WE MOVE NOW TO THE EXPLOSIVE GROWTH of that ALEC-sponsored “solution in search of a problem,” the voter ID phenomenon.
To see a graphic display of the recent growth of voter ID laws, go to “Flurry of Photo ID Laws Tied to Conservative Washington Group,” by Ethan Magoc (News21), published Aug. 12, 2012. Scan down that page and click on the map image to see the voter ID laws that have taken root under the guidance of ALEC, that wunderbar guide to a democracy under the firm and inspired leadership of the corporate world.
“A growing number of conservative Republican state legislators worked fervently during the past two years to enact laws requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls,” Magoc writes.
“Lawmakers proposed 62 photo ID bills in 37 states in the 2011 and 2012 sessions, with multiple bills introduced in some states. Ten states have passed strict photo ID laws since 2008 …
“A News21 analysis found that more than half of the 62 bills were sponsored by members or conference attendees of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a Washington, D.C.-based, tax-exempt organization.”
ALEC has nearly 2,000 state legislator members who pay $100 in dues every two years. The huge bulk of ALEC’s money comes from nonprofits and corporations — from AT&T to Bank of America to Chevron — that each pay many, many thousands of dollars in dues each year. Neat deal, that: 50 bucks a year for Joe Schultz, assemblyman from Podunk Center, and he gets to shimmy and shake with those corporate heavy hitters!
But ALEC’s influence really took off with this voter ID scam. “I very rarely see a single issue taken up by as many states in such a short period of time as with voter ID,” said Jennie Bowser, senior election policy analyst at the National Conference of State Legislatures, a bipartisan organization that compiles information about state laws. “It’s been a pretty remarkable spread.” And a pretty heartwarming story — good folks coming together in a noble cause with the eager assistance of a dedicated organization.
“A strict photo ID law,” Magoc continues, “according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, requires voters to show photo ID or cast a provisional ballot, which is not counted unless the voter returns with an ID to the elections office within a few days.
“The flurry of bills introduced the last two years followed the 2010 midterm election when Republicans took control of state legislatures in Alabama, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina and Wisconsin. The same shift occurred in the 2004 election in Indiana and Georgia before those states became the first to pass strict voter ID laws.”
To summarize in its simplest form: We have an organization, ALEC, handmaiden to the corporate world, writing “model” laws for enactment by state legislatures — that is, the overwhelmingly GOP members of many of those legislatures — which serve the interests of … what else? … the corporate world. That this scam has gone on so long without greater exposure and resistance is a blot upon our democracy and an affront to civic morality.
In short, we have a burgeoning national movement to prevent voting by the poorest among us, those who are already under-represented, all in the interests of the mighty corporate world.
It is clear to everybody directly involved in pushing this national scam exactly what they are accomplishing — the disenfranchisement of folks who would be voting “the wrong way.” It has not a damn thing to do with illegal voting. The folks shaping these programs are not that stupid. That they have been able to con the general public as effectively as they have is a clear demonstration of that.
Check the NBC News site for News21’s “New database of U.S. voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed” (Aug. 11, 2012), the first in the series Who Can Vote, a News21 investigation of voting rights in America by Natasha Khan and Corbin Carson.
The piece begins, “A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal” — check out that fine word! — “and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually nonexistent.” (!)
“In an exhaustive public records search, reporters from the investigative reporting project News21 sent thousands of requests to elections officers in all 50 states, asking for every case of fraudulent activity including registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, vote buying, false election counts, campaign fraud, casting an ineligible vote, voting twice, voter impersonation fraud and intimidation.
“Analysis of the resulting comprehensive News21 election fraud database turned up 10 cases of voter impersonation. With 146 million registered voters in the United States during that time, those 10 cases represent one out of about every 15 million prospective voters.
“‘Voter fraud at the polls is an insignificant aspect of American elections,’ said elections expert David Schultz, professor of public policy at Hamline University School of Business in St. Paul, Minn.
“‘There is absolutely no evidence,’ Schultz said, that voter impersonation fraud ‘has affected the outcome of any election in the United States, at least any recent election in the United States.’
“The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. ‘The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That’s why voter impersonation is practically nonexistent, because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,’ said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.” (I would add that it would have to be one of the most cost-ineffective scams ever contemplated, should someone consider the possibilities!)
“There is more fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than any other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud and 400 cases of registration fraud. A required photo ID at the polls would not have prevented these cases.” (And, by the way, even those numbers are hardly wrenching!)
Big surprise: “As ALEC grew, it began drafting and disseminating ‘model bills’ that advocated free-market economic ideas, such as eliminating capital gains taxes (!) and weakening labor and consumer laws. Its website states, ‘Each year, close to 1,000 bills, based at least in part on ALEC Model Legislation, are introduced in the states. Of these, an average of 20 percent become law.” (Love that “model” legislation framing!)
