By Bruce Robinson
SCOTT WALKER’S JUNE 5 VICTORY over an attempted recall is a clear sign the good guys are winning. Not only has Walker successfully called the bluff of the public unions in Wisconsin, he’s also added impetus to the fiscal and educational reform efforts of governors in Indiana, Virginia, Florida, Louisiana and elsewhere. Even San Diego and San Jose, Calif., are getting in on the act!
Walker’s victory has also awakened a few sleeping giants in the Democratic Party — most notably Bill Clinton, who’s going rogue with his call for extending the Bush tax cuts; and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who’s feeling queasy about Obama’s gang-banger use of drones to win the hearts and minds voters who “cling to their guns and religion.” Then, too, there’s ex-Mayor Willie Brown who, after schmoozing with Obama’s Burlingame supporters last month, opined to SF Gate that Obama has “lost his mojo.”
By the way, did anybody notice the stock market had its strongest week of the year right after the Walker victory, and that Romney now has $16.8 million more in his campaign war chest than Obama?
Is it possible that God’s on Walker’s side? He was certainly explicit about thanking God during his victory speech, unlike our always politically correct and now overtly anti-Catholic president!
Yet, as John Agresto writes in the June 2 Wall Street Journal, “The myth persists that the left — while it might often be naive and unrealistic — still has its heart in the right place. … Those who demand social justice are more sincere, more compassionate, more spiritual, and surely more Christian than the rest of us.”
Not hardly! The most conspicuous feature of the Walker recall campaign was rowdiness. Remember the howling mobs of teacher and police protesters who jammed the lobbies and galleries of Wisconsin’s capitol throughout 2011? Remember the Wisconsin Democratic legislators spending weeks in Illinois at taxpayers’ expense to block voting on Walker’s reform bills? These yelling union yahoos were way more dangerously determined than the goofy pot-heads in the Occupy Wall Street movement.
I remember all too well the manifestation of this same Robin Hood righteousness when I was in graduate school at Columbia University in 1968. In late April of that year, a scrawny 19-year-old sophomore from New Jersey named Mark Rudd mounted the steps in front of Low Library and demanded that thousands of his fellow students close down the university. I never really understood what all the fuss was about. I just remember being really ticked off because some jerky kid actually closed the place down and disrupted my classes.
According to Wikipedia, the 1968 campus shut-down had something to do with Columbia’s investments in the military defense industry. At the time, Rudd was a member of Students for Democratic Society who saw this as a shot at his 15 minutes of fame. Eventually, he became involved with the even nastier Weathermen and somehow he’s managed to continue being a troublemaker at some obscure community college in Texas.
Give us all a break! Who cares about these clowns anymore? Game’s over, and the good guys won!
Bruce Robinson is an author and former Benicia resident.
Are you kidding? Since when is this about good guys versus bad guys? There’s good on both sides. How can we come together as a country when thus kind of decisive talk continues? Just because I disagree does not make me a bad guy.
The good guys you speak of in Wisconson Renee would be the Democratic lawmakers? The same people who had a very juvenile display known as a temper tamtrum. They did not get what they wanted so they ran out of state like a bunch of children hiding in their bedroom. The Unions loading up buses to bring in professional protesters is a good guy tactic? What did Gov. Walker do that was SO BAD???? he turned a $3,600,000,000.00 budget deficit into a $150,000,000.00 surplus. This behavior is so bad that it required the Democratic party and unions to spend almost $40,000,000.00 of their own money to attempt to unseat a duly elected Governor, only the third time in the history of the nation, for doing his job and doing it well? If there was any good on the Democratic side please tell us what it is, and don’t blabber like their leader Obama when he is presented with a question he can’t answer.
By the way, how many tens of thousands of times over the last few years have we heard the Socialist Democratic Machine blame all that is wrong on the planet and beyond on the GOP and Bush? These are your idea of “Good Guys”?
Whoa, did you read my post at all? I beleive I said it is not a good guy versus bad guy. I said that there ate good and bad on both sides. Before you attack me, read what I said. A decision was made – period. It’s hardly good or bad. There are those that agree, and those that don’t. Good versus bad? Please!
Waiting for you to tell us about the good on the Democratic side…..They did much more than disagree!!
Yes, they used parliamentary maneuvers to try to stop Walker from destroying decades of advances for workers. Horrible! Of course, Republicans never use parliamentary maneuvers to stop votes from occurring …
Fleeing the state to avoid debate is hardly a “parliamentary maneuver” it is cowardice and a dereliction of duty.
Right – they exercised their constitutional rights. Beside, I believe that I have said countless times now that there is no good or bad explicitly. There are some stands in the Republican platform that I agree with and some on the Democratic side with which I agree – vice versa. Again, read my original comment. There is not one word that talks of good or bad on either side. Our country is bought and sold by who can raise the most money. You know, if George Washington ran today, he probably would not win because of lack of fundraising. I vote for merit – not for the amount of dollars spent on ads. I look at voting records, voting attendance records, how they act in public and privately. That tells everything. Will I vote for President Obama? I do not know at this time, but I will not vote for Romney. His record in Massachusetts stands on its own merit and I disagree with too much of what he “says.” Now, here is the conundrum. I disagree with much of President Obama’s records and what he says as well. At this point, it presents a quandary for intelligent and educated voters. For those that say anything is better than our current President – that’s not intelligent at all. We need a better choice.
She wasn’t talking about Wisconsin. But I will.
Walker is going to have a hard time destroying union families after his party lost control of the state senate. Yay for democracy.
Mike said: “Walker is going to have a hard time destroying union families after his party lost control of the state senate. Yay for democracy.”
