This is in regards to what was reported in the Sept. 15 Herald article “Office seekers/holders discuss goals, crude by rail at Candidate’s Night.”
The Benicia Police Officers Association selected slate of candidates in their own words—-with my replies (as a concerned citizen-voter in an election campaign) following –marked with +++
Christina Strawbridge: “’I don’t think the five of us should be responsible for the epicenter of climate change in Benicia,’ she said, citing Benicia’s label as the epicenter of the crude by rail issue in the press”
+++Well, If the 5 members of our city council ( our elected representatives) shouldn’t be responsible for responding to climate change in Benicia, who should be Mrs. Strawbridge? Isn’t that what you were elected for– to make smart decisions and be a responsible leader on issues impacting and or protecting our community?+++
“The City of Benicia is joining an increasing number of California communities in developing plans to address climate change at a local level. Although climate change is a global problem, city leaders in the U.S. and abroad are increasingly recognizing that it will directly affect their constituents and pose risks to public health, safety, and welfare. It is also at the local level that many strategies to both adapt to the changing climate and combat its progression are best enacted.” — City of Benicia Climate Action Plan —
Mark Hughes: “Likewise, Hughes noted that he wanted to be more informed before he cast his vote and that health and safety have always been top priorities for him. He expressed his discomfort with being labeled “pro-Valero” by opponents of the project.
“I am very neutral and there is not a decision until I get more information,” he said.
+++Vice Mayor Hughes wanted more information before making his decision on crude-by-rail. Eight of our pubilc officials– six from the Planning Commission (including candidates for council George Oakes and Steve Young) and two from the City Council (Patterson and Campbell) had made their decision months before, you finally made yours. Is this the kind of ‘proven leadership’and decision-making prowess we as a community are to expect going forward?***
Mr. Hughes expresses ‘discomfort’ with being labeled’ pro Valero’…and then states that ‘..I’m neutral ‘…
+++Well, the public records at the City Clerk’s office tell a different story for the community to consider. In December of 2005 you accepted a $2500 contribution from the Valero Political Action Committee, San Antonio, Texas.
In December of 2009 you again, took contributions from Valero, from the vice president of Valero, totaling $450.
These cash donations were all out of the public spotlight one month after each of the above elections ended. How many voters know that, councilman Hughes? Why the secrecy? You say that you are ‘neutral’ and don’t like being labeled ‘pro Valero’ …this may be true in your mind-set; your posters note that you have “integrity” however, there is nothing in the public documents i.e. the campaign disclosure statements that indicates that you returned the cash from our good neighbor? With all due respect, Mr. Hughes, you cannot say ‘I’m neutral’ if you are taking nearly $3,000 from our largest corporation.+++
Lionel Largaespada:
“Largaespada expressed support for the project and felt that environmental protection and economic growth can coexist.
‘The revenue generated from projects such as this can provide the fees and money and so forth to pay for the people, resources and policies that protect our environment, community and residents,’ he said.”
+++ Lionel Largaespada expressed support for the crude- by- rail project. This may be the most damaging comment made in this election campaign. The only appointed official/candidate in this election to favor this project. Amazing! Even our three councilmembers ( Hughes, Schwartzman and Strawbridge) never stated they supported the project ,they had to wait to hear from an obscure federal regulatory agency–Surface Transportation Board. Recent decisions in San Luis Obispo and the state of Washington overturning similar plans, about crude-by-rail, put Mr. Largaespada on the outside looking in.+++
This key clip from the website Common Dreams is instructive for our community and are appointed and elected officials to ponder…
“Case in point: On Oct. 5, the San Louis Obispo County Planning Board rejected the application by Phillips 66 to build a railroad spur to its Nipomo Mesa refinery, based on widespread safety concerns. Coincidentally, that same day, Shell Oil Co., pulled its plan for an oil train line north of Seattle that would have brought Bakken oil to the company’s Anacortes refinery. The company cited low oil prices, but the growing movement to stop the oil trains may have been a factor. Seattle is where hundreds of protesters in kayaks and tribal canoes faced down Shell’s massive drilling rig last year; the company has since abandoned plans for Arctic drilling.”
