“When I learned that I passed (the bar exam) in Arkansas but failed in D.C., I thought that maybe my test scores were telling me something.” — From “Living History,” by Hillary Clinton
IN SPITE OF HER OCCASIONAL DENIALS, it is abundantly evident that Hillary Clinton will be running for the presidency in 2016. Yet Hillary’s rise in politics is not based on a strong record of personal political achievements, but has been the result of the synergistic opportunism she shares with her husband.
Rare is the presidential candidate who combines a lack of success in actual legislative accomplishments with a lengthy list of scandals, miscues and outright failures. Hillary could be just that candidate.
In her long career Hillary has often been portrayed as the “victim,” a role she encourages through her actions, be it playing the innocent, doting wife of a philandering husband or expressing the banal claim of being a target of a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”
As to the voters, they either have bought into this fiction or they recognize her for the danger she presents to the nation should she be elected.
Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career.
Writing for Forbes magazine, Ralph Benko describes Hillary as “without question, formidable. She is smart, skilled, experienced in seeking and wielding power. Formidable, however, is freighted praise. It conveys admiration but not likability.”
Her career got off to a rocky start when she was one of the 33 percent who failed the Washington, D.C. bar exam in 1973. If her future in politics was to include D.C., it appeared a detour to Arkansas may be advantageous, as the bar appears to be set lower there.
Her journey south was delayed when she was able to attain a patronage appointment, through Ted Kennedy’s attorney, Yale Law Professor Burke Marshal, as a staff member to the Senate Judiciary’s Impeachment Committee during the Watergate scandal.
An Internet rumor that has made the rounds claims Hillary was “fired” from her committee assignment. In actuality, she was not, but the truth is not much prettier. The fact is when the work of the committee was completed, the entire staff was dismissed, which is par for the course. But Jerry Zeifman, the man who hired young Hillary Rodham, had many issues with her “erroneous legal opinions,” her “efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel,” as well as rule violations and deliberate false statements.
“Eventually, because of a number of her unethical practices, I decided that I could not recommend her for any subsequent position of public or private trust,” Zeifman said.
To a highly ambitious young attorney, this was a dismal failure. Without a recommendation from Mr. Zeifman, finding a suitable position in D.C. would be difficult. So Hillary soon departed for the backwaters of Arkansas, where her “unethical practices” would not be a hindrance.
Resurfacing nationally in 1992 with the infamous “stand by your man” interview on “60 Minutes,” Hillary gave a bravo performance, saving Bill’s fledgling campaign. But it was not a total success, as Hillary disparaged a country western icon — and many other women — when she said:
“You know, I’m not sitting here — some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette. I’m sitting here because I love him, and I respect him, and I honor what he’s been through and what we’ve been through together.”
That evening, my wife observed: “They are both lying through their teeth. They will do anything to get elected.” History has confirmed that astute analysis. Bill owed Hillary, big time.
One part of the payoff came when Hillary was tasked with the ultimately unsuccessful health care reform. David Nather of Politico put it thusly:
“Bill and Hillary Clinton understood individual members of Congress just fine. They just didn’t get Congress.”
This failure led to the 1994 loss of Congress, which then gave Democratic forces a new target: Newt Gingrich.
In 2001, after cleaning out the White House of all they could, the Clintons settled in New York so Hillary could be elected to the Senate; the fact that she had never lived in that state was a minor detail. Writing for the Huffington Post in 2008, Adam Hanft described her “achievements” as senator:
“There is not one single example of any legislation with her name appended to it. In fact … her Senate biography is a mish-mash, a laundry list of good intentions. When she talks about ‘sponsoring’ and ‘introducing’ and ‘fighting for’ legislation that obviously hasn’t passed, that’s a smokescreen for failure.”
After failing to achieve her goal in the 2008 presidential campaign, Hillary joined Obama’s Cabinet as secretary of state. It was a shrewd move on her part, as she was able to keep herself in the spotlight while reinforcing her image as a “team player.”
The fact remains, though, that her lackluster time as secretary of state contained no notable achievements, while offering many examples of failures of leadership, including the rise of Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist organization that the administration wanted to ignore. Hillary refused to designate Boko Haram, which recently kidnapped 250 school girls, as a “terrorist group” — even though the name itself translates literally as “Books bad,” indicating opposition to any educational system not based on the Qu’ran and Islam.
Writing for the Daily Beast, Josh Rogin reported that “What Clinton didn’t mention was that her own State Department refused to place Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011, after the group bombed the UN headquarters in Abuja. The refusal came despite the urging of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and over a dozen Senators and Congressmen.
“The one thing she could have done, the one tool she had at her disposal, she didn’t use. And nobody can say she wasn’t urged to do it.”
Would such a designation — since achieved — have prevented the kidnappings? Possibly not, but we will never know, because we never tried. Actions have consequences — and inaction can have dire consequences.
Lastly, we have Benghazi, and the next round of hearings now being planned. Democrats are circling the wagons and the one complaining loudest is Nancy Pelosi. We have heard the term “phony scandal” used for obfuscation before, but “phony scandals” do not come home in body bags.
There are, however, some Democrats speaking out against the events that unfolded in Benghazi, among them Camille Paglia:
“I for one think it was a very big deal that our ambassador was murdered in Benghazi. In saying ‘I take responsibility’ for it as secretary of state, Hillary should have resigned immediately.”
No matter how the hearings turn out, we do know this: The State Department was asked for help prior to and during the attack, and that help never came.
Once again, we did not even try — and once again, Hillary failed to make the call.
In closing I defer to Ms. Paglia:
“It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary is our party’s best chance. She has more sooty baggage than a 90-car freight train … Democrats have got to shake off the Clinton albatross and find new blood.”