You should consider the answer to two salient points regarding the above comment:
1) When does the Wisconsin Senate next meet, (under normal scheduling)?
2) When is the next election in Wisconsin for state Senate offices?
I am not nitpicking, just alerting you to facts. Ask anyone.
I have considered it. Dems will keep the senate. And thanks for borrowing my words. I note that it’s your best bet to fake competence.
Thanks, Mike. Finally someone who actually read my post. You are right – I was not talking about Wisconsin. A question I would pose to those who are against unions: Valero depends on union workers. As a matter of fact, a friend’s son had to join the union before he could be hired there. So, do away with the union as Valero and what would happen? Or, in this case, is it acceptable since Valero puts so much money into our community for community service? It seems to me that this is another example of hypocrisy. We can’t have it both ways, or can we?
How can you say there are good guys on the left when they are loaded with lies, deceit, corruption, lawlessness and a complete disregard and contempt for the constitution of this great country and seemingly are against everything we stand for. Give me a break!
Hmmm . . . . after considering your remark, I can see that extremes play a large role in your thought process. There are some absolutely honest and patriotic on the left. I count myself as one. And one of my very good friends who is an evangelical minister and missionary that does mission in Africa is considered left, and believe me, he has more integrity and honesty in his little finger than most on the right. Right – left – again with the extremes. This is the exact divisive and incendiary talk I was speaking of. I know plenty of those considered right wing that are the dishonest and corrupt as well.
I am glad I am one of the Good Guys. Great article Bruce. Very accurate and tells it as it is. This will not make the hopeless and short changed croud very happy. On to victory in Nov.
This type of decisive talk needs to end as well, don’t you think?
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” President Obama Philadelphia July 13, 2008
Please provide a link. Pretty sure Obama wasn’t president on July 13, 2008.
So Obama quotes The Untouchables and four years later you’re still whining about it? That’s worse than labeling half the country “bad”?
And they say Dennis Lund is too sensitive …
That is my point. It perpetuates anger and an us versus them attitude on both sides. Yes, I’m liberal and a Progressive, but I’m hardly a bad guy if I disagree with a position. There are liberal positions that I disagree with along with conservative positions. It does not matter which side. I make my choices based on my education and intellect, not on religious or political affiliation. We have our own views, but neither is good our bad. It just is!
“No Open Mind” Mike at it again.
Hilarious that you of all people should use that phrase.
Mike a gentlemen will refer to our President as President Obama. Even when he is no longer President he will always be refered to as President Obama. The fact that he was not President at the time has no bearing. Yes could have said Barack Obama, would that make your nit piking mind happy.
No Bob, you don’t refer to him as President Obama when quoting him before he was president. Not nitpicking. Fact. Ask anyone.
Fact yes. Useful or pertinent information … NO! He was actively running for president at the time and everything he saids while campaigning and frankly his whole life matters. It is the person he is not his title at the time. That should be elementary.
I do appreciate your saying “gentlemen” will call the president by his title. I think some of your compatriots on the right could use this lesson in manners.
You always refer to a sitting or past President as President. Regardless when the statement was made. Fact. Yes Mike you are nit picking. The Dems did take the State Senate. But guess what Mike they will never be in session before the Nov elections. Then Republicans take it back. This is a win just for the record. Nothing will come of it. A pure blank space for the next five months. Get with the program Mike.
No. Find me an example where a sitting president is quoted from the time when he wasn’t president, and is called “president” — you can’t. It isn’t done. NEVER DONE. Get with the program, Bob — the one where we abide by the rules of English usage. I know that will be a big trial for you.
GOP won’t take back the Wisconsin senate in November. And Walker is a dead man walking until 2014. AND Obama will take Wisconsin easily.
Bruce, your tag line should be “get off my lawn!” You look like everyone’s crazy uncle. So Obama’s a “gang-banger” and “anti-Catholic”? As an ex-Catholic but someone who follows what’s going on in the church, I can say this: you are ignorant and lazy. Most catholics don’t follow the dictates of the insular bishops, and support coverage of contraception in health care plans. Nice try grandpa!
Beyond the Good guys— Is this new face of American fascism on display?
Let none of us exult too soon
The womb is fruitful
From which this one crawled …
—-Bertolt Brecht.
From the post below: more valuable information on Scott Walker for for the community to consider…
‘Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Compares Organized Workers to ISIS’
‘Republican presidential hopeful says battle against organized workers has prepared him to take on foreign militants’
“If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same in the rest of the world,” he added in a clear reference to both ongoing protests against new anti-worker laws and a historic revolt in 2011 against Walker’s push to dismantle collective-bargaining rights for the state’s labor unions.
According to the, the conservative web platform created by Glenn Beck, Walker’s speech received “thunderous applause” from the conference attendees. Fox News’ national political correspondent Joseph Weber reported Walker “delivered the goods” during the speech.
Though Walker and his handlers later tried to re-characterize the comments—claiming the governor was not making a comparison between Wisconsin workers who have opposed Walker’s anti-labor policies by joining public protests and militants who have released gruesome videos of beheading and setting fire to captors inside a foreign war zone—local union members and Wisconsin citizens were not buying it, calling the comments “jaw-dropping” and a “disgrace” for a national political figure.
“To compare the hundreds of thousands of teachers, students, grandmothers, veterans, correctional officers, nurses and all the workers who came out to peacefully protest and stand together for their rights as Americans to ISIS terrorists is disgusting and unacceptable,” said Wisconsin AFL-CIO President Phil Neuenfeldt in a statement. “To compare hard-working men and women who work for a living to terrorists is a disgrace. Coming together to peacefully protest for freedom, to raise your voice for a better Wisconsin, this is not an act of terror.”
