Recent storm events are a reminder that this is the time of year when many areas of Solano County may be at risk of flooding. The Solano County Water Agency and Solano Resource Conservation District would like to remind residents that there are a variety of flood control resources available:
The Real-time Rainfall and Creek Levels tool allows residents to view real-time stream depth and rainfall data from gages around the County. A link to this site can be found on the Solano County Water Agency’s home page:
The Daily Flood Hazard Weather Forecast summarizes the flood risk and rain forecast for Solano County on a daily basis. A link to this site can be found on the Solano County Water Agency’s home page: Residents can also call a special flood warning phone number (707-455-1115) to get the same forecast and flood warning information that is on the SCWA web page. Water Agency staff closely monitor any storm predicted to produce one inch of rainfall in a 24 hour period. In such events, monitoring and communication of flood risk occurs on a 24 hour per day, 7 day a week basis.
Flood Hazard forecasts are updated regularly, as frequently as every 15 minutes during a major storm and usually daily during November through April. Generally, if more than one inch of rain is forecasted for a 24 hour period, those living in flood prone areas should pay attention to the weather and be ready for localized flooding. Forecasts of more than two inches of rain warrant more serious preparation for flooding.
Under more serious imminent flooding conditions, the Water Agency will work with the County Emergency Services to issue a telephone warning to areas (in the unincorporated County) that are know to be flood prone. Some cities also have this capability and will make such warning themselves.
The Flood Control Small Grant Program is a cost-share program designed to help groups of landowners implement small flood control, erosion control and drainage projects. More information about the program and summary brochures in both English and Spanish can be found at:
Ready for the Flood: an awareness and preparation manual for Solano County residents is a useful booklet, available in both English and Spanish, that outlines the resources available in the County for those residents at risk of flooding. It has advice for preparing your home and family for emergency situations, examples of flood control projects and steps residents can take to minimize property damage. Printed manuals can be requested from the Solano Resource Conservation District, and online versions can be found at:
When it rains, it pours.