The above actions, a mere snapshot of Hillary’s career, are not those of a leader and certainly not those of a person worthy of being president.
Dennis Lund is a mechanical engineer who lived in Benicia for more than 20 years.
Goordread Dennis. Hillary is toast. The big problem is the Liberals AND Hillary are unaware of that fact. She has opened herself up to a lot questions that she will have to answer. Personally I tjhnk if she runs it could be a run-away victory for the Republicans. She does not look well nor does she address issues very well. She weill age 20 years in the next 2 1/2 years. My advise Hillary is to bow out. As the process moves forward I do believe she will fad3e and open the door for the lady from Boston. Love that canpaign advantage for the Republicans. The Republican canidate will not even have to canpaign just show pictures of failed recent north east candidates. Can you just imagine Kerry on the stump for her. He will talk about himself more than the Senator from Boston.
Nope. No idea what you’re talking about. You need to work on your messaging.
That is because you do not understand MA. politics. Read and thern do some thinking.
Hmm. Still at a loss. Can anyone translate from Senile into English?
Simple H H you just do not understand politics. Get out of you own way and dig a little deeper.
Just watch H H and his comment on my typos. Sorry H H you got the message even with typos.
And does Mr, Lund have any really exciting, awe-inspiring Republican candidates that he can thrill us with and counter to Hillary? I’m counting on Hillary to run, a woman in the White House, how cool! Brighter than 90% of dull males in Congress. Otherwise I’m writing in “Border Collie” for any open seats.
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
More Hillary news the community can use—
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
From the above commenter: “I’m counting on Hillary to run, a woman in the White House, how cool!
Hillary Clinton Sides with NSA over Snowden Disclosures
Her comments sparked criticism from progressives, journalists and civil liberties advocates.
“[Clinton] is just piling on with others who criticized Snowden, not recognizing that if it were not for him and his courageous disclosures, we wouldn’t even know our government is routinely violating our 4th amendment rights,” Matt Rothschild, senior editor of The Progressive magazine, told Common Dreams.
Beyond the red,white and blue democratic shills for Hillary–
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
From the post below:
“Hillary Clinton’s Goldman Sachs Problem
She talks populism, but hobnobs with Wall Street”
“Goldman was a key participant in that “shadow banking system” that precipitated the housing market collapse and the consequent financial debacle that slammed America’s middle class. (A system that was unleashed in part due to deregulation supported by the Clinton administration in the 1990s.) This investment house might even be considered one of the robber barons of Wall Street. In its 2011 report, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a congressionally created panel set up to investigate the economic meltdown, approvingly cited a financial expert who concluded that Goldman practices had “multiplied the effects of the collapse in [the] subprime” mortgage market that set off the wider financial implosion that nearly threw the nation into a depression.”
“Hillary Clinton’s shift from declaimer of Big Finance shenanigans to collaborator with Goldman—the firm has donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation—prompts an obvious question: Can the former secretary of state cultivate populist cred while hobnobbing with Goldman and pocketing money from it and other Wall Street firms? Last year, she gave two paid speeches to Goldman Sachs audiences. (Her customary fee is $200,000 a speech.)”
“In recent years, Goldman Sachs has hardly exemplified the values and principles Clinton earnestly hailed in her speech. A few reminders:”
More Hillary news the community can use—
From the post below another look at the “darling of the democrats.”
Keystone XL Lobbyists Web of Corruption Infographic
“Now that the web of Keystone XL tar sands industry lobbyists connected to Hillary Clinton has grown far beyond Paul Elliott, DeSmogBlog, Oil Change International, The Other 98% and Friends of the Earth have produced a new white board infographic to help everyone visualize this cast of characters. ”
And be sure not to miss the short video (bottom of the page) on how Hillary turned the State Department into an Oil Services Company.
More homework for the dumb-downed democrats—
More Hillary (“darling of the donkeys”) news the community can use…
From the post below– a profound history lesson for the community to consider…
‘Secrecy, Intransigence and War
The Vices of Hillary Clinton’
‘The desire for secrecy is one of Mrs. Clinton’s enduring and damaging traits, which is why these campaign imbroglios are of consequence. Clinton dug himself into many a pit, but his greatest skill was in talking his way out of them in a manner Americans found forgivable. Befitting a Midwestern Methodist with a bullying father, repression has always been one of Mrs. Clinton’s most prominent characteristics. Hers has been the instinct to conceal, to deny, to refuse to admit any mistake. Mickey Kantor, the Los Angeles lawyer who worked on the 1992 campaign, said that Hillary adamantly refused to admit to any mistakes.’
More homework for the dumb-downed democrats—
More Hillary (“darling of the dems”) news the community can use…
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
From the post below:”a closer look at a few key events…”
“Hard times for the Clintons”?
The former Secretary of State and U.S. Senator–who’s flogging her new bookHard Choices in what is widely seen as a first campaign tour for another run at the White House in 2016–said that while it’s true her family is well off now, when she and former president Bill Clinton left the White House in 2001, they were–get this–”dead broke.”
“That’s right, they had “no money,” Clinton claimed, and had to “struggle” to “piece together the resources for mortgages and houses,” and for their daughter’s education. It was “not easy,” she said–and was only overcome through their “hard work.”
Were the Clintons “dead broke”? Hardly.
More homework for the dumb-downed democrats—
More Hillary (“darling of the dems”) news the community can use…
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
From the post below:”a closer look at a few key events…”
“Sure politicians are calculating, even cunning. Those are occupational traits. Maybe Hillary thinks she can push the envelope into prevarication and distortion with impunity. After all, as a Wall Street corporatist and a war-mongering militarist, she has gotten away with much worse.”