Walker really has the leftist worried.
Will (who never engages) is apparently on the attack Walker bandwagon and terms him a “fascist”, yet is offended that Walker used the word “militants”..
What really has the ‘anti-Walkeristas[ in fits his he has won three times and in a blue state!
When you are catching flak, you are over the target.
As for me I am undecided on who I will vote for in 2016, I just know it is whoever is running against Hillary Rodham-Clinton.
Beyond the Good guys— Is this the new face of American fa$ci$m on display?
“Let none of us exult too soon
The womb is fruitful
From which this one crawled …”
—-Bertolt Brecht.
From the post below: more valuable information on presidential candidate Scott Walker for the community and our citizenry to seriously consider… …
Election 2016
“Scott Walker Lets Billionaire Donors Know the Outrageous Sum It’ll Take to Buy Him Off”
” Big money’s take over of our democracy has never been more blatant.”
Beyond the Good guys— Is this the new face of American Fascism on display?
“Let none of us exult too soon
The womb is fruitful
From which this one crawled …”
—-Bertolt Brecht.
In the land of the Free and Home of the Brave—
From the post below more” aspiring presidential candidate” news the community can use…
Scott Walker doesn’t want Wisconsin officials talking climate, he prefers …” that he wanted— “someone with a chamber-of-commerce mentality.”
“Walker is a favorite of the Koch brothers — he notoriously kissed ass during a call with a prankster pretending to be David Koch. The oil oligarchs like him because he opposes governmental regulations, except for when the regulation stymies clean energy. Walker imposed regulations to keep wind turbines further away from homes and signed a pledge never to pass a carbon tax. He has also raised money for the Heartland Institute, an organization that spreads climate misinformation.”
Is Scott Walker really a good guy?
“Let none of us exult too soon
The womb is fruitful
From which this one crawled …”
—-Bertolt Brecht.
From the post below more” aspiring presidential candidate” news the community can use…
“Here is what you need to know about (Scott) Walker’s record.”
“Walker could be the first ALEC president with the backing of the Kochs. On the campaign trail, Walker has boasted of a long series of legislative “reforms,” failing to mention that almost all of them have their roots in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). At ALEC, lobbyists and politicians vote behind closed doors on ‘model bills’ that benefit the corporate bottom line, such as the perennially-popular “Minimum Wage Repeal Act.” Walker has spoken out against the minimum wage, rolled back the prevailing wage for public construction projects, and proposed or signed into law over 20 ALEC bills including Voter ID, anti-consumer tort reform legislation, school vouchers, and a deadly asbestos bill that narrows access to the courts for asbestos victims. His ties to ALEC run deep. He was a member of ALEC when he was a state legislator from 1993 to 2002. The Kochs are among ALEC’s biggest funders and also major Walker supporters, with the Kochs and their affiliates spending some $11.6 million backing Walker since 2010. David Koch, the billionaire co-owner of Koch Industries, told Republican donors in April that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was his man for president. “We will support whoever the candidate is,” Koch said, “but it should be Scott Walker.”
More “good guy” news below if you can stomach it !!
Will apparently you did not watch his announcement today. If you just watch Hillary alnost fall asleep during her talk you would understand that she will never be President. Biden will be drafted to try and save the Progressives and he will eventually lose. Sad day for Dems Will. Go back in your dark room.
Please God let Walker be the nominee. He’ll lose in a landslide and won’t even win his home state.
“Obama’s gang-banger use of drones”
“Is it possible that God’s on Walker’s side?”
“goofy pot-heads”
Three great examples of why Mr. Robinson’s rants always leaves one scratching one’s head.
Is there such a thing as backwardism?
Do we not refer to President Clinton, Prrsident Bush in that term. Some may say when a certain President was not President they said this or that. Mike just go on about your Liberal business. On to vitory Romney in Dec. Lead pipe cinch.
I think you know you’re wrong here, but let me try one more time to explain:
Say I use a quote from George W. Bush, something he said in 1999. “I am George W. Bush.” I then follow the quote with a dash (–) followed by attribution, the person who said the quote, in this case George W. Bush, and the year (or month, or exact date) when he said it.
“I am George W. Bush.” — Texas Gov. George W. Bush, 1999
If I call him president, which at that point he was not, it is inaccurate. Observe:
“I am George W. Bush.” — President George W. Bush, 1999.
Get it?
And yes, everyone, I know it is a small matter, but Bob wants to debate even the simplest facts — the sky is blue, water is wet — so it’s instructive to see the lengths he’ll go to deny reality.
One last thing: There will never be a President Romney. That’s a lead pipe cinch if ever there was one. You can go ahead and call him Governor in perpetuity (though NOT if you’re quoting something he said before he was elected).
mike never under estimate this wizard of politics. The only place I was off was by how much Linda would win by. Do not bring up the Mayor race. I always said she was the favorite and never supported another candidate. Right on the 2010 election and I will be right in Nov. As a local I would assume you know many folks in town and they must know you just as Mikie. You have not reached that stature yet. I am known only as Bob and they know who Bob is. No one knows who Mike is. Just what is your fear.
Linda was just the beginning of your bad year in predictions. And I don’t care who knows me. Yes, you are known only as Bob — and there are now uncounted bad connotations to go with that name. Roberts and Bobs across Benicia resent you immeasurably.
It is a petty point which serves only as a distraction, which is preferred rather than to focus on this President and is abject failures. The fact remains Obama always has been and will always be divisive. He thrives on it.