“And in late September, the small San Francisco Bay town of Benicia voted unanimously to deny Valero a permit to transport 70,000 barrels of oil a day by train through the community to the company’s refinery.” 1.
+++ Finally, the elite eight members of our community, four who are running for office — Campbell, Patterson, Oakes and Young– who helped set precedent not only for Benicia but for the rest of the country deserve our support— in the streets, in the council chambers and in the voting booth; They should be applauded for their courage, strength, vision and love of our community. This is the kind of real leadeship we need going forward into an uncertain economic and environmental future. This decision by Mr. Largespada all related to economic gain,of profit over people and public safety should never be forgotten by the good citizens of our little city.+++
So this is who the 27 officers of the BPOA PAC selected to represent them and our community over the next four years?
No thanks!
1. Common Dreams: ” How to Fight Big Oil: Join Your Neighbors “:” Four reasons communities all over the country are winning against the powerful and extremely wealthy fossil fuel industry.” October 15, 2016.
Some important clarifications for readers to consider :
1. Crude by Rail : What Mr. Gregory does not address here is the critical piece of information that was needed from the surface transportation board (STB) involving the City of Benicia’s legal liability if the project was denied. This could not be found in the volumes of environmental impact report information nor by an opinion of the state’s attorney general. This was a federal preemption issue. City staff was acutely aware of the potential financial obligation the city could face if it made an unlawful decision and, in turn, was sued. This was not to be taken lightly, and three council members voting for more time in order to request clarification by the STB understood this . While Mr. Gregory and others have used this against these candidates, we should be thanking them for doing their job. So to answer your question, Mr. Gregory, yes, this is the kind of proven leadership and decision-making we should expect.
2. 2005 & 2009 campaign contributions: Mr. Gregory states that Mr. Hughes cannot be neutral towards Valero because: a) Valero contributed to his campaign in 2005; and b) a Benicia resident working for Valero contributed to his campaign in 2009. Mark Hughes has been on the Council for 11 years and has a voting record. Can Mr. Gregory cite an example where Mr. Hughes has been influenced by these or any contribution? And why, Mr. Gregory are you not telling readers about 2016 campaign contributions?
Will is very confused on who the residents should back. He apparently does not remember that Councilmember Campbell voted against Steve Young for the Planning Commission seat. Will also fails to understand that the candidates he is backing have some issues in common with candidates he does not back. He is not for Councilmember Strawbridge yet he is for Mayor Patterson. They both vote the same way on the sewer water issue and also the CBR issue. He supports Mayor Patterson. Now that is very co0nfusing. He is for Councilmember Campbell but he voted against the sewer and water increase and sided with all eleven on the no vote on CBR. But Will backs Tom Campbell. Mark Hughes voted against the sewer water increase just as Tom Campbell did. and also sided with all eleven on the no on CBR. But Will is against Mark Hughes and supports Tom Campbell CBR is a dead issue but the sewer and water issue will linger for a very long time. It also appears Will is being driven by issues he does not understand. He does not understand personal contributions, PAC’s, Seeno project, economic development, growth and there are more. Yet he takes personal issue with one candidate in a very personal and strong way. I would call it a personal attack on Lionel Largaesprada. Will your comments about Lionel are way off base.. What should never be forgotten is what will Gregory is saying in this very rambling hit piece. That is what the very fine residents of this city should never forget. Will your personal attacks on candidates the residents of this fine city will never forget.
Attack the messenger ignore the information presented. More information for the community to consider.
The above commenter listed as Carol…is this Carol Arneson, the Treasurer of the Hughes Campaign? She has been badgering me since I wrote my first article on this election campaign season.
Mrs. Carol ? keeps asking me to comment on the Hughes campaign disclosure file, well, if this is indeed the treasurer of the Hughes campaign –you have been doing a good job of it in our local press…why should I step on your toes? But since you asked, here are some facts and figures for our citizenry to please consider:
Mr. Hughes has stated he is not pro Valero yet he keeps accepting dirty oil money,
More Valero news you can use..
