I’m signing off on Trump. I chose NOT to watch his address to the joint houses of Congress. The U.S. has no president. It has a faux-Presidente of the caliber of the reality TV show family, the Kardashians. Of cerebral capacity akin to Jerry Springer. I watched him belittle and demean his lackluster Republican fellow candidates for nearly a year, and I couldn’t believe his under-bellied tripe. Not since the bowels of grammar school playgrounds in the 1950s had I ever heard such juvenile, demeaning chatter. And his choice of hooligans in office for cabinet members? Tragedies waiting to disembowel the planet Earth. CEO of Exxon-Mobil as Sec. of State? Knowing WHAT about state business? Eager only to suck all the oil out of plundered Crimea with Russian collaborator-thug Putin. A disembowler for the EPA, and a NON-public education-oriented Secretary of Education? To do what? Advocate for what kind of education progress? I made it through a bazillion years of public education! And UC Berkeley AND Grad School too. Those were not private schools! And how many school student lives have been lost in the last decade to U.S.-bred Whacko shooters as compared to “Radical Muslim Terrorists?” How many, too many rapid-fire assault weapons are in the hands of how many mental defectives born and raised right here in the U.S.? And Donald’s much-ballyhooed “Wall” along the US-Mexico border? Watch “60 Minutes,” on a Sunday night, Donald. They tunnel UNDER the border! It’s porous there for the biggest drug cartels on the planet! Spend all that taxpayer money on our own decaying infrastructure!
And the U.S. press is “the Enemy of the People?” And news groups are BANNED from what’s his name’s Press Secretary Reports from the White House? Have you ever heard of Freedom of the Press, Donald? AND Global Warming, Donald, Coal is headed where whale oil went, Donald, and where “camel dung chips over an open fire” have gone there too. Fossil fuels should be there too, Donald, think Solar and Wind Energy, and Renewables, nix the Nukes too. Think GREEN, Donald, not Orange! Germany and others can do it with Solar, we can too!
No less than seven U.S. agencies are currently investigating Trump’s ties to Russia and the Russian Thug-Putin. Let it be. And investigate FBI Director Comey’s partisanship preferences to handicap Hillary Clinton with his hokey E-mail News Reports in the last week prior to the November Election. Why is COMEY still in office? And why are Donald’s adult kids still hyperactive with access and meetings with foreign government representatives in the White House? I did NOT vote for them! NOT a single one! And the useless, sympathetic Republican congressional lemmings can’t attend their own Town Hall meetings in their home states? How pathetically cowardly and tragic.
I vote for Impeachment for Treason and Massive Conflicts of Interest ASAP, preferably within 90 Days, when Trump’s taxes are finally viewable by major newsgroups and the public when accessed by the Freedom of Information Act when some singular courageous member of the Legislative Branch of U.S. Government has the cojones to contest this tragic, still executive producer of “Celebrity Apprentice” who is masquerading tragically as “Donald Trump, faux-Presidente.”
Peter Bray lives, works, and writes in Benicia
and has written this column since 2008.
These comments are not new Handyman. You just repeated them. Yes you will get an audience in Benicia. I remember your tirade about Rep Ryan as VP. You called him a delivery pizza boy on a bike. It just comes down to the fact that the Handyman and all the other Left leaning Liberal Socialist Progressives are very upset because they lost. Your favorites Bernie and Warren are of no importance anymore. Your group lost the Presidency, could not get control of the House or Senate. Only have 17 Governors and only 1/3 of all state houses. You got a whipping Handyman. You will not get over it. Stick to what they taught you at Cal. I assume that is the skills of a Handyman.
I love it.
The schadenfreude at play here is heartwarming. It is going to be a long eight years for Pedro. LOL
Not to worry, Donald won’t last, his trail is blatantly messier than Nixon’s, and “CELEBRITY APPRENTICE” needs him back BAD! Arnold couldn’t cut it…
Hug the “Owl” if you see him, he may be stuck on an old bone…pb
The Handyman does not understand that.
Oh, Bobby, The Owl, good that you remembered “Paul Ryan, the SchwinnBoy, on his fat-tired Schwinn delivering pizza to his “butt-sitting colleagues” in Congress…you forgot the best part…My younger brother, Tom as a boy was biology-oriented and intrigued by a neighborhood owl who lived in the tall palm tree across the street. It ate mice and small lizards and regurgitated their bones daily in “bone-balls” at the base of the tree. EFFICIENT HUH? Enjoy your day And your faux-Presidente, truly a lying “star” from your perspective I’m sure. IMPEACHED before summer is my guess. HUGS, PB
What I find amusing is how the POTUS can’t even seem to get his “own party’ in order. Way to much derision and division. There is most likely something to that. I noted that Van Jones gave the POTUS props on certain parts of his (the speech writers) address to congress. At the same time, there are folks on the right that fear that the POTUS is conceding to the left. If that is truly the case it would help support the, up until now, mere abstraction that the POTUS is populist.
Yours in reason,
In the 1950s, my grandmother Karen Marie Larsen had an old wringer washer on the back porch room that served as her laundry room. The tub was nothing unusual with its central impeller for suds and clothes stirring, BUT the wringer at the top, that was an oddity I was intrigued by. It looked like a satanic device, certainly nothing a pre-teen suburban boy wanted to get any of his appendages tangled up with. A few years later, I watched the entire Nixon Watergate mess on TV and the News at the time. The “wringer” from that period was working quite well. I suspect all the complicit players in the current Trump charade of being faux-Presidente will soon be visiting the 2016-17 version of that same device. Here’s to clean laundry always. – pb
Peter your very Left Leaning Socialist Progressives are very sore losers. I will bet you that President Trump not only finish his first term but will be re-elected for another four. By that time Nancy, Bernie, Schumer, Leahy, Durbin and Warren will be in a home for the aged. I am sure that home will also have room for you. You may want to consider moving to Boston to be closer to Warren. You did know that the Senator was a Republican before becoming a Socialist Progressive.. You did know that Peter?
Owlie-Bones Bob:
You don’t have to respond to me, Bob, it’s OK, voting Democratic since I was 21 has negated your vote for the past 53 years (do the math, I’m 74) so I’ve done my job well as an activist. Trump won’t make it through the summer. He’s toast, crisper though duller than Nixon, watch his stooges fall, just like Nixon’s, gravity against illegal mediocrity works that way. Law and science prevails. Triangular tin hats don’t. -pb
Sorry Peter I have been voting since I was 21 also. 84 years old, do the math. Since 1954. First President I voted for was Ike. Have always voted Republican. So as you see I have done my job very well also. You do not own it Peter. Just glorified in yourself. President Trump will finish his first term and get re-elected. Sorry to inform you and the rest of the Socialist Progressives. You folks are toast and have many years of recovery to get back to be united. We all know Hillary, Bernie and the love of your life Warren are all over and out. So use that Handyman degree well, you will need it. No need to respond you are in deep enough already.
“‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.” — Origin Unknown (most often attributed to Churchill)
“Well, I learned a lot….I went down to (Latin America) to find out from them and (learn) their views. You’d be surprised. They’re all individual countries” ~ Ronald Reagan