Staff Report

Joining Mayor Elizabeth Patterson in presenting the city’s Proclamation to Jack Bell are Rotarians Lorie Tinfow, Mario Giuliani, Susan Hurl, Martha Christopher and Scott Reep.
SUBA Manufacturing, Inc. and owner Jack Bell was honored with a proclamation from the City of Benicia at the Dec. 17 City Council meeting in recognition of their numerous contributions to the Benicia community over the last 53 years.
“I am so impressed with the work that you’ve done for the community,” said Mayor Elizabeth Patterson. “You’ve really contributed a lot.”
Jack was a founding member of the Benicia Rotary club and his company was one of the very first in the Industrial Park in 1966, following the closure of the Benicia Arsenal. He has been a leader in the business community since, while his company has employed dozens in the manufacture of laminate countertops that have been sold all over the country, receiving awards for their high quality.
SUBA Manufacturing has been an industry leader in environmental sustainability, becoming one of the first recipients of the Eco Award, and the first business to participate in the City’s Business Resource Incentive Program.
Over the years, SUBA has given back to Habitat for Humanity, Sustainable Solano, Benicia schools and many other charitable organizations. In addition to the Benicia Rotary, Jack has contributed to the Rotary Foundation, which supports projects locally and throughout the world in helping the less fortunate and combating disease, especially polio.
The Proclamation recognizes Jack for his “humility, kindness and leadership” throughout his tenure in Benicia.
“It’s been a long ride and it’s been a great place to do business,” said Bell. “Benicia was in dire straights when we moved here.”
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