The Women’s March on Washington, D.C.
How Fantastic! I salute all my activist sisters! Yippee! It was reported that there were some 600-plus marches around the globe. Obviously, people of all origins and situations are ticked at the status quo. Outstanding, ladies, contrast that to a lame 53 percent voter turnout in the U.S. this past election. Contrast that to a year’s worth of disgusting, insulting spitting and yarping between U.S. candidates; innuendos about Putin being the driver of the election hacking to favor Trump; Yes the DNC was hacked but no, the RNC wasn’t, or was it? Where are the disgusting videos of Trump doing whatever with “golden rains” and blackmail pressure by Putin? What was FBI Director Comey doing with that lame reopening of the Hillary investigation of which -mails on which computer, owned and used by whom (?) one week before the election? What a cesspool of hype and human disgust! Throw in reports of voter suppression, polling place oddities, excess gerrymandering to geographically undermine states’ and counties’ voting patterns. What a lame and corrupt system! How many years did it take to create this “SWAMP,” and is it being “emptied” as promised by Trump or just refilled by anti-environmentalists, a foreign-oil friendly Exxon-Mobil CEO whose own firm acknowledges their investigation and suppressing CO2 effects’ research on global warming? And now-President Trump denies global warming as a made-in-China hoax? Has President Donald been following Dr. Jim Hansen’s NASA science reports for years to the letter, and has he reviewed glacier melt-back history personally on the ice and internet in between tweeting Alec Baldwin for his outstanding humor performances on “Saturday Night Live”?
But the ladies prevailed with their marches, signs and Ashley Judd’s performance-quality poetics about “Nasty Ladies.” Hats off from here to there. Where to now, ladies? Bernie still has his followers, still has a book on political revolution and if this is it, Yahoo! I’ve signed up.
Inauguration Watcher…
Many chose to stay away from the inauguration and I have no problem with that. But I wanted to see it, see it up close, and to see ALL the players and how the system for whatever it is, perpetuates itself. It was a well-oiled machine, the functional working people of government, they all carried it out seemingly flawlessly. People were both absent and there by choice. Presidents Carter and Bush were there, Hillary and Bill Clinton and certainly the Obamas; contributing to the orderly and sane transfer of authority and political power to lead the free world in whatever direction. These were the players. Then Trump gave his inaugural speech.What a mediocre hatful of dribble. Charm us, inspire us, elevate us with your leadership majesty that we haven’t seen in the entire year of campaigning. Prove to us that you are a winner with the highest of ideals driving you and not just racism, misogyny, hatefulness and unkind lust for the next buck. Not just blatant “Us” versus “ALL of YOU.” Not a chance. He’s still badmouth campaigning. Even with four past presidents in the adjacent audience, he’s still banging heads. Later at the banquet he finally acknowledges Hillary and Bill Clinton with some token civility. Seeing the same-time interval of protests in the Washington, D.C. streets, I was pleased that the media didn’t make this historic occasion a totally hours-long documentary of blood bath of bottles and tear gas in the afternoon. Our country is ill, diseased and it’s been running a fever for far too long.
President Obama and First Lady Michelle were seen saying their goodbyes to friends and staff and exiting to Executive I, the chopper, and it sadly lifts off. I’m missing them already. With only obstruction from across the aisle, they lifted us in eight years out of the Bush & Cheney Economic Abyss. Thank you, Obamas! And with Trump’s first few days in office, where are we? Ladies of the January marches, stay focused! I’m with you. Good luck, America.
Trumpville, DC 1/20/2017
An amazing procession of change,
all the functioning staff
keep the process moving smoothly,
changing the furniture and
wall hangings in the White House
and everything else –
Executive 1, the official chopper
is fueled and waiting nearby.
Presidents Carter and Bush,
Hillary and Bill Clinton, and the Obamas
are polite and acknowledge
the transition of power.
The new President after swearing in,
signs some forms encircled by his family
and legislative peers and
gives away some signature pens.
Despite the growing protests nationally,
the Trumps travel down Pennsylvania Avenue
in their motorcade and then on foot,
escorted by an army of the Secret Service.
President Obama and First Lady Michelle
say Goodbye to friends and faithful staff
and lift off in Executive 1, leaving Dodge
for the present and the hopefuls,
protestors, and Trump investigations
from coast to coast.
©Peter Bray 1/20/2017
All rights reserved
Peter Bray lives, works, and writes in Benicia,
It has been a great week has it not Peter?
I am torn between my three favorite moments:
The guy in the Parka screaming “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ as trump is sworn in.
The lady on the Lady getting kicked off the plane for berating the Trumpster!
Or Bill Clinton caught by the Hildebeast as he was checking out Ivanna’s ass.
Good times indeed!!
Did you also see that the kind gentle ladies decided it was a good idea to pile all their garbage at Trumps hotel. Very nice of them was it not?
Meanwhile: ISIS was shellacked by ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis (what a great name for SECDEF!!), Keystone was approved, ICE is ramping up to once again enforce the laws, the Wall will soon be underway.
Yes things are really looking up are they not?
TRUMP will resign or be impeached in 3-6 months, he’s a game show host on Reality TV, he packed his recent meeting with CIA officials with his “laugh pack” team to applaud for himself, how pathetic is that? I’VE READ AND STUDIED DR. James Hansen’s NASA papers on Global Warming, Trump’s time in office will be short. THEN we’ll have to deal with Spence the quiet scorpion.
LOL. Your four years of Trump, ‘Making America Great Again’ will be far worse than my eight years under Obama.