“This statement was difficult to substantiate until 2011 because ALEC’s model bills and membership lists were secret.” (And isn’t that a rude surprise!) “After Ohio community organizer Aliyah Rahman helped start a spring 2011 protest against ALEC in Cincinnati, someone offered her 800 ALEC documents and revelation blossomed.”
If all that ALEC does is so noble, why keep it secret?! You mean they didn’t want folks to know where this legislation was coming from? Well, that’s the way with some — willing to work really, really hard but too modest to accept credit!
Finally, to dramatize and put a human face on the problem raised by these voter ID laws, consider the following for one state and multiply it by the number of states involved:
From “Voting Rights Battles Re-emerge in the South,” by Nick Andersen, Kassondra Cloos and Caitlin O’Donnell of News21, Aug. 12, 2012:
“Opponents of photo voter ID in South Carolina point to thousands of primarily black, elderly residents who don’t have access to the necessary paperwork, such as birth certificates, to obtain a government-issued photo ID. If the state’s photo ID bill is upheld in federal court … these voters would be unable to cast a ballot in the November election.”
Weigh this against the tiny rewards from that phony war ostensibly against fraudulent election day voting. Is its real purpose not painfully obvious?
And that pretty much wraps up the huge voter ID scam and — perhaps for those who were thinking me naïve, deluded or unconcerned about the problem of fraudulent voting — we can all pull together now to attack the real issues, with GOP and corporate manipulation of voting rights heading the pack!
Jerome Page is a Benicia resident.
As long as ‘Dead’ folks can still vote at least once per election and Republicans are dissuaded from voting all together, Jerome will be content.
There are probably as many “dead” Republicans as here are Democrats, unfortunately. The other information in this piece cannot be argued with – the numbers are checked and re-checked by nonpartisan and scientific researchers. The fact is that these laws are designed to prevent Democratic-leaning voters from getting to the polls, which even Republicans have admitted in so many words. ALEC’s record in some southern states is horrible – even going into local school board elections to try and prevent science curricula from mentioning climate change and evolution. It’s no surprise why the USofA is falling farther and farther behind other countries in a well educated population which, is of course, the point. Our democracy is dying and if we don’t stop the corporate takeover of every aspect of our lives we have no one to blame but ourselves.
It occurs to me that most of Jerome’s missives and the elicited replies are merely admonitions of the inferred villains (The GOP), but never is a solution to any calamity proffered. Though it may ‘Float Your Boat’, the art of ‘Verbosity’ solves nothing.
Solution: stop vote suppression.
J whern did the Republicans admit it in so many words. Talk about a person that is down on America. J you win hands down.
Bob – here a few from an article in The Nation. I can probably find more if you want:
* Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) suggested that the House’s end game in passing the Voter ID law was to benefit the GOP politically.
“We are focused on making sure that we meet our obligations that we’ve talked about for years,” said Turzai in a speech to committee members Saturday. He mentioned the law among a laundry list of accomplishments made by the GOP-run legislature.
“Pro-Second Amendment? The Castle Doctrine, it’s done. First pro-life legislation – abortion facility regulations – in 22 years, done. Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”
The statement drew a loud round of applause from the audience. It also struck a nerve among critics, who called it an admission that they passed the bill to make it harder for Democrats to vote — and not to prevent voter fraud as the legislators claimed.
*That’s what happened when Don Yelton, a now-former North Carolina Republican official, spoke to The Daily Show’s Aasif Mandvi. Yelton admitted that North Carolina’s new voting law, which includes a flurry of new provisions including voter ID, is “going to kick Democrats in the butt.”
* “I think we had a better election,” Pennsylvania’s GOP chairman Rob Gleason said in July. “Think about this: We cut Obama by 5 percent…I think Voter ID helped a bit in that.”
* Texas’ Republican attorney general and candidate for governor Greg Abbott doesn’t believe Texas’ redistricting discriminates against minorities.
It just discriminates against Democrats — who happen to be largely minorities, he admitted in a letter to the Department of Justice defending the state’s voting maps:
DOJ’s accusations of racial discrimination are baseless. In 2011, both houses of the Texas Legislature were controlled by large Republican majorities, and their redistricting decisions were designed to increase the Republican Party’s electoral prospects at the expense of the Democrats
* South Carolina’s voter ID law was another voting restriction blocked before the 2012 election thanks to the now-gutted Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act. Though the state’s Republicans denied the racial motivations of the law, it was sold as a way to fight President Obama.
“Stop Obama’s nutty agenda and support voter ID,” read a card attached to a pack of peanuts passed out by the state’s GOP, state Rep. Alan Clemmons (R-Myrtle Beach) admitted, then later refused to admit in court. Clemmons, a force behind the bill, also admitted answering “amen” to a fellow Republican’s email that said offering a reward to African-Americans “would be like a swarm of bees going after a watermelon.”
