Fitzgerald Field took one more step to receiving much-needed updates at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
The council approved renovations that would retain the current designs for the historic stadium with a smaller environmental footprint and includes seating for approximately 175. The total cost of this recommendation– including design, construction and contingency– is $1,153,500.
The city has implemented plans to renovate the historic ballpark since early 2017.These renovations would include the removal and replacement of the existing bleachers and restroom, and update structures for soil conditions, seismic requirements and Federal Emergency Management Agency regulations.
The City Council had two other renovation choices for the field. One, costing $1,027,000, varied from the current design and has a smaller footprint, and includes seating for about 150 people. The second choice consisted of retaining the contemporary stadium design and footprint, with updated materials, and seating for approximately 200. This process would have cost $1,395,000.
In other business, a 2-3 vote killed Councilman Mark Hughes’ motion to delay water rate increases until November.
The council began debating increases to water and sewer rates at the April 17 meeting. Staff was directed by the council to evaluate the impacts of deferring the water rate increase that are scheduled to take effect on July 1, and become effective Jan. 1, 2019.
Staff recommended making no change to the approved water rate increase for the 2018-19 fiscal year. The council has alternative options to direct staff to conduct further evaluations and report back at a future date or consider a water rate increase effective date other than what is being proposed.
The council will next meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 15. The agenda will be posted online at
On a 2/2 vote with Councilmember Campbell absent the water rate increase will go up July 1, 2018. That is what the city staff recommended. Do not delay increase. Yes it was small in dollars and cents. That is fine but at the same time with all the other increases that residents both new and old face it was a slap in the face to them. As we know that increase was lead by Mayor Patterson. Councilmember Hughes and Vice Mayor Young voted against the increase and wanted the delay . What the mayor forgets is all the increases that the residence face such as gasoline increases, future bridge tolls and many others. The big one that will hit new homeowners is the mortgage rate increases. There will be no more 3.25/5.00 % rates. Yes you can get lower rates but you will pay points. That means that the bidding wars could end and no more paying more than listed and even worse more than assessed evaluation. The potential new buyers will look closely at the mortgage rates and the cost to them when buying. This could now be that the buyer will have the big advantage. But as we all know Socialist Progressive do not care about that. Sorry Mayor Patterson you were wrong and Councilmember Hughes was correct. He cares about the folks you do not.