Benicia High School students pour out of their classes for the National School Walkout at 10 a.m. today to protest gun violence. (Photo by George Johnston)
Facing unexcused absence as punishment, approximately 400 Benicia High School students nevertheless joined thousands of peers across the country to walk out of school as a part of the National School Walkout.
The National School Walkout was a nationwide protest held today to rally against gun violence and honor those who lost their lives in shootings. The event, coinciding with the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School Massacre, was one of several national demonstrations held in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Feb. 14, and Benicia High students have actively participated throughout. On Feb. 24, students marched from Benicia High to City Park where they held a candlelight vigil. On March 14, they held a brief rally on campus in lieu of the the National School Walkout held that day. On March 24, students organized a march down First Street and rally at City Park which had several local officials speak. Today’s walkout called for students across America to leave school and join with their fellow youth in demonstrating a call to gun violence.
Students began leaving Benicia High around 10 a.m. Parent Lisa Scott checked her sophomore daughter out of class before the march started so she would not have an unexcused absence mark. Scott would also present her daughter with an orange National Walkout T-shirt.
The student marchers made their way up Military West, chanting slogans like “No more fear, it ends here” as cars honked in support of the march. When the marchers promenaded down First Street, shopkeepers and onlookers pulled out their phones and took pictures of the students. The march concluded at the First Street Green. Throughout the march, the Benicia Police Department escorted the students.
Following the march, students took turns giving various speeches against gun violence. Some would call for the crowd to vote in November while others told stories of how gun violence has affected their lives individually.
A table was set up by the League of Women Voters to register students to vote. There was also a petition to the Benicia Unified School District to provide doors with the ability to lock being signed.
A tweet by Benicia High School estimated that around 400 students participated in the walkout and called it “a powerful movement of student voice and action.”
Wow, what a great bunch of young Benicians! Another historic gathering calling for better gun control and an end to the NRA’s chokehold on our elected leaders!
Sorry Roger no choke hold just the constitution.
Bravo to those brave students, they are going to do something we adults have failed to do. They are taking on the NRA and coming after elected officials that have failed to protect them. It’s about time…and the children will lead us.
Good for them!
It is a good thing to see young people take a stand to attempt to goad their government to take action. It will be successful if they are persistent. I have my doubts about whether violence will be diminished if they are successful-people being naturally ornery cusses. But still, good to see young people at least try instead of just giving up.