Politics has never been a game for the lighthearted or thin-skinned. It can be, and always will be a matter of not what one can do, but what one can get away with.
Today standards of integrity have been carried to the lowest levels by the Democratic nominee. Hillary, along with her husband, represent one of the most cynically corrupt political teams ever witnessed. Indeed, as to the nominee herself, to find a suitable comparison, we would need to go back to Agrippina the Younger, who was described as ruthless, ambitious, violent, and domineering. Hillary may be a clone to Agrippina, but is lacking in the charm she is said to have possessed.
In battling the Clintons specifically, and the Democrats generally, one has to recognize that the “Ends justify the means” is embedded in their psyche. This is much stronger amongst Alinsky disciples such as Obama and Hillary. If this fact is not recognized by Republican candidates, they will lose, just as they have the past two presidential elections.
Those shouting the loudest that “Democrats don’t steal elections” are the Democrats stealing elections. The methods used are numerous. Paul Murphy’s excellent piece at American Thinker, “How Democrats Steal Elections,” covers several aspects of their no-holds-barred techniques.
We stand today at a threshold, which those who wish to stop the Clinton-Bush-Obama-Clinton slide into statism are going to have to cross; fighting the Democrat fire with gloves off will be required.
The need to ‘know your enemy’ is as with us today as in the days of Sun Tzu.
Some chose to not take this path, as they consider themselves to be “above the fray.” Those are the people Obama was talking to when he condescendingly said:
“You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election.”
Today the election approaches, both sides are predicting a landslide.
The Democrats believe Donald Trump has a vile ugliness, making “Agrippina” Clinton look good by comparison. The Trump camp is projecting a massive turnout of people who have, well, not turned out in the last two elections.
As in most cases with two sides, the truth lies in the middle.
It is a real possibility that 2016 could be a repeat of 2000, with the contest coming down to the electoral votes of a single state. Ohio could be the next Florida.
If that occurs the Democrats will try to steal the election, just as they tried 16 years ago. Given that, the methodology used then is worth reviewing.
This was described by Democrat attorney Tim Downs and Mr. Bob Haueter, in a World Net Daily article published Nov. 13, 2000.
Haueter was chief of staff to former California Assembly Minority Leader Scott Baugh, and is an expert on manual recounts.
At that time, he and Downs accurately described what unfolded before us:
“The first rule is, you keep counting until you’re ahead. And if that doesn’t put you ahead, you recount, re-recount — you keep counting until you’re ahead. If you’re behind, then you’ve got nothing to lose.”
“Second,’ Nolan said, ‘the more times those ballots are handled, the more chance there is that chads will break loose’ and hence disqualify the ballot.
“Third,’ he said, ‘the minute you’re ahead, you stop and declare yourself the victor.’”
From the same WND piece former California Assemblyman Pat Nolan, who served two years for political corruption (in 2000 he was working for Chuck Colson’s Prison Fellowship Ministries) added some additional detail:
“Fox News’ Tony Snow’s weekend interview with Bush campaign representative and former Secretary of State James Baker, (Snow) asked Baker why — after each time election officials run ballots through mechanical vote-tally machines — there have been more votes counted or taken away from both candidates.
‘Baker didn’t have an answer to that,’ Nolan said. ‘But the answer is, because they’ve handled those ballots more times, breaking loose more of those chads.’”
Today as we approach November one can rest assured that the tactics described by Paul Murphy, as well as those described above, will be used to salvage a Democrat victory, pyrrhic though it might be.
The leaders of the GOP have demonstrated more disdain for Trump then they have for the Clinton’s, which is a measure of how weak and rudderless they are today.
A year ago in a piece at American Thinker it was phrased thusly:
“The fact is the GOP has failed to deliver on the promises made giving it_control of the legislative Branch. Because of GOP recalcitrance, Trump has become the darling of the Howard Beales of the nation.”
Trump is now the nominee, many Republicans remain undecided. It is not the Republicans of D.C. that will decide the outcome of this election. Instead it will be a coalition of Trump voters, combined with those anonymous citizens manning polling stations and possibly participating in recounts.
If this election is to be lost, let it not be because proper attention was not paid to the success of battle plans of the past.
It is known how they play, and they play to win.
If those opposed to Hillary are not willing to take the gloves off, she will be president.
Dennis Lund is a mechanical engineer who lived in Benicia for more than 20 years.
Spot on Dennis. Oh how true.. Good to see your articles on a continuing bases. Thanks Dennis. Makes for a good mix on the Forum page.