I could have chosen any number of quotes from Obama which reflect his contempt for a large segment of the American people, regardless which office he has held.
Many of those who support him encourage (Renee seems to be a reasonable exception) divisiveness as they grovel for votes, offering more and more from fewer and fewer.
Agreed — it’s a petty point and a petty argument that Bob started. Again, it shows his unwillingness (constitutional incapability?) to admit error.
Dennis, I see the problem suddenly very clearly. You and your ideological brethren see Obama as divisive. I, and many others like me, see him as too solicitous of the right’s approval. Too moderate. All he’s done is seek Republican votes, and all they’ve done is rebuke and angle to beat him. Three and a half years of no compromise whatsoever. I think it boils down to a fear of being made to look stupid by handing him a victory. Yet still he seeks the middle ground. He is the opposite of divisive, but he is dealing with a disloyal opposition willing to sacrifice the country to their electoral ambitions.
So be it. But that cynical approach won’t work. Enjoy Walker’s Pyrrhic victory — it will be the high water mark this year for the GOP and their moneyed masters.
One other thing: I was disappointed not to see your latest column online, as I wanted the chance to expose your fundamentally (Lundamentally? Ha!) flawed premise. You falsely conflated unrelated issues. See this link:
You have touched on several things. I will take the liberty of an extended flight delay to respond, individually.
Mike said: Agreed — it’s a petty point and a petty argument that Bob started
We all make errors here at one time or another, be it a typo or whatever. Most overlook these and excuse them. Errors are made at high levels as well “50 – 7 states”, that was a slip of the lip, which should be forgiven. I classify my “President” Obama quoting in that regard, a slip, and one most people would overlook. You did not and Bob called you in it. I would say it was debatable as to “who started it”
I did, in a subtle manner, point out an error by Renee: divisive vs. decisive, but I did so because I found it humorous in the sense that both words could work in the context both her and I used.
Mike said: I, and many others like me, see him as too solicitous of the right’s approval. Too moderate. All he’s done is seek Republican votes,
Mike you need to read an article which appeared in the New Yorker in January of this year. Google:
“January evening in 2009, a week
before his Inauguration, Barack Obama had
dinner at the home of George Will,”
And you will have it.
The article is a fluff piece, mostly pro-Obama, but if you have any realistic appreciation of Washington and it’s inner workings, it actually paints a very different picture.
Obama is not a uniter.
Mike said: One other thing: I was disappointed not to see your latest column online, as I wanted the chance to expose your fundamentally (Lundamentally? Ha!) flawed premise.
Lundamentally — I like it. Goes along with a tag I made months ago for some of your more choice comments–Mikisms.
By all means tell Marc how much you missed my smiling face.
Regarding the flawed premise – you are not specific as to the reference, I am guessing it was the 53,000 dead voters removed vs. the 180,000 on a list to be reviewed.
I clearly stated them as two separate issues, only commonality is the state election commission involved.
Mike – This is one of the very rare times you have replied to me in a manner worthy of response. I do appreciate discourse, but not rudeness. If you want to continue a dialogue on this subject, ask Marc for my private e-mail address and I will respond.
To continue this here on Mr. Pages column would be an innappropriate distraction to his column, IMHO.
Mr. Page????
Dang– Looking at too many threads – Forgive me Bruce!
Bruce doesn’t mind — this is the most run he’s ever had.
This is not particularly what I’d call a win other than that he is still in office. What no one seems to want to notice is the the majorities in the State’s House and Senate shifted away from Walker.
He’s a short timer anyway.
We need to pass a law that says all Politicians regardless of party; MUST wear NASCAR suits while on duty, w/ the patches from those who have bought and sold them on the suit.
John the the Wisconsin state house is held by Republican 59/39. The state Senate is now held by Democrats by 17/16/ In Nov all 99 house seats are up for election. sixteen Senate seats are up. Now I am sorry that is not a shift away from Scott Walker. It is of no importance till Nov. The state Senate is not in session and will not be called back. So as you see their majority is just for the history books. I quess the Democrats will have Union labels all over them. Plus Soros, Ellison, Gates just to name a few. Sorry John it is all over this soon.
Dems will hold the senate on Obama’s coattails and will shrink the GOP’s House majority. Additionally, Walker will be out in 2014. Take it to the bank.
If Dems wear Soros and Gates labels, the GOP won’t have a patch of empty suit visible from all the Big Oil and Wall Street and Big Pharma and other labels covering them head to toe.
Mike said: the GOP won’t have a patch of empty suit visible from … Wall Street and Big Pharma
My, I at least thought you were paying closer attention than that.
DDL: I set Mike up and he falls for it everytime. I do my best to try and educate him on politics . It is not working, very closed mind and a very biased person. As they say Mike do not look behind they are catching on to you.
Enough buffoonery for one thread. You get a pass till next time.
Great article
You know, after all of this back and forth on who’s right- who’s wrong, who’s good-who’s bad. I have made my decision. Obama in 2012 for me! No one in the Republican party has made any argument or point that wasn’t incendiary or divisive here. Too bad – you might have had a chance to swing my vote.
I would take exception to that Renee. Above I referred to you as a “reasonable person”, I would hardly call that incendiary or devisive.