“Rocky Anderson, the former twice-elected mayor of Salt Lake City, cited polls and examples in his presentation to the mass-media in which he both addressed Clinton’s “recognized reputation for lying, distorting and evading,” and suggested important questions that they may wish to ask Hillary on her North-American book tour.”
“One such episode involved her trip to Bosnia as First Lady in 1996. By her account she landed under sniper fire and had to run “with our heads down to get into the vehicles.” This narrative was contradicted by the videos and the report from accompanying CBS reporter, Sharyl Attkisson. The video shows Clinton and daughter Chelsea, in Attkisson’s words “speaking with young people at the airport, taking their time and not rushing, heads down or otherwise, to any vehicles.”
More homework for the dumb-downed democrats—
More Hillary (“darling of the dems”) news the community can use…
“Misleading as the right-wing US Republican noise and politics machine might be, there is more than a kernel of truth in that machine’s notion of Democratic Party’s politicos as a bunch of manipulative, fake-populist elitists.’
“Dead Broke” Clintons: “It Was Not Easy”
“It’s hard not to treat Hillary’s story of post-presidential penury and her related tale of subsequent pulled-ourselves-up-by-our-bootstraps recovery with anything but dripping populist contempt. ”
“Before they left the White House, Bill and Hillary bought a $2 million home in upstate New York and a $3 million home in Washington DC. Hillary had already signed an $8 million book deal for her memoir Living History.”
Bill and Hillary hardly climbed from “dead broke” to super-wealthy status by putting in long night hours at the local Walmart and driving school buses and repairing city streets during the day. Their ascendancy into the upper reaches of the 1% had nothing to do with the American Dream of hard and honest labor leading to upward mobility.
“No, they joined the long and lucrative conga line of former officeholders who have “monetized” their many years in “government service.”
“Fittingly enough, the chief beneficiaries of Bill Clinton’s “public service” were the “private” financial elite, whom profited from key Clinton policies, including the investor rights North American Free Trade Agreement and the repeal of crucial financial regulations whose elimination helped create the economic collapse of 2007-2009.”
More Hillary news (homework) the community can use—
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
From the post below another look at the “darling of the democrats.”
“Chastened by her exhausting persecution as First Lady, HRC apparently decided as a member of Congress to go along to get along. During her first term in office she voted for every bellicose bit of war legislation the Bush administration saw fit to ram down the throats of the American people in the wake of 9/11: military action against Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the Iraq War Resolution. Not until her second term, when the deadly, misbegotten blunders of the Bush-Cheney junta became apparent to all but the most unregenerate jingos, did HRC modify her war support. By then it was too late.”
“As Secretary of State in the Obama administration, HRC supported the troop surge in Afghanistan and concurred with Obama policies which continued Bush-Cheney policies. Wikileaks revealed that HRC, like Condoleeza Rice before her, ordered U.S. diplomats to spy on United Nations officials, including representatives of friendly countries and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. HRC called the Wikileaks document release “an attack on the international community.”
“HRC also criticized Bradley Manning for his disclosures of U.S. war crimes and illegal State Department collusion with foreign oil companies. Of Edward Snowden, she said, “I don’t understand why he couldn’t have been part of the debate at home… because we have all these protections for whistleblowers.” But President Obama, while promising to protect whistleblowers, has prosecuted more leaks of classified information than all previous administrations combined. HRC’s disingenuous remarks about Snowden reveal either her own ignorance or her assumption of ours.”
Peter asks: And does Mr, Lund have any really exciting, awe-inspiring Republican candidates that he can thrill us
Peter, thanks for asking. Actually yes I have several in mind, but I am more concerned with the VP slot.
Is that Border Collie available?
So rollout your famous-to-become REPUBLICAN Candidates, Dennis, I’m dying to hear how they stack up to Hillary. And yes, ANY Border Collie will do.
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
Peter said:So rollout your famous-to-become REPUBLICAN Candidates, Dennis
Let’s stick with the topic and not get distracted. How about if you list all of Hillarity’s accomplishments as Senator and as SOS.?
We will be waiting with baited breath.
And nice dodge.
Mr. Lund:
Distracted? I’m well-focused. You and your rambling shadow Mr. Livesay have been whining since Mitt and the “SchwinnBoy” Ryan couldn’t pitch an adequate tent for the American public back in 2012. So all you have to offer is a belittlement of Obama and then Hillary.Your credibility is Zippety Doo-Dah. Show me your Republican Colossus that can stand in Hillary’s shadow and run in 2016 and not just whine…
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
No, baited was correct. we were having lox for breakfast, not holding our breath.
The lesser evil one
More Hillary news (homework) the community can use—
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
From the post below another look at the “darling of the democrats.”
“Hillary Clinton Goes to Bat for GMOs at Biotech Conference”
“The potential presidential candidate’s old industry ties resurface”
“Hillary Clinton’s views on GMOs are disappointing, but not surprising,” said Katherine Paul, associate director of the Organic Consumers Union, in an email to Common Dreams. Unfortunately, Paul continued, Clinton’s positions are “no different than those of previous administrations, including the Bush, Clinton and Reagan administrations, and they are taken straight from the biotech industry’s talking points.”
“Credible scientists, backed by independent (not industry-funded) studies are clear about the fact that foods containing GMOs are linked to a host of chronic illnesses,” Paul continued. “The American Medical Association has called for pre-market safety testing and a recent pilot study found unsafe levels of glysophate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, in the blood, urine and breast milk of American women.”
The lesser evil one
More Hillary news (homework) the community can use—
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
From the post below another look at the “darling of the democrats.”