.Mr. William Darnell –Director of Asphalt Sales Valero Energy Co., wrote a check for $540.00 to the Hughes for Mayor campaign on– Aug. 10, 2016.
Valero Energy Co. Political Action Committee, San Antonio, Teaxas. $2500 Jan. 5, 2005.
The ( the above Carol–person listed this person as a Benicia resident, leaving out that fact it was the VP of our Good Neighbor) vice-President of Valero, Doug Comeau, gave (2) donations totaling $450.00 on December 9, 2009.
Mr. Hughes has now accepted $3,490.00 from our Good Neighbor.. Fair question:
If Mr. Hughes is taking Valero money, shouldn’t he have to recuse himself when dealing with questions regarding Valero?
Key point:
Of the five council members only Mark Hughes has accepted cash from Valero that I have been able to determine,.by going through the campaign disclosure statements.
Realtor news the community can use: Fair question: Is realtor cash replacing Trade Union Pac money in our 2016 election cycle?
1. K. Olson Realty. $250.00. August, 2016.
2. Rose Hadaway. Broker. $540.00. Coldwell Banker. Aug.16, 2016.
3. Elizabeth Tageson. Realtor, Coldwell Banker. $540.00. Aug. 22, 2016.
4. Tom McDonnell. Real Estate Broker–Shorestein Group. $540.00. Aug. 25, 2016.
5. Terry McInerney. Realtor. $100. Olson Realty. Aug. 26,2016.
6. Debra Ridge. Realtor, Berkshire-Hathaway. $100.00. Sept. 2, 2016
7. Richard Bortolazzo. R.E. Broker, Coldwell Banker. $500.00.
Total money given by realtors so far in this campaign, total, $2,570.00. Realtors represent the urban growth machine, in our city, every city.
What is curious about the Hughes campaign disclosure statements , this time around— is that there hasn’t been any PAC money from the usual union PAC ‘s,from all over the Bay Area and California— that money from 13 PAC’s totaled $12,235.00 over his first two elections campaigns in 2005 and 2009. Setting a pattern of taking this kind of money outside of Benicia’s voting jurisdiction.. Also, remember that in the 2013 election campaign Mr. Hughes ran un-opposed breaking the pattern of giving by union PAC’s.
In this election, more curiously, no PAC cash by the trade unions, so what could substitute for for this kind of largess? I,m glad you asked. In this election cycle, our local police force –the Benicia Police Officers Association- Political Action Committee has stepped up (27 members have contributed $740.00 apiece)– to contribute $20,000 in support of Mark Hughes. Again, to be clear, Mr. Hughes didn’t solicit there support. So this kind of money in a small town election can be a huge advantage. Fair questions: Does the safety union money replace the trade union money of past elections? Did the police enter into our election process on their own, or was this orchestrated by other members of our community to make a mockery of our most sacrd trust and to defeat mayor Elizabeth Patterson?
The Herald also reported today ( Page A3, under the title CORRECTION. ) that the Benicia Firefighter’s Association has also contributed to our election. They have escaped detection — by having their members contribute $99.00 per person and thus have not publicly reported , per California Fair Political Practices Commission rules. How clever!
So both of our safety unions (around 60 guys and gals) are acting as agents of change in this election campaign–so instead of serve and protect they are now using their money to influence and manipulate are political process.
The only thing that can change this kind of cash register politics is, information, and an informed electorate and going to the voting booth and refuting this police PAC and their slate of candidates. Now these same 60 police officers and firefighters are now making a mockery of our local democratic process.
Key questions for the citizenry: Will the police and firefighters in future elections use their monetary muscle to disrupt our electoral politics, if they are not happy with our elected officals? Does this establish a dangerous precedent? In Benicia, is it one dollar -one vote or one person one vote? Will the police if victorious, with their slate of candidates use their victory as a sledgehammer to secure an even more lucrative employee union contract in 2017?