DDL, I would have answered sooner, but turning in a college final paper took precedence. I see that you did refer to me as reasonable. Thank you for reading my post completely. And you are right – that is neither incendiary or divisive (on the computer so there is no change for auto-correct). One think that I would point out, I neither see it as good versus bad. There are plenty on both sides to be sure. I may be a liberal progressive in that I believe what the constitution says – “All men are created equal.” That means all men, as in human beings, with no exceptions. I also believe that it is our duty as humans inhabiting this planet to be good stewards of the gifts we have been granted and to do as Jesus said – take care of the poor, widowed, those that have less. If that makes me a liberal progressive, so be it! And to “Concerned Taxpayer” that sees me as a Socialist that would have my every need taken care until our government goes broke, you do not know me, therefore, you are not qualified to pass judgment on me. That is, unless you are without reproach. I believe in self responsibility and self accountability and that I am responsible for my actions and inactions. I expect no one to take care of my every need – that is up to me. However, when people are dying in our country because of lack of means to purchase health insurance, that, to me, is an atrocity. We condemn other countries for less. I believe that it is time to do as we preach. Self reliance can only come from ourselves. Our country is still great, even with all of the rhetoric from both sides and the finger pointing from both sides. I have seen people come together with a common cause – can we not do that now? Yes, we need change, but real change, not more of the same. At this time, neither party offers any change. President Obama for 2012? Mitt Romney for 2012? From my view, they are much the same – no different. Talk is always cheap.
I would not disagree with anything you have stated in your response to me. I also believe in taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves, as well as one being responsible for their own actions.
At one point in my life from college until some years later, I also believed myself to be a liberal, but my eyes were opened to some realities regarding liberalism and I started to listen as well as to read the other side and recognized that much of what I believed, or I should say was led to believe was wrong and built on a false base.
I then saw through many people for what lay beyond their false claims. I then took a second look at Alinsky and Cloward-Piven, I did not like what I saw.
I do not bring religion into these discussions, as that is too personal a matter, but you did say:
to do as Jesus said – take care of the poor, widowed, those that have less.
Jesus said a lot more than that (as I am sure you are aware) f you are using his teachings (and there are others as well I would include in this same category) as a guideline then you are a step ahead of many.
Isn’t it funny how life goes? As a younger person, I was far right Conservative Republican and vote straight down party lines. Remember the Clinton Era? I was right along with Rush Limbaugh during that whole debacle. It was shortly after the discovery of Newt Gingrich’s affair cover-up that happened while he was castigating Clinton for his affair that I took a hard look. So, that’s where I did not like what I saw. However, true to my then chosen party lines, I voted for Bush in the first election. Then came the Florida election problem. I defended Bush’s right to the win, but did my research. And, once again, I did not like what I saw. The Iran war changed my mind completely. That and the personal affiliation of some of my family members who are friendly with the Bush family – one of which was there right along Bush, Sr. in the oil fields of Midland, TX. There is so much more that changed my attitudes, but it is not necessary to go into that here.
I look at what Jesus taught along with others, and it says the same thing. We are accountable for our own actions; however, we need to take care of those that are unable to take care of themselves. Right wing – left wing. Conservative – Liberal. Just labels. How about just doing the right thing and working to create a country we can all be proud of. That now is my goal.
By the way, I am a middle aged Grandmother who decided to return to college to achieve a life-long dream.
Renee, it is apparent from the beginning that your left leaning person. You always planned on voting for Obama and finally admitted it this evening. You want the socialist life where the government cares for your every need until they go broke that is.
Concerned Taxpayer – see my response to DDL above.
From reading these posts in the many articles over the past year, I am convinced that Bob Livesay and Mike are the same person. It is a well-known trick of posters to have two identities and then create controversies and stir up a bunch of “sound and fury” by arguing with himself.
Good going, BobMike Livesay! It has been quite entertaining, a good show.
Now Beach Bum, don’t go making those ridiculous remarks like that! They are obviously different people.
I never write LOL, but LOL
Thanks Beach Bum for the pub. Ski Bum is right. We are not the same person. I say who I am, Mike does not. I will expose him by name as we move along. It will shake him up. He He He
Fun to watch you try and fail. Get used to failure.
Mike please tell us the Senate seats the Dems will hold and what majority will they hold. What states will President Obama win and how many electoral votes will he get. Mike I have stated my predictions in numbers. Now is your turn Mike numbers. Turn, turn, turn I know you remember that.
Bob please tell us what old folks home you escaped from so we can have them pick you up at The Rellik. The Rellik especially will appreciate it.
Mike or is Myron is that the best you can do? You never answer the questions and just do personal attacks. You can not and will not answer the question. Sorry Mike your comments do not make you a better person. I would keep my last and possible first hidden if I were you. You contribute nothing but name calling and your Socialist Ideals.
What do you mean by socialist? Please define. Not sure I qualify but I will let you know.
Mike I try to keep my comments civil. I must admit you do tend to make me go off point. Mike I think if we both stay on point and stop the personal attacks it will be more productive. Are you willing to keep your comments civil?
Right after you tell me what a socialist is, so I know whether I am one. Then we can be very civil.
Mike you are impossible. You want me to answer your question but will not answer mine. Lets just say we both withdraw the questions and proceed. I am not going to play this game . Are you willing to do that?
So you’ll answer my question when I answer yours, after the conventions? That should give you plenty of time to find a dictionary. OK, I agree. Have a pleasant day.
Mike I said withdraw the question. I will withdraw my question if you wish to make your own predictions be my guest at anytime. That was all I asked. Now just with draw your question. Peace brother. Ok..Lets move forward.
How the Wisconsin Uprising Got Hijacked
Posted by Andy Kroll . June 10, 2012.
Source: Roosevelt Institute.