“At Some Point, Progressives Need to Break Up With the Democratic Party”
“Time to get out of this abusive relationship.”
“Hillary Clinton, a conservative warmonger ideologically indistinguishable from Dwight Eisenhower, will almost certainly be the Democratic nominee. But she isn’t really a Democrat. Traditionally, Democrats were pro-worker; she and her husband pushed through NAFTA, GATT, the WTO and a slew of free-trade scams that have destroyed American jobs and depressed salaries. Democrats cared about the poor; Hillary has never so much as suggested a substantial anti-poverty initiative. Democrats aren’t supposed to invade sovereign countries for the hell of it; Clinton repeatedly pushed WMD lies, voted to invade Iraq and still hasn’t apologized for the two million Iraqis whose deaths for which she shares responsibility. Democrats want single-payer healthcare; instead, she created the template for Obamacare, which keeps rates high to protect insurance company profits.”
” Yet in today’s “Democratic” Party, Hillary is “inevitable.”
The lesser evil one
More Hillary news ( homework) the community can use—
From the above article:
“A closer look at Hillary’s ‘achievements’ ”
From the post below more information on the “darling of the democrats” for the community to consider…
“Hillary Clinton Flaunts Her Surveillance State Baggage”
“Who is the true patriot, Hillary Clinton or Edward Snowden? The question comes up because Clinton has gone all out in attacking Snowden as a means of burnishing her hawkish credentials, eliciting Glenn Greenwald’s comment that she is “like a neocon, practically.”
“On Friday in England, Clinton boasted that two years ago she had favored a proposal by a top British General to train 100,000 “moderate” rebels to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria, but Obama had turned her down. The American Thatcher? In that same interview with the Guardian she also managed to get in yet another shot against Snowden for taking refuge in Russia “apparently under Putin’s protection,” unless, she taunted, “he wishes to return knowing he would be held accountable.”
“Accountable for telling the truth that Clinton concealed during her tenure as secretary of state in the Obama Administration? Did she approve of the systematic spying on the American people as well as of others around the world, including the leaders of Germany and Brazil, or did she first learn of all this from the Snowden revelations”?
“Did Secretary of State Clinton know that such massive spying on the American people was going on and, if not, why isn’t she grateful that Snowden helped to enlighten her? With her scurrilous attacks on Snowden, Hillary Clinton is either a fool or a liar.”
Misguided … and self-defeating, and short-sighted, and well, just plain stupid. As personified by the above poster …
The lesser evil one
More Hillary news ( more-homework ) the community can use—
From the above article:
“A closer look at Hillary’s ‘achievements’ ”
From the post below “more information” on the “darling of the democrats” for the community to consider…
“Amid Populist Surge, Hillary Clinton to Wall Street’s Rescue”?
“Financial elite reportedly sees Hillary Clinton as “a solution” to those calling for stronger economic reforms and regulations”
As the Times reports:
” Few political families are closer to Wall Street than the Clintons. Their family foundation has raised millions from financiers and the foundations of big banks, and recently held its annual briefing for donors in the auditorium of Goldman Sachs’s headquarters in Manhattan. Major financial firms are stocked with Clinton alumni.”
” And the Clintons often interact with the titans of finance on the Manhattan charity circuit and during their vacations in the Hamptons. Last month, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton sat at a table with Hamilton E. James, president of the Blackstone Group, and mingled with the billionaire David H. Koch at a benefit for the Wildlife Conservation Society.”
More Hillary news the community can use—
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
From the above commenter: “I’m counting on Hillary to run, a woman in the White House, how cool”!
Really? More homework for the commenter and the community to consider…
“How Corrupt Is Hillary Clinton”?
” Hillary Clinton isn’t waiting to be elected as President in order to sell out. Not only did she while First Lady sell out to the HMO industry in crafting her convoluted national health-insurance plan, and while Secretary of State prop up instead of let fall the fascist junta that had just ousted Honduras’s progressive and popular democratically elected President, and not only is she a big booster of the same Wall Street firms that Obama is protecting from prosecution, but she now has been consistently selling out to Big Oil & Gas. She is a champion of deregulation – the same sort of thing that has been profiting the aristocracy while it is impoverishing and poisoning the public.”
“The few anti-global-warming activists can just go roast in hell as far as she is concerned. First of all, while she was the U.S. Secretary of State, responsible for an environmental impact evaluation of the Koch brothers’ proposed Keystone XL Pipeline to export to Europe (via their Corpus Christi refineries) the world’s dirtiest tar-sands oil from landlocked Alberta Canada, her State Department produced an environmental impact statement that was a triple-hoax : It refused to estimate the impact that the Pipeline would have on global warming; it was itself subcontracted out to an oil company services firm; (Environmental Resources Manngement) and that petro-friend subcontractor had no climatologist. The coup de grace of her sell-out on global warming, however is this:
“On 2 October 2013, Joe Romm at Think Progress headlined “More Bad News For Fracking: IPCC Warns Methane Traps Much More Heat,” and he reported that, “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that methane … is far more potent a greenhouse gas” than previously known, so bad it “would gut the climate benefits of switching from coal.” And then, just five days after that stunning report, Jon Campbell in upstate New York headlined “In Oneida County, Hillary Clinton Touts U.S. Oil-and-Gas Production,” and he reported that at Hamilton College she praised fracking for methane, by saying, “What that means for viable manufacturing and industrialization in this country is enormous.”
Will represents a peculiar strain of stupid in the American left that is, fortunately, completely toothless. (How many Greens are in the state legislature, Will? count them for us.) Never again will they be allowed to Nader an election and saddle the country with the epic failure of a (insert dangerously unqualified and generally unliked “conservative” here). Hillary doesn’t need to shore up her left.