Stay tuned.
Will being that you are the messenger I have some questions. Why did the Mayor use a Sacramento law firm to handle her “Patterson Freedom of Speech Legal Defense Fund”? Will is that keeping it local?. The bill was about $10,350. Has a balance of about $4530. This bill is about three years old. The Mayor has only contributed $1000 to pay this bill. So as we see it was not her money. Only about less than 10%.Three members of CSC have contributed. One Constance Beutel very big time. The other two about $300 total. Mariko Yamada $200. I believe she is running for State Senator and lives in Davis. Also three others from Davis contributed. Is that local Will Gregory.? By the way Will just who is Mildred Brennan a very big contributor. You as our “Local Research Reporter” I trust will give us all those answers. So as you see Will the Mayor is using other peoples money to pay her legal bill. Will I expect a complete answer from you on this very big issue of an unpaid legal bill. Is this really who this city wants as a Mayor. It appears financial responsibility is not her long suit. I do not think the voters want someone who does not pay the bill and it appears wants others to pay her personal responsibility of that bill.. Not good
I did stay tuned Willo. You are little slow on the info. Better go look at recenht contribution to Steve Younhg. I* do believe you will find a PACD contributions of 4
Will the big question is why are not the local realtors giving money to Mayor Patterson. Maybe some are. Tell us who those folks are. Those are personal donations. Any person can go dirty Will. Do not talk about recuse Will.. At the last report on that over $11,000 legal bill the mayor paid only $1,000. Still owes over $5,000. Also the last report showed only $400.00 all from Davis and of that total some came from a person seeking a state office. The Mayor wants to use other folks money to pay her bill and it is not working.. Will why is the Chamber of Commerce not endorsing the Mayor. Will you better get on the phone and ask all those donors about their donations. You have done that is the past. Will better check out the CSC and ask them about each one of their donations. The amount of money that the BPOA have collected is not as much as either Mayor Patterson or Steve Young. No candidate has control over how the BPOA spend that money or do they have any say what goes on signs or flyers. They do not consult the candidates. Ask the Mayor why the C of C and the BPOA are not supporting her. Any employee of Valero can make a personal donation. No strings. Will I will attack the messenger. That is you Will Gregory. You never answered my questions on my comment. Answer those question and it will tell the local residents how biased and confused you are.Come clean Will and tell us you are just a private citizen doing their civic duty. You have never talked to Mayor Patterson about her opponent? That is not what was said in 2011 at the Council meeting and also by the Mayor. Will you are a person on a mission that wants to hurt other candidates with your “Local Research Citizen” stuff. Stay tuned others can play this game also. Stop the personal attacks.
Will your favorite candidate for city council just got destroyed by a very good LTTE. I do believe it showed Candidate Young lack of knowledge on water and the proposed recycled water project. As usual he wants someone else to pay just shows his lack of understanding on this project but also his scare tactics on the Seeno project. What he is saying on the Seeno project will never happen as proposed. Far too many hurdles to overcome. That is why any candidate who does not do their homework just shows their lack of leadership skills.
Benicia 2016 election news:
Police and fire dept. news you can use…
The Herald also reported today ( Page A3, under the title CORRECTION. ) that the Benicia Firefighter’s Association has also contributed to our election. They have escaped detection — by having their members contribute $99.00 per person and thus have not publicly reported , per California Fair Political Practices Commission rules. How clever! Working under the radar–in secret– to undermine our most sacred trust.
25 fire-fighters presently on staff– with just a few actually living in our city. Source: Human Resources Department) .25x$99.00, totals $2,475.00.
So with both safety unions ( police and fire) participating in “our” election they have spent in total —drum roll—$22,475.00. So we now know that all the signs and posters we see supporting Strawbridge and Largaespada are being paid for by the fire- fighters.
Just as a comparsion Dr. Tom Campbell has raised $6,500.00 for his campaign thus far (as of 10/22/16). Source: City Clerk’s office.
