There’s finally some light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to the delayed renovations to Fitzgerald Field.
The makeover project that broke ground last August has been constantly delayed due to the rainiest winter in California in years. Benicia City Project Manager Rick Knight and J-Walt Construction, Inc., have been working hard trying to complete the project, which is now about 85% completed.
“The weather has been killing us,” Knight complained. “I know we need the rain, but it’s put us almost three months behind schedule. I know everyone’s been looking forward to getting back out there. Hopefully, best-case scenario we’re done by the end of the month. But I need three weeks of dry weather.”
The stadium’s new bleachers have been completed, with only a little bit of touch-up paint needed. Spectators will now sit roughly 2 feet above ground level, compared to 4 feet prior to the rebuild. The bleachers are also closer to the action, about 2 feet from the field.
Knight understands the frustration in the delay.
“It’s been hard on the Little League teams and the Oldtimers who play here, and I don’t know if the high school will be able to play here this season like they’d hoped,” Knight said. “But I’m proud of the whole thing. It’s a lot nicer than it was and you’ll be a lot closer to the field of play. I think everyone is going to enjoy it.”
New bathrooms have also been built, and the stadium is more compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), allowing more convenient access.
Work crews began removing the asphalt from the old parking lot on Tuesday and expect to have it re-paved by April 20. Netting and fencing still need to be put up, and work crews haven’t had a chance to prepare the field itself for renovation.
Fitzgerald Field is the downtown area’s overflow for heavy storms and high tide, and the field often has standing water after storms. The field was still damp on Monday.
The architectural Design was by Interactive Resources and Brant Fetter, Architect