Those wishing to bring beer or wine to their family picnics in Benicia parks might have to obtain a special permit if the Parks, Recreation & Cemetery Commission votes to amend the city ordinance to prohibit the allowance of alcohol in city parks without special permits.
According to a staff report by Police Chief Erik Upson, the possession and consumption of alcohol is prohibited in 15 designated parks or areas with parks in the city as well as playground areas, athletic facilities and within 30 feet of the street frontage of City Park and Benicia Community Park. Alcohol is also prohibited at Community Park, Jack London Park and West 9th Street Park within one hour of dismissal on days when school is in session and only allowed via a special event permit.
The text of the Municipal Code is as follows:
“It shall be unlawful for any person to consume an alcoholic beverage in a public park or portion of a public park from which alcoholic beverages are prohibited by city council resolution. Those parks or portions of parks from which alcohol is prohibited shall be clearly designated by a sign. The otherwise lawful possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted in those parks or portions of parks not so designated.”
Yet, Upson wrote that the Benicia Police Department received more than 94 calls for service at City Park in 2017, approximately 25 percent involved the consumption of alcohol at the park. In one case, a subject under the influence of alcohol brandished a knife at another person while children were present. In another incident, two subjects who had consumed alcohol chased each other with baseball bats.
“The Benicia Police Department has experienced an increase of public-drinking related incidents directly involving the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages within city parks,” Upson wrote. “Past police calls for service have included physical fights, verbal altercations, citizen harassment, drunk-in-public, subjects sleeping, subjects camping and vandalism.”
Upson also noted that parents have expressed concern about allowing alcohol in parks with playgrounds in close proximity.
In nearby cities like Napa, Martinez, Fairfield, and Pleasant Hill, alcohol is allowed in parks with special permits or picnic area reservations. Staff is recommending something similar for Benicia, where the possession and consumption of alcohol will be prohibited in public parks unless a picnic area reservation or special events permit is obtained from the Parks and Community Services Department, Upson wrote. Picnic areas that can be reserved include those in City Park, Jack London Park, Community Park and Civic Center Park– including the bocce courts. Unlike Napa or Pleasant Hill, there will be no additional fees for approval of the permit. Alcohol will not be allowed outside of the picnic areas, and Jack London and Community parks will retain the prohibition of alcohol consumption during school hours.
The ordinance may be modified per Commission discussion and taken to the City Council for consideration.
In other business, the Commission will vote on a Tree Palette from the city and discuss next steps on renovation of Fitzgerald Field.
The Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 14 in Room 2 of the Benicia Community Center, located at 370 East L St.
Outstanding. Lets get this done. Good work Chief Upson.
Well, if you want to have alcohol at your picnic and you get a permit to do so; you probably should have a designated driver for the return home since, the local gendarmes will likely stake the place out since they know in advance where and when to look for folks who’ve been imbibing. Unlike other local towns, our city police seem to prey on local citizens=at least it seems to me to be the case since I see our patrol cars positioned at “customary” spots to catch misdemeanor violators (rolling stops, 10 mph over speed limit with no other vehicles….). I’m not anti-police; I just think there are unwritten quotas to pay the outrageous protection shortfalls-especially since the “traps” seem to occur closer to the end of the month.
ANd before you ask, NO< I haven't gotten a ticket in about 20 years. I just see "stakeouts" as a waste of my money-especially since a spate of robberies in local areas might have been PREVENTED if we had more random patrols-including foot patrols. We live in a bedroom community…seems the constabulatory could protect our property while we're away earning a living.
Night Cap there Thom ?
or keyboard issues –
Neither, just too lazy to proofread. Not worht my wile to be skolasticaly impressive.
Taj J2 Over Tango……Repeat…..
Is this the Eldon?