‘Mad Dog’ & Bozos
So illegitimate President Trump is still too fearful of the voting U.S. public to learn his real net worth and sources of his income, so he still refuses to show us his income taxes. And he refuses to put his wealth into a real blind trust where he can’t monitor and/or manipulate it though his sons or daughter Ivanka, and we’re just supposed to go “La La La” as he flies off to another golfing weekend at his ResortVille in Florida? And his coziness to Russia and Vladimir Putin is largely because no U.S. bank will loan to him due to his multiple bankruptcies, so he nurtures his affiliations with Russian dark money and laundering of same through his properties…and he and “Little Rocket Man” of North Korea (his words not mine) are at the brink of Nuclear War and what the hell are 1,000 U.S troops doing in Niger? Donald, aren’t you the Commander in Chief? Anti-Sciencers are depleting the EPA down to an empty closet, Rick Perry is secretary of energy, and are we really running in reverse as fast as we can to get to foul air and water and the 12th century, undoing anything Obama created only because Donald’s ego is so frail, only because a half-black man born in Hawaii so far outstrips poor Donald that his only real title is “Incoherent Tweeter,” “Mad Dog” and “Grammar School Playground Tether Ball Bully”? Who are these bozos you’ve assembled as a cabinet of ill-prepared hooligans? CEO of Exxon as Sec. of State because it’s really important to get into the Arctic oil fields and get some of those revenues with Vladimir who’s the major principal in Russia’s oil industry? Please hurry, Robert Mueller, bring us a “Merry Christmas” of all these clowns in grand jury indictment and Impeachment of “Mad Dog” Trump long before Christmas.
Elementary science, Donald
Severe weather along the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida coastline, severe weather at sea, warmer water means more water to be evaporated to become rain, Donald. Duh! Severe rain means flooding, Donald. Are you taking notes, Donald? This is like elementary science, Donald. Severe weather due to fossil fuel combustion products in the atmosphere means more solar energy is captured in our environment, and it heats things. Heat causes different air and weather patterns in excess of the norm. That means hot air blows over California, Donald. D-R-O-U-G-H-T, can you spell “drought,” Donald? Try tweeting it so it becomes a part of your vocabulary. Drought means that trees die, becoming tinder and fuel for subsequent fires, Donald. Coal? Coal is not coming back, Donald. Neither is whale oil, or camel dung fireplaces, Donald. No camel dung fireplaces, no whale oil, no coal. Science, Donald. S-C-I-E-N-C-E, get some!
Sane Creative Enterprise
All other sane, creative enterprise will be suspended from this column this week to give Donald plenty of time to Blame Hillary for every wilted salad he’s ever had to serve a Mar-A-Lago…She can take the heat, Donald, yours is all fairy dust. Molly Ivins also sends her very best as well.
Peter Bray works, writes and lives in Benicia
and has written this column since 2008.
I think President Trump is doing a great job. He will be re-elected.
He will be impeached along with his cronies and die in prison. A totally poor, treasonous excuse for a human being. Science and humanity prevails, he is neither, but greed and a trivial, criminal ego.
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
That will never happen. President Trump will go down in history as a much better President than President Obama by a long shot. Sorry to disappoint you.
Peter, didn’t you say previously that Trump would never be elected? Then you said he wouldn’t last a year. So far you are 0 for 2.
Robert Mueller is a higher caliber of human and will clean Trump’s clock. Sit back and relax, trivial playground bullies never win in the long run.
Section 4 of the 25th seems ever more feasible.
This will assuredly hit a nerve.
Section 4 of the 25th amendment will not happen. I assume everyone knows who is in charge. and it is not the Socialist Progressives it is the Republicans. VP or Ryan will even think about it. That is a dream made up by the Socialist Progressives especially in Benicia, Solano County and the State of California.
“and what the hell are 1,000 U.S troops doing in Niger? ” — That is a question that would be best posed to President Trumps predecessor as he sent them there in: May of 2014, and then more in Oct. 2015 and then more in Feb. 2016. Of course if one looks it up they will see that the troops are trying to defeat ISIS, you know those bad boys that President Obama called the JV team.
I think if people knew how many members of the military were in foreign countries they would be shocked. Afghanistan and Iraq May get the headlines but we have small units, like those in Niger, all over the world.