The postmortems and prognostications began just minutes after Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s recall election victory, and they’re still flooding in. His win, goes one talking point, bodes well for Mitt Romney’s efforts to flip Wisconsin red for the first time since 1984. Bummed-out Democrats, suggests another, spell trouble for President Obama in November. Obama’s got no reason to worry, claims a third, because 17% of the Walker recall vote came from Wisconsinites who claim they will go the president’s way in the fall.
Such futurology is now the essence of what we think of as political coverage (along with the flood of opinion polls that make it seem like realism). Yet such crystal-ball-reading is a fool’s errand. Gubernatorial recalls in particular are utter rarities, outliers brought into being by a unique set of local circumstances.
You can bet on one thing, though: Walker’s win has emboldened the Republican Party. And here’s another likelihood: Republican governors and state legislators nationwide will emulate Walker’s “divide and conquer” agenda — his own words — in the months and possibly years ahead. Tim Phillips, president of the conservative group Americans for Prosperity, said as much in Wisconsin on the eve of the recall: “Today every other governor in the country and every state legislator in the country is watching Wisconsin. Because the Wisconsin approach to changing and making state government better is the new model for the country.”
**From the above article:
“Is it possible that God’s on Walker’s side?” Fair question: Is this what God stands for in the twenty-first century?
Behold the Walker model: Kneecap public-employee unions; slash government spending for education and services for the poor and elderly; lower corporate taxes; implement controversial — and potentially discriminatory — voter identification legislation; redraw your state’s political boundaries to benefit the GOP (and then wait for the election contributions to pour in by the multimillions from enthused right-wing billionaires and corporate “individuals,” with a blitz of the airwaves to follow).
Divide and Conquer. It’s like a bad action movie coming soon to a state near you — or your own. The need to counter this deep-pocketed Republican steamroller couldn’t be greater. But as we’re fast learning in this era of super-PACs and billionaire bankrollers, locking yourself into a remarkably broken electoral system, writes TomDispatch Associate Editor Andy Kroll, may be the mistake of the decade.
Will I do understand your bias political leanings. That for sure is OK. What I would like to hear from our appointed Citizen Reporter is something in his own words. That would be very refreshing and maybe even believable. Will just look around and start to get it. President Obama is history. Even in ultra Liberal California they are starting to get. It will take a little longer. But Will when Oregon is starting to move from Liberal to a toss up you do have a problem. Will if you are truly the Benicia Citizen Reporter start looking at things as they are. I have a question for you Will: Do you believe President Obama will win re-election and how? Will the Dems keep the Senate? Will Dems take the House? You Will as enicia appointed Citizen Reporter should be able to answer that simple questions. Remember Wll Gregory the local folks do expect you to report in a very even manor. I sure hope in the future you will. Now as a Liberal Citizen Reporter i would understanhd your leanings. Just what are you Will?
I just checked the latest polling out of Oregon and Obama is doing fine. What poll are you looking at Bob? The tell the GOP what they want to hear poll? Is that the same one that says Romney is winning nationally when he most certainly isn’t? Give us a link Bob.
Great article! I like these authors who write with some sense.
Very simple Myron look at the Gallup and Rassmussen polls. Also see what Larry Sabato has to say. Also check out the other polls. There are not many polls that even give President Obama a chance. I do believe you will see that President Obama is in big trouble. Remember Myron I said now toss up on Oregon and also Wisconsin. The Liberals are beside themselves on this election. They can not run on his record. Very soon you will see the Liberals are only going after no more that six states. Myron that is how bad it is. They are also very under funded. This is a desparate President. Remember Myron they have in the past said Fla, NC, Vir, Ohio were also toss ups. Not any more. The states that will win this election are without a doubt moving to the Romney side. Now you may not believe that Myron but that is what is happening. I do think Myron you will see that they do listen to me. They may not like it but at the same time they do know I an the guru of politics. Myron you are not.
Well Blurb I think you know as much about liberals as you do about my name. I think you know as much about politics as you do about socialism, which you are too ignorant to understand or even define. I think you, Blab, are citing polls without linking to them, while the polls I see show a tight race but an unbroken lead for Obama nationally and in key states. I think if you think Oregon or Wisconsin is going to Romney, Blub, you must still be dizzy from the walloping Bush I took in 92. I think conservatives know not to get their hopes up because Romney isn’t the guy you unseat an incumbent for.
Goodnight Blob, whatever you’d like to respond, I’ll debunk in the morning.
Poor Myron is on the run. Myron I never said Oregon or Wisconsin was going to Romney. Just where did you read that?: Give us a link. Myron. tight race? Give us the link. Myron it appears you are linked out and also lights out. Now Myron/Mike remember we said only civil comments. I willo give you a pass you only broke it once on this comment session. . Run, run, run, turn, turn, turn or just sleep tight and get uptight when your President wishes he was right.
Knob, I can see now that you’re getting desperate. You’ve got a lot on the line, including that growing rat’s nest of a mane, and you know Romney hasn’t got a chance. So you’re lashing out. It’s pathetic, but it’s also pitiful, so I’ll give you a pass — just this once. Best be on your best behavior though.
PS is the Myron thing some kind of guess as to who I am? Keep guessing. My name is Mike.
Mike you know i am having some fun and I think you are also. I get a daily e-mail on polls. You may want to look at it. Gallup, Rasmussen, Reuters and others. Link: Give it a try and tell what you think. I also look at Real Clear Politics daily and many others.
Mr. Robinson states above that “,,,the good guys are winning.” If that,is indeed, the case, why is Scott Walker being investigated by the FBI?
Guide to the Main Players in the ever-expanding FBI Walkergate “John Doe” Investigation
Posted on February 1, 2012.