As for the rest of it, Benghazi!!!!1! is the best the Reptilians have. Enough said.
More Hillary news the community can use—
From the above article:
“Yet here we are, pondering the possibility of a President Rodham Clinton. So it is appropriate to take a closer look at a few key events, specifically those of her own making, over the course of her career. ”
“How Corrupt Is Hillary Clinton”? Will she be indicted for espionage and lying to federal agents?
As we approach the California primary-June 7th,2016; the article below provides( a wake-up call) i.e. more news and valuable information for our citizenry to ponder about presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton…
“The bad legal news for Hillary Clinton continued to cascade upon her presidential hopes during the past week in what has amounted to a perfect storm of legal misery. Here is what happened.”
“…earlier this week, the State Department revealed that it cannot find the emails of Bryan Pagliano for the four years that he was employed there. Who is Bryan Pagliano? He is the former information technology expert, employed by the State Department to problem shoot Mrs. Clinton’s email issues.”
“Pagliano was also personally employed by Mrs. Clinton. She paid him $5,000 to migrate her regular State Department email account and her secret State Department email account from their secure State Department servers to her personal, secret, non-secure server in her home in Chappaqua, New York. That was undoubtedly a criminal act. Pagliano either received a promise of non-prosecution or an actual order of immunity from a federal judge. He is now the government’s chief witness against Mrs. Clinton.”
“It is almost inconceivable that all of his emails have been lost. Surely this will intrigue the FBI, which has reportedly been able to retrieve the emails Mrs. Clinton attempted to wipe from her server.”
“While all of this has been going on, intelligence community sources have reported about a below the radar screen, yet largely known debate in the Kremlin between the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Intelligence Services. They are trying to come to a meeting of the minds to determine whether the Russian government should release some 20,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s emails that it obtained either by hacking her directly or by hacking into the email of her confidante, Sid Blumenthal”
Read the rest of the story below:
I’m just giddy watching the republicans squirm, and I really am enjoying the show. People like Livesay are whistling in the dark with their ramblings and oaths of victory that will never come. He sounds delusional with his proclamations knowing full well that the rest of America has seen the republican/tea party stunts, they were disgusted with it and they are NEVER going to allow the lunatics to run the asylum again. Lund sounds as if he is about to hyperventilate as he spastically rattles on about all this minutia ad nauseum, none of which means jack to the average voter. These types won’t admit the GOP has outlived its usefulness to the common man and only exists to kneel then bow rapidly in front of corporate America…but they’re too stubborn and righteous to grasp the reality that the modern world will evolve no matter how hard they don’t want it to or how much they don’t agree with it. It is passing them by at light speed. Here’s something else to terrify them: the future is NOT going to turn around and come back for holdouts, sticksinthemud nor doubting Thomases.
Well Dennis you could at least tell us who you are. I have no problem saying my last name. Funny thing is that what you said has acc
omplished an enormou amount of victories for the Republicvan party. Hold 30 gov seats or 60%. Hold the House with a wide margin that is only going to get bigger. Hold about 55% of all state houses. Are on the verge of taking back the Senate. So what you said is just hog wash and only your opinion Mr. No Last Name. You just made a fool of the Democrat/Liberal group. Because if what your saying is true I would suspect the Liberals would have super majority’s. by now. They do not, so all you did is waste your time with that garbage. Nice try. You will also lose the 2016 Presidential election. Hillary is fading fast. She needs no help doing it all by herself. What was that last name again, I missed it. .
The name thing again. This is what he does when he has no ammunition. Shooting blanks like he has been all his life.
I do believe the facts speak for themselves. What ammunition do you have. Oh I forgot, you have Peter Bray another Border Collie executive.
Great article Dennis. I find it comical that when liberals are asked to site specific Hillary accomplishments, they are left scratching their heads from the void of commentary. Is this what has become of our country that we elect people like Obama and Hillary, whom neither have any legislative accomplishments nor any experience in governance. I don’t care how “cool ” it may seem to hire a woman or a black man to the highest office on this planet but doing so with someone with zero experience is just plain stupid! Unfortunately that describes a large number of the voters in the US. We can do much better – even with a democrat!
JLB said: I find it comical that when liberals are asked to site specific Hillary accomplishments…,
Thanks for the comments JLB.
One thing that was really hilarious was when she was asked to list her accomplishments by an interviewer. Best she could come up with was “we passed the baton”. Closer truth is the baton went past her!
Thank you, Will, much appreciated. That information I’ll consider. My backup candidate for that and any other seat is still “Border Collie.”
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
The lesser evil one
More Hillary news ( more-homework ) the community can use—
From the above article:
“A closer look at Hillary’s ‘achievements’ ”
From the post below “more information” on the “darling of the democrats” for the community to consider…
“Who Will Challenge the Corporate Democrats”?
“HRC’s Candid Motto for Democratic Party: “Represent Banks”
‘I’ve never forgotten Clinton’s remark about representing banks because it tells us much about her worldview – both then and now that she’s even more embedded in the corporate elite (and had Rupert Murdoch host one of her senate fundraising events).’
‘More importantly, Clinton’s comment speaks to the decline of the Democratic Party as a force that identifies with the broad public, those who often get stepped on by big banks and unbridled greed. Her remark is an apt credo for a party leadership that has spent the last quarter-century serving corporate power (through Wall Street deregulation, media dereg, NAFTA-style trade pacts, etc.) as persistently as it spews out empty rhetoric about “the needs of working families.”