The $afety unions and their money are making a mockery of our small town election.
Will you avoiding the issue. I have explained the whole BPOA issue. The same would apply to the Firefighters. Now tell us all about the Mayors attorney fees that she wants others to pay. You never answer questions. Review what I have said. Quit avoiding the truth. Your candidates the Mayor and Steve Young are not benefiting from your wrong info. I must say Steve Young also is very good at putting out wrong info. Two examples.; The 900 houses on the Seeno property and the waste water project. Both wrong and are scare tactics with lack of correct info.; It appears the only thing he could read and understand, maybe was an EIR. November surprise on its way. Stay tuned.
Will: Being paid for by the fire- fighters. Just where did you get that info. Do you even know how must those signs and posters cost? You said “So we now know that all the signs and posters we see supporting Strawbridge and Largaespada are being paid for by the fire-fighters”. Will were is your supported info. You may have.. So just show us that supported info
Will if I were you I would use updated info. I new when this info would be posted. I was sure you would also know. Not so fast Will. Go take a look at Steve Young posted campaign contributions. Will I do believe you will see over $1000 from out of the area. They very well could be PAC’s. Maybe just group contributions from a common group. Will, I will let you figure it out. Will could it be you, that is making a mockery out of this election with suspect info. You just joined Steve Young on that same issue. Suspect info.
Benicia 2016 Election news you can use…
Going through the campaign disclosure files, of Lionel Largaespada, I noticed a contribution I had never seen before—Lincoln Club of Northern California PAC—its located in Sacramento, and this group donated $540.00 on Sept. 30, 2016.
Wanting to know who this group was, being curious, I found out that they are — a wealthy right-wing political group. Fair question: So why is a wealthy right wing political group supporting candidate Largaespada, here in Benicia?
Though elections in Benicia have mainly been non partisan affairs, we have learned that Mr. Hughes is a republican (according to Larnie Fox and also mentioned by Roger Straw in LTE); now it appears that Mr. Largaespada may also be a republican.
The information below gives the reader-voter-citizenry some insightful data about this group, since it is now trying to influence/ elect Mr. Largaespada to our city council with their money.
A few excerpts from the articles below with source (s) listed at the end of this piece.
“What Happened When I Infiltrated One of the Most Secretive and Powerful Republican Organizations in the Country”
“The Lincoln Club is the real deal. And if they have their way, Citizens United is just the beginning of their political ambitions for the country”
“For those not familiar with this group, it’s a group of 300 or so rich Orange Countians who formed up after Richard Nixon lost the 1962 Governor’s race to Pat Brown. Seasoned readers may remember the “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore” press conference Nixon gave.
“Since Nixon’s 1962 defeat the Lincoln Club has raised millions of dollars to put him in the White House; Reagan, Deukmejian, Wilson, and Schwarzenegger in the Governor’s Mansion; Reagan in the White House, and assorted other elected officials in their respective offices.”
“The Lincoln Club has a long history of spending big money in California politics and seeking to weaken the rules that prevent big money in politics,” said Derek Cressman, Western regional director of state operations for the good-government group Common Cause.
Will why will you not tell us about Steve Young who was a supporter of Bernie Sanders. Even had a get-together at his house. Yes this election is non-partisan so Will what difference does it make how the candidates are registered. You seem to care. Would it be important regardless how Steve Young is registered that we could say he has Socialist ideals. Very evident in his LTTE on Friday Oct. 28. Wants Valero to foot the whole bill wastewater conversion plant. hat LTTE is wrong from top to botto9mn. He use very old info. Will is it OKI he is a member of District two Democratic Central Committee? Which does mean he is a registered Democrat with Socialist leanings. Will your challenge is to explain the recent donations that Steve got on his latest disclosure form . They are from groups that can very well be considered PAC”s. You will not explain.. Why would anyone vote for Steve Young when he does not understand two very important issues. One being his claim of 900 houses on the Seeno property. The other is the wastewater conversion plant. He givers out very false information on both. We expect candidates to do their homework and get it right. Sorry your candidate does not do that. Will why are you trying to make this election a partisan election? You even said it was non partisan but make sure how candidates that you do not support are party identified.