This is a guide to almost all the main players in the ongoing John Doe investigation being conducted concerning possible corruption charges against when Walker was Milwaukee County executive and leading up to Walker running for governor in 2010 and beyond. The investigation is expanding nearly every day and this guide will be updated as more information is available.
For an eye opening account of this on-going scandal proceed to a very interesting site called…Scott Walker Watch to read the “messy” details of this unfolding story.
Sorry Will he has not been indicted and will not be indicted. You may want to call his office in your on going investigation of this. A good Citizen reporter would look at both sides. Good luck and please report back to the readers. Thank you..
“He has not been indicted” — the metric by which the GOP measures its own. But suppose it were a Democrat under investigation … ?
But suppose it were a Democrat under investigation … ?
That one is too easy Mike. The Progressives metric would then kick in. Recall a few years back when we saw the signs at the city park?
Speaking of people dying. How do you think Eric Holder is going to do on that contempt of congress imbroglio?
But suppose it were a Democrat under investigation … ?
That one is too easy Mike. The Progressives metric would then kick in. Recall a few years back when we saw the signs at the city park?
Speaking of people dying. How do you think Eric Holder is going to do on that contempt of congress imbroglio?
Easy for you to leave a weird nonreply to it, I guess. We weren’t talking about progressives. But here’s the difference anyway: the Clinton lied nobody died bit has the ring of truth. Otherwise why would you, of all people, be repeating it? On the other hand I can’t recall a single conservative slogan of the last 20 years.
Holder will not die, that is my guess, despite your (also strange) intimation. And if John Ashcroft can escape punishment Eric Holder has nothing to worry about. Jesus even Alberto Gonzales, easily the most incompetent and corrupt AG of our lifetimes, didn’t end up in the clink.
Holder will not die, that is my guess, despite your (also strange) intimation.
Mike, yet once again you leap to erronous conclusions.
My reference to ‘people dying’, was to operation ‘fast and furious’, you must have heard something about it. ATF agents gunned down in the streets killed by weapons allowed to be walked into Mexico by Holder’s Justice department.
And yes, Holder is dying on the vine each time he testifies before Issa as it appears that Holder brought a knife to the gunfight, to paraphrase CANDIDATE Obama.
Not a conclusion. Just poking fun at your choice of words. Previously I might have characterized it as poor, but we’re being civil now. Unfortunate we’ll call it.
Not all the facts are in on Fast and Furious. I reserve judgment until the investigations have all run their course.
I reserve judgment until the investigations have all run their course.
That would be the investigation that Holder is: stonewalling by holding back e-mails, not releasing subpoenaed documents, lying to the committee and obfuscating.
Since you you seem to wish the investigation to proceed, surely being a fair minded individual, you would also be in support of an independent prosecutor being appointed?
Full disclosure: I came out in November, against an independent prosecutor, arguing instead that Obama should fire him (or ask him to resign) and use that as a political opportunity to take the high road. I also predicted a removal of Holder by end of December. So I was wrong on that prediction, but still feel Obama would have gained political mileage by removing Holder.
So because it was the politically expedient thing to do, Obama should have jettisoned his AG? Very principled stand you took when you came out in November.
Regardless of your predilections, I wonder at conservatives’ sudden lack of support for law enforcement in this country. The two U.S. attorneys assigned to the case in question are professionals and they deserve support, not political maneuvering. And they won’t take years and spend millions of taxpayer dollars on a fishing expedition (Whitewater anyone?).
Finally, your characterization of “stonewalling” is pure propaganda. Would you prefer all sensitive information about operations past present and future be handed over at the drop of a hat?
Mike: because it was the politically expedient thing to do, Obama should have jettisoned his AG?
As if a President making a major decision on a high level postion has never been done before?
FDR’s jettison of Wallace or JFK’s selection of LBJ are two decisions that come to mind.
“stonewalling” is pure propaganda.
Why do you think Congress is voting on a censure of him?
“As if a President making a major decision on a high level postion has never been done before?”
This is why I wonder about you Dennis. What kind of sentence is that? Yes, presidents make major decisions about high level positions. President Obama’s has clearly been to stick with his very qualified and competent AG. The historical references you make are pointless because they have no direct parallel to this situation. They serve only to bolster your credibility — or would, if they weren’t so inept. Thus they have the opposite effect.
“Why do you think Congress is voting on a censure of him?”
Gee I wonder why the House is voting on a censure of the Democratic attorney general. Let me ponder that for a millisecond.
It applys to all.
Golly gee! I never imaginied my humble ruminatiions would excite so much verbosity. But — hey — that’s all to the good. After all, it’s democracy in action. Thank you, lady and gentlemen, for the always diverting diversity of your perceptions. What a delightful community Benicia is–truly the Athens of California!
The interesting thing about this comment run is that Mike takes of 32% of the comments and does not present any answers. Bunch in Citizen Reporter Will Gregory and between the two of them they take up 60% of the writing space or very close to that. Still no answers or solutions. So in the final conclusion there are maybe more Conservatives in Benicia that anyone knew about. The good guys do win. Great article Bruce. Keep them on the run..
32%? Either you made up that number or you actually counted. Either way, you’re pathetic.
Some of us have lives Bob and can’t keep up with all the lies of the right. Keep patting yourselves on the back for your prevarications.
Mike you are losing and can not stand it. You are now out numbered and fading fast. I do like the fact that you are trying to be civil. It is very hard for you. But keep at it. You are not quite there yet, there is hope. Thanks for your comments.