* In the run-up to the 2012 election, Ohio Republican secretary of state Jon A. Husted seemed to be angling for a repeat of the 2004 election, when secretary of state and an honorary “co-chair” of the Bush/Cheney campaign Ken Blackwell presided over an election marred by irregularities and unforgivably long lines that resulted in thousands of voters never casting a vote.
One of Husted’s tactics was to cut back early voting in Democratic communities while expanding it in Republican communities. In case the transparent nature of such a move wasn’t obvious enough, one state Republican was particularly blunt when explaining the party’s motivation for limiting early voting. Ari Berman explains:
Why do Ohio Republicans suddenly feel so strongly about limiting early voting hours in Democratic counties? Franklin County (Columbus) GOP Chair Doug Preisse gave a surprisingly blunt answer to the Columbus Dispatch on Sunday: “I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban—read African-American—voter-turnout machine.” Preisse is not some rogue operative but the chairman of the Republican Party in Ohio’s second-largest county and a close adviser to Ohio Governor John Kasich.
Those comments admit nothing. Just saying they want to make the process fair and balanced. Just another attempt by a Liberal to make something out of nothing. What all those states did or attempted to do was just like what the Liberals did. Except in the Liberrals case Just give an expected advantage to Liberal voters.. When the Republicans counter it is called trying to suppress the vote. Come on you can do better than that. Anyone in any state can vote if they wish and also follow the rules and take the time to do their civic duty. Have you J ever been prevented from voting? I think not. Voter ID is a very important process and a civic duty to prepare yourself for all the things that need an ID. . There is not one thing that can prevent anyone from getting a proper ID and many accomodations are being made. Those were very lame examples on an issue that the Liberrals can not stand. Just let anyone go to the polls/mail/computer and cast a vote. That is not exercising your right to vote it is giving an unfair advantage to Liberals like yourself who I hope have a proper ID. Stop this silly argument it makes Liberals look not very well educated.
The derp is strong with this one.
I grew up in the south; lived there for awhile as an adult and, unless you have actually witnessed what voter suppression can do, you need to stop claiming that anyone who questions these tactics – which are only occurring in states with Republican majorities where, for some reason, voter fraud is rampant – is anti-American. I want you to tell me exactly what statistics or factual information in this article is wrong, specifically.
You have no idea what my history is, nor do you know how I have spent my life working to make this country better both as a teacher and as a member of an active religious community. I resent the constant barrage of implications and statements by everyone from Sean Hannity to Anne Coulter to some posters on this site, that anyone who questions any Republican tactics – from the Iraq war to voter suppression – is a liberal and hates America. I would also like you to name one state, where Democrats are in the majority, which has passed laws that say you must supply an original or state-issued birth certificate or other original documents, sometimes at a cost which is hard for older or poor people – in order for people to vote. I want the Democratic – or sensible Republican run states – which have shortened voter times, shortened early or absentee voting, moved polling places to areas that are hard to access without private transportation, etc. etc. When you can produce a history in states that are led by Democrats or truly bi-partisan legislatures that have done what Mr. Page talks about in THIS article, we can discuss. I don’t think YOU hate the US of A because you approve of these issues; I expect the same respect in return.
You no nothing about me. I feel the same way about Liberals as you do about Conservatives. No need to even comment any more. You have your views and I have mine. Nothing will change that. Just get use to the fact that Republicans are going to control over 60% of all state legislatures and will take back the Senate and continue to control the House. I do believe that musat tell you something. When the south had all their voting ssues it was controlled by Democrats not Republicans. Get use to what is now happening. Believe me I do love America.
JFurlong asked:I would also like you to name one state, where Democrats are in the majority, which has passed laws that say you must supply an original or state-issued birth certificate or other original documents… in order for people to vote.
Easy: California
”All voters are required to provide a driver’s license number or state identification number. If voters do not have a driver’s license or state ID, they may use the last four digits of their social security card. If they also do not have a social security card number, the state will assign a unique number which may be used for voting purposes.”
Also Illinois (early voting only):
Voters using Early Voting must provide a photo ID, such as an Illinois driver’s license, state ID card or a U.S. passport.
Also, Oregon:
When registering to vote, voters must provide their driver’s license or state ID card.
There are others as well.
