Making our city safer Valero needs to be a better neighbor. This would include opening the lines of communication with the surrounding community and the officials of the City of Benicia. As Andres Soto wrote in a recent letter to the editor, it’s been over a year since Valero’s massive month long flaring debacle of […]
Dennis Lund: Five reasons why the GOP needs to hold Congress
Recent history has indicated that first midterm elections do not bode well for new Presidents; both Clinton and Obama lost control of the House, for example. As for Trump, with November fast approaching, there are exaggerated expectations of a “blue wave” sweeping the Democrats into power. This is a distinct possibility in the House, and […]
Letters: Thompson’s voting record and Benicia Chamber Players
Dark money In today’s episode of Antiestablishmentariansm (yes, its a word, look it up) we’re going to talk a little bit about dark money. That’s a term that I think might have a few definitions. To me, that term refers to the money received by a politician, that influences that politician to vote against the […]
Letter: Stronger emergency response system needed in Industrial Park
Stronger emergency response system needed in Industrial Park In her May 6 letter, Kathy Kerridge brought up an important point about adopting a Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO). There have been several letters and information about what would be covered in an ISO. Although I have not seen a final draft of the ISO, as it […]
The Truth About Cruising (Part 5): Fun and games on those long sea days
The Benicia Fullosopher Many who have never cruised tell me they are afraid they’d be bored with not enough to do when at sea, imagining long days of gazing at an empty horizon. Gone are the days when Grandma and Grandpa took their once-in-a-lifetime cruise to Hawaii and spent the time onboard reading, playing shuffleboard, […]
Andrew Kelly: No surprise BUSD teachers have no confidence in their leader
By Andrew Kelly Special to the Herald There is no simpler, more poignant way to put it: BUSD Superintendent Charles Young has failed his district. He is putting the education of thousands of Benicia’s youngest on the line all because of his relentless approach to cost-cutting. He has openly talked about cutting back on the […]
Letters: ISO, BUSD expenditures and Steve Gizzi
One year later, still time for an ISO Thank you to the Benicia City Council for developing the priority based budgeting system this year. The results of the process made clear that many Benicians want the city to prioritize the adoption of an Industrial Safety Ordinance and the protections Benicians deserve. Valero’s massive month long […]
Bruce Robinson: Social justice just for socialists
“Is the Pope Catholic?” is something people often used to ask when they wanted to reject someone else’s ridiculous rhetorical question. Today, though, the Pope’s identity as a Catholic may not be so absolute. Pope Francis hasn’t been in the mainstream press much lately, but he caused quite a stir in early February of […]
Letter: No to Regional Measure 3, yes to Gizzi and Thurmond
No to Regional Measure 3, yes to Gizzi and Thurmond Regional Measure 3 is a bad deal for Solano County residents. RM3 will raise the bridge tolls by $3 over several years. This will impact the working class people of Solano County who are forced to commute for their jobs. Even worse, Solano County residents […]
Letters: Debating Mike Thompson and getting out the vote
The quest to debate Hello. For those who don’t know my name, I am a congressional candidate here in District 5. As a Green, it is not always easy to get my voice out there to be heard by you, the voting public. I write these letters, but my good friends that publish the news […]