Trump denies science and evades the Constitution with his multiple conflicts of interest and can’t trust the people of the US to know his tax facts and therefore his income and liabilities and possible ties and vulnerablities-dependencies on how many foreign countries? Not my idea of a “leader of the people.” Your “President” not mine. Enjoy your faux president. Lower case is intentional. Alec Baldwin as Trump will host the entire SNL broadcast this Saturday night…will your “boy” be watching? Enjoy his limited days-weeks-months in office.
Hmmm. More fake news or did you not understand it? Keystone was not approved. It doesn’t even have a final EIS much less a biological opinion or ROD. it will be interesting to see if they bother to restart the approval process or if they do, just get the permits and sit on it. with the low oil prices it is not clear it is at all still cost effective.
Really Greg? You are quibbling over words or did you not read the order? Read what it says and you will have a better understanding of the directive. In summary: Trans Canada needs to reapply and the Secretary of State is told to approve it.. Specifically: “As set forth in those Executive Orders, the Secretary of State should issue a Presidential permit for any cross-border pipeline project…”
Sounds like you understood it. Therefore, saying it was approved when it is not is….what? An alternative fact?
Peter you are a sore loser. Get ready for 20+ years of Republican rule. Just watch the economy grow. Peter, Benicia will not be a sanctuary city. You and the Mayor can parade around all you want. It will not happen. Your personal ideals stick out like a sore thump. That is not what America is. It is President Trump and his clean the swamp methods. All you Socialist Progressive are going to have to take a back seat and just watch America grow and get great again. Yes Peter you will hail Bernie and Senator Warren but it will just be as chatter.
IKE EISENHOWER was the last real, great Republican, Owly, your personal attacks don’t bother me, we have a planet to save from the poor fool, spoiled child currently in office as President. Have a good day, impeachment will take Trump out in 3-6 months.The last Republican administration gave us a near melt-down of the US economy, a bright, half black man with Republican obstruction only for 8 years brought it back. I’LL SIDE WITH WOMEN WHO ARE THE WINNERS here, the white-male patriarchal world as you knew it is over, evolve as an environmentalist or perish, Owlie, go read Dr. James Hansen’s NASA papers on Global Warming, they’re on the Internet and easy to find. You’ve heard of the Internet, right? See ya next week, Bob Shelby sends hugs.
Peter, Robert Shelby was a wise and much respected gentleman. May he RIP.
Robert Shelby was a friend of mine. Still is. Thanks for your comment. – pb
Peter, A troubling display during the inauguration was that the POTUS clearly confirmed his cad-like tendencies. In photos and footage taken upon arrival at the White House, you see Trump leaving the car, walking up to meet the Obamas, and leaving his wife Melania nowhere to be found. Later, you find Melania walking up by herself, ignored. Later you see Trump walking into the White House and ignoring his wife, who the Obamas end up taking care of. There is the footage taken during the inauguration itself, where he appears to turn and say something to Melania that clearly upsets her, as her beaming smile turns to a frown and downward glance, almost instantaneously, Even the first dance seemed feigned and soulless. I’m sure the conditions of the pre-nup make him fairly secure in his behavior. I truly feel sorry for this women.
Yes, I know that he is the POTUS, however, that does not negate the fact that he is a classless cad. In the respect for woman and family values department, the former POTUS was head and shoulders above the new POTUS.
TP you are a sore loser dreamer.
Mr. Livesay, I don’t know what prompted it, however, you are allowed your uninformed opinion about me (as it matters very little to me). However, do you think that the use of name calling, and nothing else, negates the truth I have laid out? Not very likely.
Apparently is does. You do not like what I say. TP I will continue to comment. Is sore loser name calling? I think not, it is a fact.
I’m not clear, is “Apparently is {sic] does.” the response to the question I posed? As an aside, what was it, that you so unscrupulously insist, that I lost?
You would not be commenting nor would Peter Bray if President Trump lost. Yes you are a sore loser. First words were in error. Most of what you say is how you saw it. I did not see it that way. That is the difference. You do not like President Trump.
“You would not be commenting nor would Peter Bray if President Trump lost.” We would not be commenting? Commenting on what? That does not make any sense. If the POTUS lost I’m sure I, and Peter, would be commenting on other things
“Yes you are a sore loser.” Again, what is it that you think I lost?
“Most of what you say is how you saw it. I did not see it that way.” I, as well as a multitude of others, just commenting on clear and evident observations.” How did you see it? If you did see it an alternative way, it does not mean that I, and many others, are wrong. It could just mean that you are wrong.
Whether I like the POTUS, or not, is irrelevant. I’m just posting evidence that supports the already verifiable nature/character of the POTUS. Is that not allowed (rhetorical)? I can’t help it if that offends you.
It does not offend me. It tells me your true political ideals as well as Peter Bray. Very simple.
With all due respect, what is simple is that this has nothing to do with political ideals. It has to do with recognizing the questionable character of the POTUS. You might choose to ignore it. But, not me. I’ll point it out when I see it.
Approval rating 59%. Point that out.l
I see 36%, 55%, 46%. As an aside, Neither I, nor anyone I know, was included in the poll.
When you take Rasmussen, Gallup, Economist, PPP, and Quinnipac (the highest being Rasmussen at 55%) and you average them out, you get 44.5%. Never-the-less, polls neither confirm or deny the questionable character of the POTUS; and, as far as my original comment goes, are irrelevant.
why did you go to the effort to review the polls?
No worries. Took me about 5 seconds. From whom did you get your number?
Western Journalism 59% and Rasmussen 57%. Split it at 58%. Not bad. Available to everyone.
Thomas: Trump is not above the law nor the Constitution. Melania knew who she married, she looked nice in blue. The Obamas knew and did well to be her courteous ally for the event, Trump’s time in the spotlight is withering and the fruit flies are circling.
“Thanks to Trump, the Doomsday Clock Advances Toward Midnight”:®ion=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region