There you go again Bob. Just because I’m not a last word freak doesn’t mean I’ve lost a single argument to you. You are intellectually outmatched. It’s embarrassing. I weep for your family. Don’t worry about me fading, I’ll be here for the long haul, shadowing your every farcical attempt at reason.
Mike there is someone on the other on-line paper that wants to get involved in the Park issue. Being that you are a volunteer I thought you may be able to help him or help him get in touch with Gene. Thanks Mike.
Gene moved out of Benicia. Didn’t you know?
Mike you are right you are embarrassing yourself. Thank you for the positive and civil comments? I will keep your progess in mind before I expose you.
Yes i did know just wanted to see if you knew since you are big time volunteer. I was just trying to have you help someone who wanted to get involved. Your smart remarks on a serious subject are not necessary.
You didn’t know. Your not smart remarks on any subject aren’t necessary.
And since you are “retired” from volunteering, you probably shouldn’t insult others for doing so. A new low.
Mike i make a very nice statement and you try to turn it into a negative one. Please some folks do care and I do think this fella does. Try contacting him.
There are many contacts you can direct him to.
100 comments is big time
Most of them are crap. Like this one. And that one ^
Mr. Civil Mike it is Fathers Day weekend. I was hoping you would have a little better tone. I am a father of three and intend to enjoy this very meaningful Day. I sure hope other fathers also does. To the editor I know this is a very special day for you. Happy Fathers Day.
Thank you Bob. In that spirit may I suggest a moratorium on this silly, pointless back and forth? Everyone enjoy this beautiful weekend. Ed.
From the Editor of the Herald: “…may I suggest a moratorium on this silly, pointless back and forth.”
I counted 28 comments by Mr. Livesay with only 4 -maybe- pertaining to the article by Herald columnist Bruce Robinson. Mike had 32 comments. Mostly countering Mr.Livesay’s blather. You have instituted a check on length of comments. With that said, should there be a check on the number of times a person can comment (especially) if the comment has nothing to do with the topic presented.
Thank you Marc, I do believe you understand.
Mike stated:This is why I wonder about you Dennis. What kind of sentence is that? Yes, presidents make major decisions about high level positions.
Actually Mike it is a paraphrase of a question you directed at me, but you likely have forgotten that comment. I am not going to back track and get the exact quote, I will leave that to you.
Let’s close this discussion until after the censure vote, as there is no point in discussing it until then.
I am willing to bet 25 Democrats vote to censure him.
Holder asked to resign
I do hope everyone had a wonderful; Fathers Day. I sure did. Back to the article. As I read the articloe one thing stuck out that was not even mentioned or just glossed over. The economy. This election is about the economy, jobs and the national dept. The blame game is over. The folks will decide who will return to office nationally. It is not about the Unions or the so called filthy rich Conservatives. It is about the economy and that alone. That is what folks are now tell politicians loud and clear. State budgets in a mess, we all know about California and locally here in Benicia. The folks will be voting to put a stop to this massive debt spending and make some major political changes all over this great country. Wisconsin, San Jose and San Diego were just the beginning. Romney is now ahead in Wisconsin. There now appears to be an awakening of the sleeping giant. The hope and change crowd are up against that sleeping giant the economy. It has stepped up to the plate and will impact every election in this country come Nov. 6, 2012. This is not at all good for President Obama. Could things change? A very slight chance of that.
Kind of fun to read these comments after the November 2014 mid-term elections, isn’t it?
Conservative psychology is notoriously averse to ambiguity. Likes clean lines, hierarchy, clear divisions of good & evil. — David Roberts
You have that right Bruce!
This election was fun to watch as the Democrat candidates would not touch 0bama with a ten foot pole.
Some of the comments above are laughable, as they deny Obama for the divider that he continues to be. Recall this quote from 2013:
You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don’t break it. Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about.” 0bama to John Boehner.
I have heard no similar condescending divisiveness and anger from any GOP leader after this election.
The sycophants will not admit it, but Obama’s policies were the primary reason for this GOP tidal wave.
Now they all sound like the Brooklyn fans of yester year: “Wait till next year”
Don’t worry, in two years, when more than a third of voters vote, you can go back to talking about how stupid voters are.
I do not recall ever saying the ‘Voters were stupid. Perhaps you can find a quote to refresh my memory.?
Not so fast Hank. It is the Dems and Gruber who are talking about voters being stupid. Even Pelosi says she never heard of Gruber the Goober.. But guess what thank God for Google she got caught talking about the Goober.. So much for who are actually stupid. Lets talk some facts Hank. The Republican hold 54% of the Senate, 57% of the house, 64% of the Govs and 70% of all state houses. Add to that the Republicans have outright control of 25 state Govs with both houses. The election is going to be won with state controlled Govs and state houses. They will contol the out come. Just watch. It will take mor than Hank and DWS to swing this 2016 elctions. Even Hillary is starting back off on running. It appears the Dems are starting to move toward the Ma. Indian lady Senator Warren. It will only take five states to swing the 2016 election in favor of the Republicans. Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. Hank you just heard it from me. File it and just remember what I predicted and said..,
It is laughable how the Dems are now backing away from Gruber faster then they backed away from 0bama.
Gruber was a key architect of 0bama care and an adviser on Romney Care, now it is: ‘who? Gruber? Never heard of em’.
Correrct Dennis the Goober does appear to make all the Dems look stupid. Add Debbie Wasserman Schultz and you have all the powerhouse Dems not looking to good. But the good thing for them is they still have Harry and Nancy. Once in a while you get lucky. This may be again a part repeat.
Enjoy the Senate majority. You won’t have it for long, and you won’t get anything done while you’ve got it.