AT LAST!!! The hottest development on the Internet! The tea party has acquired its own news site. No longer will tea party truth be torn and twisted with impunity by the unknowing and uncaring and manipulative.
The following is from a representative piece by the Tea Party News Network (TPNN) staff: To give the full flavor and authentic voice of TPNN, I will quote directly and at length. Note: my commentary is bracketed in parentheses when combined with quoted text.
The 10 Top Inconvenient Truths About the Climate Change Hoax, Sept. 23, 2014:
“Climate Change high priests Barack Obama, John Kerry and Al Gore, as well as all Democrats have been aggressively pushing the junk science, all as a deceptive attempt to feed their political greed and give government more control over our lives.
“Largely ignored by the leftstream media is the fact that NOAA/NASA altered U.S, temperatures showing a warming trend the last 130 years where none existed. (Italics mine) This information is part of a larger set of data, proving that the climate change “experts” are advocates, not objective, thriving on a welfare system of research dependent on making global climate change a threat.” (Those damn diabolical moneygrubbing scientists!!)
Scientists for years have been colluding with government regulators to exact control over our economic system, attempting to replace capitalism with communism/socialism through climate change nonsense, preying on weak-minded Democrats, liberals, and progressives. (Italics mine.)
(Wow!!! The truth at long last. COLLUDING! Science in collusion with politics?! If ever a society demonstrated the need for the courageous objectivity of tea party spokespersons, it is ours – and it is now! I can certainly represent preyed-upon, weak-minded Democrat liberals in expressing my gratitude! )
“It is important to understand a few things (see supporting documentation below list):
“1. The “Greenhouse Effect” is a natural and valuable phenomenon, without which the planet would be uninhabitable.
“2. CO2 is not a significant greenhouse gas; 95 percent of the contribution is due to water vapor.
“3. Man’s contribution to Greenhouse Gasses is relatively insignificant. We didn’t cause climate change, and we cannot stop it.
“4. Solar activity appears to be the principal driver for climate change, accompanied by complex ocean currents which distribute the heat and control local weather systems. (Knew that damn sun was causing the heat! What makes more sense than that!)
“5. CO2 is a useful trace gas in the atmosphere, and the planet would actually benefit by having more, not less of it, because it is not a driver for global warming and would enrich our vegetation, yielding better crops to feed the expanding population. (Wow! From the worst to the best in one grand sweep! Let’s have more smokestacks and create an even better world.)
“6. Nothing happening in the climate today is particularly unusual, and in fact has happened many times in the past and will likely happen again in the future. (Because, of course, historically speaking, we have had many industrial revolutions.)
“7. When using unaltered historical NOAA/NASA data, there has been no warming trend the last 130 years. (Before those diabolical scientists began their altering manipulations.)
“8. Polar bear populations are not endangered; in fact current populations are healthy and at almost historic highs. The push to list them as endangered is an effort to gain political control of their habitat.
“9. The average human exhales about 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide on an average day, combined with everyone on the planet, we contribute around 8 or 9 percent of human carbon dioxide production.
“10. Global warming hysteria is potentially linked to a mental disorder.
(Surely this is the crowning achievement of the denial movement; to have discovered that all those scientists crying about warming are suffering from the same tragically mentally incapacitating disorder. No warming in the past 130 years?!! CO2 basically healthy in even larger quantities?! And the whole bloody farrago just a scientific scam combined, please note again, with mental disorder!! This scientific tea party non-scam is like a lifesaving raft to a drowning population!! Maybe, well obviously, that’s not quite it; more like a giant umbrella! Or whatever.)
“Despite the fact that CO2 levels have continued to increase, there has been no global warming for nearly two decades, the communist believers in the false religion formerly known as “global warming,” but now referred to as “climate change” – the climate has ALWAYS changed, fyi — these fanatical evangelists deny the fact there is no science proving manmade global warming.
“After multiple accounts of proven scientific fraud, such as ClimateGate I and ClimateGate II, proving that taxpayer-bilking scientists doctored data to make it look like global warming existed when there was none, the sycophantic worshiping of this psyciatrist manmade religion can only be attributed to a serious mental condition.” (Italics mine and I’ve already scheduled a trip to a psychiatrist! )
Much (not all) of the above is based upon the views of Professors John Christy and Roy Spencer. For a take on these, I quote from Climateprogress, “Should you believe anything John Christy and Roy Spencer say?” by Joe Romm, May 22, 2008.
“Should you believe anything John Christy and Roy Spencer say? I don’t. But should you? You can’t read everything or listen to everybody. Life is just too short. I debated Christy years ago so I know he tries to peddle unscientific nonsense when he thinks he can get away with it.