Very good comment Dennis. You beat me to the punch. That is fine it just spreads the hate Conservative comments around a little bit. I do no doubt that the Liberals think they are the only ones that as pure as the smow on all this ID stuff. It just makes a lot ofr sernse for ALL folks to have a proper ID for many reasons. The only thing I do not understand is why is it only the Democrats that the Liberals seem to think are being called upon to have proper ID. For some reason I guess they think Republicans are smarter and do know how easy it is to get a proper ID. We are all the ones that have credit cards, board airplanes, enter buildings, have bank accounts and the list goes on and on. Maybe the Liberals should go on a campaign to educate the Democrats on how easy it really is to get a proper ID. If the illegal immigrants can do it why can not the Democrats do it.. I guess they think the illegal immigrants are smartetr than the Democrats. Maybe they can make a trade for citizenship with the uneducated Democrats for an illegal. You know one for one. Problem solved.. Yes it is a silklty idea but at the same time you want them both to vote.
You do not need an ID to vote in California. You do not need an ID to register to vote in California. You do not need an ID to vote, early or otherwise, in Illinois. You do not need an ID to register to vote in Illinois.
Source: I have lived, recently, in both places. I’ve never voted in Oregon but I would wager Lund is mistaken there too. A safe bet whenever he comments.
HH stated: You do not need an ID to vote, early or otherwise, in Illinois. Source: I have lived, recently, in both places
I see what the problem is, you are using an unreliable and misinformed source. Try the one linked to and quoted below:
No need to thank me, always glad to be of help.
When You Need ID to Vote
1 Any time a voter uses Early Voting, the voter must present a government-issued photo ID such as a current Illinois driver’s license, a current state identification card issued by the Illinois Secretary of State or a current passport. This is a requirement under Illinois law.
Source: Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago
Nope. They still let you vote. Done it. Never showed ID. Nice and easy, and I was on my way in 15 minutes or so.
What, nothing about how we actually need IDs to vote in California despite every Benician on this board knowing otherwise? C’mon, you can do better!
This ran in the print edition of the Herald today. Very well stated from a former Republican.
Very interesting article and difficult to argue its content, but some will try to justify these egregious attacks on democracy. Don’t see a whole lot of people of color, poor people and seniors or women making a fuss about voter i.d. Another thing to ponder.
Could it be that in Benicia, Solano County and the state of California they all back this voter ID issue and there is no room for a Conservative view. J are you and H H always right and the answer is to attack Conservatives.? Both of you seem to think that digging up any article on anti voter ID is the answer. It is not. I do love the back . and forth. The one thing that has come out is that both of you think the Democrats represent all the poor, uneducated and minorities in this country. Well I must admit you have done a good of that with no results. Just a ring in their nose to guide them to a better life which has and will not happen. Yoyu have failed. So I would say you are sending the wrong message to these wonderful fol;ks and if I was them I would immediately switch parties. Its more than voter ID it is about opportunity, succes at any level. educaqtion, quaulity of life and many other things. The Liberrals have not provided that and are in a bAD fix on those issues. Yes you will keep they fol;ks that you say you so treasyure. But the folks that see the light are jumping ship in droves and will be very good Republicans. We will offer self reliance, opportunty and independence. Not a dream that the Liberals have not provided nor will provide. The Liberals do not offer that, just hope and an illusion of succes that has never happened. That is why I use the term Ring in their Nose. Just get off the dream macnine and get to reallity. You are over and out except in certain areas of this country which are sting mistaken and still living in an illusion.. 2014 may wake you up.
Two recent headlines represent the future to increase Democrat voting for 2016:
Report: 36K criminals freed while awaiting deportation
Eric Holder makes case for felons to get voting rights back
Remember: When Felons vote; they Vote Democrat!
You are a deeply stupid person.
I do believe H H you just about sum up the Liberals that I dislike so much. I will admit H H I do not like you. You do not help the far leaning left Socialist cause. Your remarks were expected and only harm yourself.
You know as much about liberals as I know about astrophysics. The difference between us is, I’m smart enough, and curious enough, to learn.
I find myself curious to understand the seemingly pervasive attitude whereby individuals whom are being asked to provide substantiation that they are legally voting at their designated polling place is somehow considered discrimination. The right to freely elect those who represent our interests in a representative system of government is defined in the Federal and State Constitutions. Implicit in this process is the prevention of the violation of this trust. Those who seek to ignore this precept, regardless of motivation, are by definition ‘Breaching’ said trust. Law, intellect and common sense dictate that we endeavor to conserve this covenant in order to validate the sanctity of our Republic and prevent decent into oligarchy.
History is replete with contravention of this ethic and the subsequent downfall of countless civilizations, yet we learn not. Shall we now come to understand the peril of ‘Destruction from Within’ as it enters through open doors left ajar by political expediency? Is the fate of the ‘Greatest Republic’ that man-kind has ever known to again be ‘Destruction by Complacency’ as political correctness and the philosophy of ‘I’m OK’ and ‘Not In My Backyard’ over-takes sanity?
It seems we have learned little and as such the George Santayana quote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” is more poignant than ever before…lest you realize we are there.
Would-be intellectuals crack me up.