Curious about who else the Lincoln Club is supporting? Here is the California Secretary of State page for Lincoln Club of Northern California PAC, It shows Largaespada as one of 53 contributions totaling nearly $100,000 to various N. Cal. republicans (as of Oct. 20).
(And in case you’re curious about the two Lincoln Club contributions of $20,000 each to the Republican-supporting & Democrat-opposing “SPIRIT OF DEMOCRACY CALIFORNIA,” here is the page showing their contributions, totaling nearly $3.2 million: More about them here: – also as of Oct. 20.)
Roger what is your motive. Is this a partisan or non-partisan election. What fear do you have with Lionel. Is he more qualified than Steve Young. Certainly appears so. What we are seeing here is do anything to dirty up some ones reputation. Roger your a man of religion. Do you think this is how this campaign should be run. Just what is your fear and even your motivation. You of all people Roger should be ashamed of yourself. You are dragging down his campaign to a very dirty self serving campaign. I hope you can sleep at night. I suggest you go and pray for help. Do you think you and Will are the only “Local Citizen Researchers” . Let the candidates stand on the record and let the voters decide. this type of activity only hurts your candidate. Stop it Roger. I do believe it is OK to review some ones style and ability to bring folks together. Also their leadership skills and personal agenda driven ideals but what you are doing is way below the belt. I sure hope the voters see what you are doing and turn away from who you and Will support.
Will and Roger are you now going to check all the individual donors to all candidates that oppose the Mayor and Steve Young. Will has done that in the past. Might as well go all the way and just see the type of folks that donate to your opponents are. Your tactics can put fear in a donor because of your tactics. Why would I say that? Because your partner will Gregory has done it in 2011. It is public record. Why do I say partner because you and Will are using the same dirty political tricks. If I was a personal donor I would wonder who is next. Not good for a man of religion to put this election before your own personal morals. You two will have to live with it.
Benicia 2016 election news:
Realtor news the community can use: Fair question: Is realtor cash replacing Trade Union Pac money in our 2016 election cycle?
Mark Hughes, councilman. Candidate for Mayor:
1. K. Olson Realty. $250.00. August, 2016.
2. Rose Hadaway. Broker. $540.00. Coldwell Banker. Aug.16, 2016.
3. Elizabeth Tageson. Realtor, Coldwell Banker. $540.00. Aug. 22, 2016.
4. Tom McDonnell. Real Estate Broker–Shorestein Group. $540.00. Aug. 25, 2016.
5. Terry McInerney. Realtor. $100. Olson Realty. Aug. 26,2016.
6. Debra Ridge. Realtor, Berkshire-Hathaway. $100.00. Sept. 2, 2016
7. Richard Bortolazzo. R.E. Broker, Coldwell Banker. $500.00.
8. California Association of Realtors PAC. Los Angeles. $540.00. Oct.10,2016
Total money given by realtors so far to the Hughes campaign,= $3,110.00.
Elizabeth Patterson, Mayor of Benicia.
1.Renee Jordan. Jordan Realty. $540. July 22, 2016.
2. Toni Haughey. Realtor/self-employed. $100. Aug.28, 2016.
Total money given by realtors to the Patterson Campaign.= $640.
With only one week to go before the election –and one of the biggest issues facing our ”little city” — being the Seeno property development –who among those vying for mayor has received the most money from realtors . Fair question: Will this money impact/ influence their decision on this project?
Will how many Steve Young supporters gave a campaign donation to Mayor Patterson. Also the same question for Mayor Patterson. How many of her supporters gave to Steve Young. If I were you Will I would quit picking and choosing and give us a run down on all Mayor Patterson and Steve Young supports by name and their occupation. It could be very revealing. I assume you are a fair and balanced “Local Research Reporter”. Do the whole job.. The voters will be looking for your complete run down Will.