‘Back then, it was a minor controversy that Hillary Clinton had represented a shifty S&L. Today’s Democratic elite is inextricably tied to far more powerful interests – Wall Street, big pharma, giant insurers and other pillars of the corporate 1-percent.’
Dennis I am very glad you wrote this article. Do write more like it. It does bring out t comments the past. We have more to come. So keep on writing. Comments that come from the far left leaning Liberal Socialist are all welcome. They just hurt Hillary and put any Republuican candidate in a much better light. Hillary if she runs will get hammered and age 20 years..These folks use terms like “Best practices”, “New normal. Pure made up terms to decribe mediocrity..which they all fall into. I like my made up term much better. It tells the whole story and is now being used widely. “Enviro Greenie”. Two words and tells a very big story. No explanation needed. Now watch the Liberals and their meaningless comments follow. They are already destroying poor Hillary.
Lund and Livesay (L&L):
I find it absolutely HILLARY-OUS that BOTH Rick Perry and Chris Christy have to come to Liberal California to solicit Republican supporters…and while here, Perry steps into his own ignorance again making the analogy about “alcoholism and homosexuality” and Christy refutes his analogy as being “wrong.” Where else can these two sad political clowns try to find an audience? Are their own two states so t]red of them, maybe California Repubs will give them a Golden break? If these are your best contenders for a run against Hillary, better back another horse or two or six..Oh, Yeah, “Louisiana Jindal and Florida’s Jeb,” even senior Mrs. Bush says the country has had enough of the Bushes…Good luck with your “stable of contenders,” no wonder Hillary is having such a ball early on, further teasing her opponents out of their stalls of comfort to leave their own states and hope for Better Republican Gold in California. Maybe your “contenders” ought to write a book…Have they? Can they? Would anyone read it? Think “Border Collie,” as a write-in candidate if all fails…
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
Perry came to California to sucker Gov. Brown into taking the bait on Tesla battery company. Brown bought it hook, line and sinker. California is now ready to mortgage the state on a sucker deal that will most certainly fail and leave the rersidents holding energy filled bag of garbage.Perry knew that California would fall all over themselves for it. Perry is more interest in oil and refineries and Perry found just the sucker he was looking for and he got it. Good try Peter. Neither of the two you mention will be a finalist.
Mr. Livesay:
“Finalist? “Not even a weak starter. Perry is an oil slick looking for some waterfowl or sand to land on somewhere. Christy is still stuck on his own “Bridge failure.” I’m waiting for you and Lund to roll out your BIG Repub “Contender” Mannequin on wobbly wheels…Anybody can criticize Hillary and the “Enviro-Greenies” when they have no real plan or “Man” of their own. Feel the warm coastal waters rising yet? Non-science…is it really bliss? Nobody said Gov. Brown had all the right answers.
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
Jeb Bush will quietly be the winner. Hillary and all the other Liberals will just defeat themselves. You know Peter like what is going to happen in 2014
“Jebb Bush!” What a frinking HAS=BEEN! He’s duller than an everglade at low tide…Oh, Livesay, you’re funnier than Groucho Marx meeting Henny Youngman at a Three Stooges movie.
Jebb Bush hardly knows anything but where the oranges grow in Florida. The US public are NOT Dim Bulbs…Jebb Bush. That’s hilarious…That’s your funniest line ever! You should write for the SF Chronicle or the Dogwater News!
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
Why would Perry do that? Just to harm California? This is the dumbest thing you have ever said and that is quite an accomplishment.
Again that is because you have your head in the sand and do not understand a set-up when you see it. Tesla, please.
Nice try.
Bob, This is from the SF Comical:
Texas vs. California – myth-busting time
Claim: Many Texas jobs are low wage. Wages mean nothing without the context of cost of living. …California’s $8 minimum wage can buy $6.06 of goods and services while Texas’ $7.25 minimum wage can buy the equivalent of $8.04.
Claim: 17.3 percent of Texans live in poverty compared with 15.3 percent of Californians. The census has calculated the poverty level using the same income threshold across the nation, …California’s poverty rate at 23.5 percent, the nation’s highest, while dropping Texas’ poverty rate to 16.5 percent.
Claim: The income gap is the nation’s fifth-widest in Texas. Not so. A new government workers union (AFSCME) report says California has the third-highest income inequality gap in the nation with Texas ranked seventh
Oops, guess I just went off topic!
Exactly, Peter…its like they passed gas (Perry) in a telephone booth and now they’re looking for a way out because they can’t stand their own stench (Christie). Its funny how the right cries and moans about ‘accomplishments’, but lets look a little deeper into that: If the American voter chose a guy that ‘didn’t do anything except be a community organizer’ twice to the highest office in the land instead of the slick polished career politicians the Republicans put forward, shouldn’t that tell you all you need to know about their tired, corrupt, backwards thinking, misogynist, bigoted unelectable philosophy and how the public doesn’t want anything to do with it? Didn’t they roll out a deeply touched candidate themselves named Sarah Palin in ’08 who had accomplished ‘0’ except for quitting her job and making a complete and utter ass of herself and her party? Deep in their guts they know this, and they are scared out of their wits. Their only compass is provided by lunatic fringe types such as Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Rove and the twisted sisters Crazy Eyes Bachman & Palin The Quitter. They are self-destructing and running around like their hair is on fire over Benghazi, trying to discredit Obama & Clinton over 1 attack and 4 sadly dead when their boy had 13 attacks and 60 dead. People in other parties that understand addition and subtraction without having to take their shoes off see the difference. We won’t even talk about how many were killed under their Lord & Savior Reagan who was the worst president by such a wide margin it is almost immeasurable. Here’s the Big Picture kicker: All these imbecillic moves over the last few decades adds up. Voters see this desperation, panic and ineptitude. People that have evolved are moving toward a superior plane, leaving those who grasp at straws and drag their knuckles on the ground groveling for revelance in today’s world…and its not going to happen. How can you tell this? By their tactics of “we don’t have any idea what to do, so lets just attack for attacking’s sake. They have nothing…no hope, no plan, no philosophy no ideas and only a scattered direction evidenced by the chasm between McCain & the scrunched foreheads & drooling lips of the Tea Party that even Evil Knievel couldn’t bridge.
