Staff Report
Kari Birdseye, chair of the Benicia Planning Commission and a candidate in the City Council election, garnered four endorsements over the last two weeks, including one from Benicia’s representative in Congress, Rep. Mike Thompson.
“I’ve endorsed Kari because she shares our vision of serving the community to make Benicia the best that it can be,” Thompson said in a statement.
Thompson, who has served in Congress since 1999, also endorsed former Councilmember Christina Strawbridge in the same race.
Coming off an endorsement from the Progressive Democrats of Benicia nearly two weeks ago, Birdseye also received two additional endorsements from the Solano County Democratic Central Committee (SCDCC) and the United Democrats of Southern Solano County (UDSSC).
The SCDCC, the endorsing body of the Democratic Party in Solano County under the general direction of the California Democratic Party, endorsed Birdseye at its Wednesday meeting.
“The Solano County Democratic Central Committee is proud to endorse Kari Birdseye, who exemplifies the Democratic values that our country needs at the local level,” SCDCC Chair Bridgett Hunley said in a statement.
The UDSCC, the oldest Democratic Club in Solano County and focuses on grassroots Democracy and community empowerment, also voted to endorse Birdseye.
“Our members are from Vallejo and Benicia and they voted to support Kari because she clearly articulated her vision for Benicia, which includes community air monitoring,” UDSCC President Stephen Hallett said in a statement. “Clean air makes sense for both Benicia and Vallejo.”
More information on Birdseye’s campaign can be found at
Other candidates in the council race include Strawbridge, retired journeyman carpenter William Emes and Economic Development Chair Lionel Largaespada.
The election is Tuesday, Nov. 6.
This candidate’s views on regulated cannabusiness are consistent with the will of a growing majority in support of ending prohibition in Benicia. Close to ten thousand votes in support of Prop. 64 in 2016, plus two graduating classes supportive of regulated activity. Birdseye has good odds of crashing the ten thousand vote threshold simply by being in sync with the times and attitudes towards cannabis. No other candidate has expressed support for the emerging economic contributions from cannabusiness operations, or Measure E. Whoever else gets elected is going to have to come about sooner or later. {___________} has the best odds by being a Dem in a voter demographic that is close to fifty percent Dem. [______] is part of shrinking GOP demographic of less than twenty-five percent, was close to two thousand votes behind {___________} in 2016 and not likely to be able to close that gap.
Stan are you serious on ten thousand vote threshold.? There may well be not more than 10/11000 votes total. Birdseye big negatives are who supports her. Mayor, Vice Mayor. PDB a very Socialist group and do not forget the unions want no part of her. The Cannabis issue is over and voters are more concerned about the sustainability of this fine city.; Birdseye is very weak on that issue.
Look it up on the solano county website. 9500 votes in Benicia in favor of prop 64. I was one of them but contrary to what Stan claims I and many others who supported legalization in California oppose sales in downtown benicia and near schools and parks.
It appears Stan is saying Birdseye will get 10,000 votes. That will not happen.
UDSCC President Stephen Hallett it appears is also Birdseye campaign manager. Birdseye will have to say ,yes or no. Why wouldn’t they vote for her endorsement. Con job by the “Quasi Shadow Government”
It appears Candidate Birdseye left of the names of the folks that are on the groups that voted to endorse her. Pure “Quasi Shadow Government” at its best. I will continue to us that description all during this campaign for City Council.
Appears to be an all (D) council in the future, with three ready to take on the filthy petroleum industry, institute a long-overdue port tax, and advocate for commercial cannabusiness to shrink the commercial/industrial property vacancy tally, over thirty at last look.
Stan it appears you forgot the City Council election is non-partisan. Just where have you been.
Stan you are behind times. Sept. 10th is the deadline for applications. As the city said we are open for business.
Birdseye claims she is going to attract new business’ to town. Just what is your plan on how to do that? Just what makes you ,think they are going to come galloping to Benicia because maybe you get elected. Why would anyone vote for a candidate without solid plans on how to do the things you say you are going to do. Knocking on doors with a Progressive {Progressive is now synonym for Socialist} mayor who is for sure anti fossil fuel and anti Valero. I assume you hitched up to her wagon because of her views. You are going to have to explain that to local voters who just had it with a {One Trick Pony} mayor.