrote about it (not worth my time to look it up again)…basically he said that people grow up with a world picture and will reject throughout their lives things that don’t fit into that view. ….more succinctly, you can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.
3Q 2014 5.2
Read further and understand what it means. That info is correct but what is it based on. Year before or previous quarter. Get your facts correct and maybe we can have a discussion. President Trump is Making America Great Again. Get WOK.
Chrlie Z, “Get your facts correct ……”. My facts are straight. Your opinion about most everything is based on wishful thinking and pure speculation. Maybe you will be able to talk about the eggs after they hatch. But, sorry, it is far to soon. As an aside, I’m not interested in your inability to have a discussion.
This GOP administration in making the US get laughed at.
No such thing as wok outside of a kitchen.
Meant Charlie Z.
Again a statement without facts. Sorry Thomas you do not know what your talking about. No use talking to someone who does not understand finance. Get WOK Thomas then you would not be making a fool of yourself.
Sorry Bob, I’m not going to engage further in this conversation. You are pulling things out of the sky. No use talking to an armchair economist with tunnel vision.
Sorry, meant Charlie Z.
Thomas I am going to help you out on WOKE used as WOK slang on social media. It can be used both ways. I hope I made your day better and your vocab better.
Sorry, nobody uses “wok” for “woke”. Why are you trying so hard to be hip? You come off as sounding foolish.
Get WOK has gotten lots of attention. I have been personally attacked by mister no name {Speaker to the vegetables}, Thomas and slightly by BB. Now you tell me just who is all wrapped in WOK. It is not me.
Wait… Are you using “wok” as “woke”?? I assumed something else, because nobody does that.
Are you questioning Charlie Z., the master of urban slang?
I guess so. Google only offers A few acronyms, as well as large pans for stir fry. I guess it’s too new for the internet.
I”m not sure why this thread is so interested in the Wrath of Khan (WOK).
I’m not sure why it was a subject at all. Bob mentioned it, and kept bringing up how nobody else knew his slang. I was hoping for an answer to his strange conclusions but… I guess he doesn’t want to explain.
You have to forgive our Obsessed with Learning (OWL)…occasionally the bourbon is confusing. Of course, it could be Ordinary Wizard Level (OWL), or even Best of Breed (BOB).
Here is your answer for all the super intellects. Go to acronym finder. It is there. Learn how to do searches and Thomas and Speaker would not look so childish.
Well, regardless who is up for meeting up at the lak. We are up for it.. Anyone else want to com?
Not an acronym, Charlie Z.
So, does anyone have anything left to say on the issues discussed in this letter? If not, I may close comments on it. Please stay on topic or move on.