Disappointed over reduced publication schedule When my husband, Jim, and I moved to Benicia last year, one of the first things we did was subscribe to the Benicia Herald. We were delighted that the local paper was published almost daily (five days a week). Now our beloved paper will reduce its published schedule to three […]
Dennis Lund: Trump the Puppet? Words speak louder than action, it seems
President Trump’s recent European tour created an uproar from the anti-Trumpers that has surpassed election night 2016. The outcry, over comments to Putin, has not previously been seen or imagined in recent history. One member of the deranged left, Congressman Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) asked for a coup d’état in his tweet: “Where are our military […]
The Truth About Cruising (Part 9): Employees, codes and more
The Benicia Fullosopher Cruise ship employees The Crew: I cannot ever express enough appreciation for the extremely hard-working crews. Some ships have crews from sixty different countries. Others ships have a particular job done by a crew from a single country. For example, all the waiters might be from Indonesia and all the cabin crew […]
Letter: Museum’s ‘White Camel’ sale a success
Museum’s ‘White Camel’ sale a success The Museum’s “White Camel” sale was this past Sunday, July 15, and it was a wonderful event! We netted a tidy sum for programs and operating expenses and the event also attracted over 500 attendees from all over the Bay Area, including many new visitors to the Museum who […]
Letter guidelines
Letters can be submitted to beniciaherald@gmail.com.* Letters should be no longer than 500 words. If you would like to submit a longer piece (501-1,000 words), please consider submitting a guest editorial to beniciaherald@gmail.com. (Many of the same letter rules will apply.) * A maximum of five letters will be published per issue (depending on space available). […]
A Vibrant Faith for the 21st Century; Where Fools Rush In: An interpretation of Numbers 5
I came of age, as an evangelical Christian, in the period 1977 to 1983, during which time I attended Wheaton College. That form of evangelical Christianity was very, very different than the form it took following the rise of the religious right in the middle and late 1980s. In particular, abortion was not nearly the […]
Letters: ISO rehearing vote
Well-done, Mayor Patterson! I was very happy to read the article “Mayor requests rehearing of Industrial Safety Ordinance vote” in the July 13 edition of Benicia Herald. I applaud our mayor’s determination to reopen review of this critical issue before the proposed November date! I was very surprised to learn that staff reports had not […]
Letter: Medicinal benefits
Medicinal benefits The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a cannabis-derived medicinal product formulated specifically to treat seizures associated with two rare forms of epilepsy. This means that clinicians can now write a prescription for the product, and patients or their caregivers will obtain it at a pharmacy, including the pharmacies in our town. The […]
Bob Livesay: Where have all the voters gone?
By Bob Livesay In my opinion, the voters just got a big wake-up call. They will not let Mayor Paterson, Vice Mayor Young or other progressive groups make their decisions for them. The “Dear Gov. Brown” letter was the last straw. You know, that letter that says “End the issuance of permits for new fossil […]
Letter: Why wouldn’t people want renewable energy?
Why wouldn’t people want renewable energy? I have been reading a string of comments on an earlier letter online and am having a hard time understand the resistance there is to renewable energy by some members of our community. One writer says renewable energy is only 28 percent efficient and to wait until it is […]