Well, since the president promised to defeat ISIS in 30 days and purported to “know more than the generals,” you would think all those troops could have been brought home by last February, or March at the latest. So, if Obama sent them there, shouldn’t we all be applauding Bantrump’s victory there and welcoming them all back? Just asking because I was counting on the current POTUS’ promises to become reality.
And I was planning on my health care costs to go down and to keep my Doctor, as was promised by the former POTUS.
Can’t figure out what healthcare has to do with troops in Niger, but I’ll think about it and can probably come up with something…
“I was counting on the current POTUS’ promises to become reality” — As was I at one time.
I think we all know that the change in policies for people already insured had far, far more to do with the untrammeled greed and non-regulation of the insurance industry and far less to do with the ACE. But, I admit I am one of those dang “Socialist Progressives” who think they are offset by the 20+ million fellow Americans who now have health insurance, many for the first time in their lives. But, back to Niger…will you join with me in demanding our Congress form at least 3 or 4 committees to investigate the deaths of those four men? Maybe with some emphasis on the connection between the Sec. of State, former head of Exxon, and the massive lawsuit the govt. of Chad has against that company? Might it have something to do with the removal of their troops from Niger? I can’t imagine why the deaths of those four young men hasn’t been immediately investigated. Oh, wait, maybe I can…
Sorry, the ACA, not the hardware store!
When you start off a discussion with a blatant statement straight from the Democrat talking point (ObamaCareFacts.com), you lose all credibility as being anything other than a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat loyalist. Try looking at a more realistic assessment. Then we can discuss Niger.
Not sure how “objective” investors.com is but even if enrollment is only 1/2 of what is touted, it is still immeasurably better than before. AND, you will never convince me that the uptick in premiums is anything but the insurance companies increasing profits when faced with the prospect of having to treat everyone fairly in coverage, or their response to various Republican run states refusal to participate in federal programs to subsidize coverage.. We can argue about this forever, as we fall farther and farther behind the rest of the developed world in caring for the health of our citizens. I want to find out what you think about demanding investigations about the disaster in Niger.
And you can keep deflecting all you want. I am a mother and I know how to nag!
I’m not interested in discussing Niger with you.
I think the way that Democrats, like Rep. Wilson, have used the incident for political gain is disgusting (but typical for the Anti-Trumpsters).. And I am not going to play into it.
Democrats did not care about those killed in Benghazi, now did they? Democrats did not care when Hillary lied to the families did they?
So why the sudden interest in Niger? Oh wait let me guess: It can be used to attack Trump.
Yeah, war is hell and people die. We should do all we can to support our soldiers and one way is not use their deaths for political retribution.
But trying to blame Trump for Niger while ignoring Obama and Hillary failures at Benghazi confirms that Democrats do not care about the
soldiers, only political protection for themselves.
Oh, BTW. congratulations on being a mother. Cindy Sheehan was/is a mother (not sure how many children she had) but she was also another who politicized a soldiers death and she was also a proven liar.
So how is that for some deflections?
Well, Yippee for me that my column ventured from “Bluejays and kitties in the yard” to our harsher reality of dealing with the chronic liar, Donald J. Trump, alleged dirtball in the WH whose former associates are now indicted by a grand jury for all manner of slimy acts against Democracy in the US. Can’t wait until next week!
Next week will bring more bad news for the Clintons, Democrats and the Socialist Progressives. Donna will be a turn coat for Bernie. All this bad news could spell bad news for the Democrats on Tuesdays election and could effect sure Democrats victory’s. We shall see. At present President Trump is looking very good. He will last the four years and get re-elected for four more. Love to see Warren run against President Trump in 2020.
Yep … one associate was indicted for illegal activities years before the election. If guilty, he should pay the price. I mean bribery is illegal. Did he run the Clinton Foundation?
The other individual was indicted for lying to the FBI. Was that Hillary by chance? Oh … I forgot … Hillary is above the law. Others get indicted and Hillary cackles.
Equal protection under the law. What a joke.
There are indications that Democrat Party leadership has finally determined that Hillary is not their future: She is a two time Presidential loser, a lousy candidate and has too many skeletons in her many closets. Warren and Brazile’s comments combined with those made in the NYT’s do not bode well for her political future. The nation will be better served if she just goes away.
Agreed. But the Clintons never go away. They need to have power and influence. That way, they have something to sell. By far and away, the Clintons are THE most corrupt individuals in our nation’s history. Nixon would be envious.