Thank you, I couldn’t have said it better…
Peter Bray
Benicia, CA
I thought you left us for three months.
You wish…
Peter Bray
Thank you Bob., I appreciate the comment.
I forgot Hillary is no longer poor.
Well it was reported the the Clinton kid was making $600k while at NBC so make she can bail out am and pa. And while on the subject of the Clinton families financial prowess, they have made more money than most people ever would in 100 life times and yet they claim to be poor. Why would we entrust such poor money managers with being at the helm of one of the works biggest financial ships? That would just be anothe incredibly stupid move.
Frankly I think people are sick of the Clibyons, sick of Obama and sick of corrupt government. I think Hillary has LOSER written all over her almost no matter what!
Smart phone typos. Sorry but do do not worry because HH will be along shortly with chastisement and correction. That is what he/she does best.
We should not be too hard on the Clinton’s, I understand that Hillary was so broke she couldn’t even pay attention.
Good comment Dennis. Hillary is so out of touch she stiill wears 1970 pantsuits. Her thinking is still in the 1970’s. A hippy at heart. Still hides her money under the soap. Try to figure thaty one out Peter. By the way her favorite pet is a border collie..
L and L, joined at the loins. What a pair. Adorable.
Sick of the Clintons, but your team’s best offering is Jeb Bush! Ha!
Weak sauce. A pre-whine. Make yourselves feel a little better ahead of that walloping you know is coming.
Peter said:Show me your Republican Colossus that can stand in Hillary’s shadow
I agree with you Peter it would indeed take a Colossus to fill Hillary’s shadow.
So you could not come up with anything in the way of Hillary accomplishments?
The LEAST of Hillary’s accomplishments:
She traveled the world showing everyone that we were not an illiterate Texan no bigger than a strutting Bantam hen lANDING ON A FLIGHT DECK in his AWOL flight jacket proclaiming the “Mission was Over or Complete or Nearly Done or JUST STARTING” and that he had two wars to finance and Never WIN on a credit card while the US economy went to hell”, Nor did she allow Dick Cheney to become President of the World for 8 years…
You guys RAG on female Hillary because you have no accomplishments of your own lamentable Male heroes. Nixon? Reagan? Right! Hillary-ous!
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
Peter said: that he had two wars to finance…
That would be the wars she voted for, right Peter?
Still waiting for those accomplishments.
Lund and Livesay:
The always unfortunate part of responding to you two, is that you really don’t want real intelligent response, just ego-feeding to your one-sided, juvenile, right-wing chatter. I hope you acquire the mindless banter that you so desperately need to justify your political posturing on the planet. I only stumble into it for an occasional laugh, but then rapidly that old right-wing nausea overwhelms me.
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
Same Peter. Stuck in 1965.
Exactly. They love each other.
Stumble may be a good description of yourself. Stumble stumble right down the lane to defeat,
Or, you know, victory after victory. Over and over again.
Peter, let’s not forget that your pal HC was “all-in” on the vote for the war. It was a bipartisan strong vote supporting the effort. Dems seem to like to forget that fact. They also seem to dismiss that they all (congress) and the UN had the same body of evidence and it was conclusive that there were WMDs.
Peter, the REAL reason L&L don’t want Hillary in the White House is the reason they don’t like the half-Black man in the White House…it is typical right-wing bigotry, pure and simple. They run on a platform of hate for anyone who isn’t a pasty old white guy. But that’s ok really, because it will bring about change. Americans are flat out disgusted with anything right of center because of robotic Obama hate for no real reason, their sickening fanatical addiction to Big Business and its money, Tea Party dysfunction and their ‘Patriots’, and low IQ types inaccurately calling themselves ‘conservatives’ when nothing could be further from the truth. After the upcoming national beatdown they’re going to get, the GOP very well might cease to exist in its present form…and that’s good for America.
I am not sure where you have been or where you get your info. Very typical Liberal Socialist responce. No evidence just words and persoalL attacks..You do no rersearch just read left wing blogs and watch CNN and MSCBC. Yes that way you will get the answers that make you happy. But in reality the Conservatives are still running this country. Believe me in 2014 the Liberals are going to get hammered. The real HillARy is starting surface. She will not directly answer question that she should be able to answer. She was in charge and says she had nothing to do with security. The one thing she has done is copy President Obana in the blame game. It is always the Republicans. fault. Well your beloved Prrsident ObamA has just tanked in the polls. Even his past followers are running from him very fast.. The opposite is happening from what you say. The Republicans will retain the house with ease. take back the Senate break even on govs and add a few state houses. All in preparation to defeat who ever the Dem candidate for President is. in 2016. Your rant on personal attacks on Conservatives and Lund and Livesay shows lack of real understanding of politics. I assume we will have a Border Collie answer and more personal attacks by you very far left leaning Liberal Socialists.{that is not A Personal attack, it is political identification} Thats fine with me. No answers by your group just shows how out of touch you folks are. You may want to check the IQ issue you are talking about. Try California first. Understand politics first before you start a personal attank rant..
