Rick Pendergast has spent the past 27 years getting yelled at by Benicia Little League baseball coaches, players and fans. Last week in San Bernardino, the 65 year old got a chance to cash in his experience by participating in the most prestigious event of his long career.
As Benicia’s premier baseball umpire, Pendergast has been calling balls, strikes and outs for an entire generation. Currently the Chief Umpire for Benicia Little League, Pendergast was one of 14 umpires selected throughout 11 western states to join the umpiring crew for the Little League West Region and Northwest Region tournaments – the final step before the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa.
“The guys I umpired with were all darned good,” Pendergast said of the Regional tournaments. “I felt like the weak link in the chain.”
Pendergast was encouraged to apply for the prestigious post last year by District 53 Administrator Jim Spering, who was impressed with Pendergast’s umpiring during the Junior League Section Tournament at Fitzgerald Field. Spering was surprised the longtime umpire hadn’t tried applying long ago.
“I never thought I was good enough,” Pendergast said.
To Pendergast’s surprise, he was picked on his first attempt and sent off to a vigorous week-long training program – kind of a boot camp for umpires.
“They point out you did this and didn’t do that,” Pendergast said. “It’s pretty serious stuff when you get up to that level. They’re really stepping up the quality of Western Region umpires.”
Pendergast had to umpire behind the plate in his very first Region game and umpired two games a day for the first four days.
“You get a chance to bond with umpires from all throughout the west,” Pendergast said.
Pendergast also umpired the most controversial game of the tournament – Idaho’s 8-7 victory over Washington that was televised live on ESPN. A member of his crew ejected the Washington manager for interfering with a base-runner coming around third, a key moment in a one-run game.
“It was a gutsy call and it was the right call, but the Washington team and their fans were waiting for us in the parking lot after the game and we were on lockdown for four hours,” Pendergast said. “That was quite a controversy, but nothing happened.”
Pendergast was just trying to hold his own working alongside some of the best umpires in the Western Region.
“I was totally amazed to get picked, especially on my first try,” Pendergast said. “The Western Region Tournament is the Mecca for local umpires. I just wanted to not do anything stupid.”
Southern California beat Hawaii to win the West title while Oregon beat Idaho to win the Northwest crown. Cambrian Park Little League from San Jose represented Northern California. Benicia’s Majors all-star team was eliminated July 8 in the District 53 Tournament.
Umpires are allowed to work at the Region Tournament once in their careers, leaving Pendergast nothing left to shoot for but the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa. Since there’s usually a waiting period of 5-10 years, the 65-year-old Pendergast feels umpiring a World Series is unlikely.
“I’d be hobbling on my walker making calls.”
But Pendergast has no plans to slow down and is already getting ready to umpire fall league baseball.
“I plan on doing this until I physically can’t do it anymore, and so far I can still run with the big boys,” Pendergast said. “I just want to umpire. That’s all I want to do. I’ve seen some really good baseball players during my years here and worked with some really great people.”
Pendergast noted the need for new umpires, especially for Benicia Little League, which is looking for interested umpires between the ages of 20-45.
“We had only one umpire in that age range last year,” Pendergast said. “We’re all getting old and we need new blood.”
Anyone interested in becoming a Little League baseball umpire should contact Benicia Little League (benicialittleleague.com).
DDL says
Congratulations Rick!
Rick has long worked with the kids, not only as an umpire but also as a coach for BYF for many years.
Good to see him getting some well deserved recognition.
Mike p says
Love ya Rick, you did a great job umpiring at the Western Regionals ! MP
Mike p says
Love ya Rick, you did a great job umpiring at the Western Regionals !