Dennis Roper: Thanks for your comments. I couldn’t agree more. Throw their heroes, Cheney and Wolfowitz into the mix and humanity slides back to the 12th Century. Steel and concrete buildings don’t turn to dust and rubble and fall to the ground in seconds. Follow that myth back to its origins and see who you find in charge of the western world while a dysfunctional past President can hardly conjugate his verbs.
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
Here you go.
Thanks so much for your intelligent response to the two Right-Wing Laugh Channels, Lund & Livesay. I can only withstand so much nausea and then I have to check out. See you maybe or not in 3 months if I’m bored with other political cartoon figures on a Doonesbury-like Saturday morning. Happy Father’s day if you’re so blessed. Me too.
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
Dennis I new it would not take long for Peter to check out. He says the same thing he said in 1965 which was also meaningless. Enjoyed you for a moment ot two Peter. Bye Bye. I wonder if he will keep his word.
I am Peter. But don’t let the fools get you down. Remember, they are a small and shrinking minority.
Hank just where have you been. Republicans hold over 55% of ALL elect3ed offices. Are you only counting California and forgot the other 49 states or as President Obama says 57 states.
Bob where have you been? You’re counting states like Wyoming where no one lives. And you’re talking about a party that has systematically offended and repulsed all nonwhites in the last two decades even as America becomes less an less white. Bob where have you been? Oh wait, I know.
Dennis you did a good job by writing this article. Notice that the Liberals just were waiting for your article. They love to comment when either you or I comment and you write. Very narrow group of folks. No idea what is going on in politics. Stuck on Hillary because they have no one else . Maybe H H will catch in to what I mean when I say the Ma. Senator. I do not think so. He is to busy correcting papers. The beat Goes On and On.
I’ll take Hillary over Nobody, which is what your side has. Gonna get thumped and you know it.
Hillary is the best thing that happened to presidential races. Just ask President Obama. She got beat by a novice and you still stick with her. That is why we Republicans love Hillary as a cndidate. The Dems will not show at the polls in 2020. Many house and senate dems are going to call it quits. Just watch H H. I notice you have given up on 2014 on the national level. 2014 will carry over to 2020. Clean sweep h h. No caps anymore for you.
You notice no such thing. FEMA will keep the Senate. They’ll knock off Mitch and win in Georgia and now maybe Mississippi too. They’ll hold on in Arkansas, Louisiana and Alaska and nothing else will be close. And in two years they’ll increase their majority.
Glad to hear you’re looking forward to Hillary. She’ll be your president too.
Now your turn. How many points will Jerry win by? The over under is 25.
Dems not FEMA. At least I can blame autocorrect.
Sorry H H wrong on all counts, but you are on record. Will keep Govs at about 30/20 Republican. State house by about 58%, you know H H that there are only 99. I sure hope you know that. Will increase thwe House by about 4/6 seats. Will tAKE
Sorry h h wrong on all counts, but you are on record. Will keep Govs at about 30/20 Republican. State houses by about 58%, you know h h that there are only 99. I sure hope you know that. Will increase the House by about 4/6 seats. Will take the Senate by a 51/52 margin. As I have said before you know nothing about national politics. I in fact like Gov Brown at present. His Assembly just shot down AB 2145. You do know that bill h h.. Now goes to the Senate where it will also pass and Gov Brown will sign it. The CCA’s {take your time looking up CCA’s we wil ,be here} are going crazy as well as all the Enviro Greenies. Keep pace h h if you can. I out distance you every time.
Given your track record on these predictions I am very pleased to see you foresee such a glorious sweep. Dream on.
I’m glad Jerry can count on your vote. He doesn’t new it but it’s nice to see you be right once in your life.
But too bad you’re a one-issue voter. CCAs? Who gives a crap? We’ve hotter bigger fish to fry.
Polls show you’re wrong on the Senate. Another missed opportunity is Mochigan. Terri Lynn Land is an epically bad candidate of the kind Reptilians seem especially adept at finding.
And I have forgotten more about national politics than you’ll ever know.
Does not appear that way. But just cast your vote for FEMA. They will love it. Sorry h h you do not understand national politics at all. Will get back to you on the Senate seats which the Republicans could take eight seats and not lose a one. Just watch.
Wow — YOU don’t know anything about national politics, do you? Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to be the cudgel the Reptilians bashed Dems with? What happened to that plan? What, are you guys going to ride Benghazi !!!!1! all the way to November? What else do you have?
“The Dems will not show at the polls in 2020.” Neither will you. Best to keep your vision short-term, at this stage.
She got beat by a once-in-a-generation leader, not a novice, and only barely. And every Obama voter will be a Hillary voter, and then some. How those demographics shaping up on your side? What white-dominated voting blocs can your gray haired white politician cobble together to challenge the more than 200 electoral votes Hillary will have in the bag before a single vote is cast?
Lund and Livesay:
You guys just carp on the same old stuff, no solutions, just rag, rag, rag on whatever Democrat is in office and never see your own flaws. Run for office sometime, be a volunteer at the local level, have a constructive or creative thought if that’s possible. Medieval political sorcery died out in the 12th Century. If Hillary does nothing else she will establish as President of the United Sates in 2016 that women don’t ever have to stand in the shadow of any old patriarchal male with no original ideas. And their pay should always be equal. Try to have a constructive day. Enlighten others. Old whining in tired bottles stinks.
No Last Name Pedro (for Livesay’s Hillary-ous Intel files!)
Benicia, CA
Peter said: women don’t ever have to stand in the shadow of any old patriarchal male with no original ideas.
Margaret Thatcher did that, way back in the ’80’s.
Here is a clip where she destroys all the braying we here from people about “income inequality”>