“But some of the more than 360 (!) comments in my recent post, ‘The deniers are winning, especially with the GOP,’ can’t seem to get enough of the analyses by these two scientists, University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) who famously screwed up the satellite temperature measurements of the troposphere,” Romm writes.
“In the interest of saving you some time, which is a major goal of this blog, let’s see why these are two people you can program your mental DVR to fast forward through. First off, they were wrong – dead wrong – for a very long time, which created one of the most enduring denier myths; that the satellite data didn’t show the global warming that the surface temperature data did,” he writes.
“As RealClimate wrote yesterday, ‘We now know, of course, that the satellite data set confirms that the climate is warming, and indeed at very nearly the same rate as indicated by the surface temperature records. Now, there’s nothing wrong with making mistakes when pursuing an innovative observational method, but Spencer and Christy sat by for most of a decade allowing — indeed encouraging — the use of their data set as an icon for global warming skeptics. They committed serial errors in the data analysis, but insisted they were right and models and thermometers were wrong. They did little or nothing to root out possible sources of errors, and left it to others to clean up the mess, as has now been done.’”
Farther down in his blog, Romm continues, “As for Christy, what can you say about somebody who contributed the chapter “The Global Warming Fiasco” to a 2002 book called Global Warming and Other Eco-Myths, published by Competitive Enterprise Institute, a leading provider of disinformation on global warming that is/was funded by ExxonMobil?”
I know, I know, another piece about warming from yours dramatically truly. But, hey, obsessing about potentially tragic futures is what you do when you age!
Jerome Page is a Benicia resident.
The Tea Party? Is that still a thing?
You bet, Thomas, the tea party is still pouring hot stuff into Republican cups, which magically draws the GOP farther right toward the drain. Their tea has always been a strong distillation of money, notably from the Koch brothers’ empire & deluded following.
The Koch boys are likely so immune to law they can use all the coke they want. Not that in the euphoria of their existence they need it. Well, they do experience some displeasure in life due to not yet owning everything in the country including total control of the government. But, close. They will come closer to it if Republican candidates win. These guys and their tea party gulls and shills have their heads so far into where sun never shines that they cannot hear the train coming.
It appears that the “settled science” may have just been unsettled a little bit:
CO2 Emissions May have been Overestimated by 17%: Study
According to Lianhong Gu, from the Climate Change Institute at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States, most carbon cycle models have been over predicting the CO2 emission levels. Dr Gu feels that the CO2 emission prediction is in excess by more than 17% over a period of 100 years.
Oops again.
Thanks, Jerome:
Where do these clowns procreate? At a Barnum & Bailey Circus? At a Rush Limbaugh sideshow? Every species has its barnacles apparently. They don’t interest me any more than dim bulbs in the closet. My backyard squirrels show more potential and newsworthiness.
Peter Bray
Mr. Bray,
Such a liberal and open minded response.. Thank you. I only hope the word hypocrisy is not lost on you.
Mr. Page, your devotion to the climate change political agenda is worthy but too singular. There two sides to the debate and some acknowledgement to the factual debate would enhance your position. Your onslaught reminds one of preaching to the choir. But you are very dedicated.
Debate on legitimate political positions is good for the country, as long as it is respectful and well informed. Name calling only alienates.
The only intelligent response I can offer: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Beyond the Tea Party—
From the above article:
“‘I know, I know, another piece about warming from yours dramatically truly. But, hey, obsessing about potentially tragic futures is what you do when you age!”
Keep up the good work and research, Mr. Page.
From the post below another major concern about global warming not touched on by Mr. Page. Maybe he will consider a future article on this important but under-reported topic for our community?
Note: A good information site for methane news, is .
“Hint Hint…”
“What if Climate Change is Worse Than We Thought?”
“New studies about the warming of the planet and the risk of massive release of methane from the Arctic are “worse than we thought.”
“As for the risks of massive quantities of methane released from the Arctic region, an international team of scientists recently, as of October 2014, completed a two-part 100-day expedition in the Arctic. ”
“Meanwhile, here’s the dilemma of an Arctic meltdown, which is well underway with 50% of Arctic ice mass already gone within three short decades: Methane, or CH4, has recently been on the radar of scientists, much as CO2 has been in the past, but CH4 is much more powerful at trapping heat in the atmosphere. As it goes, CH4 is “stirring in the waters” more so than ever before. Conceivably, it is a much bigger problem than excessive quantities of CO2, especially because of its self-fulfilling nature whereby Arctic ice meltdown feeds upon itself in a vicious circuitous feedback loop of more Arctic ice melt releasing more methane trapped in the ice, producing more heat trapping gases in the atmosphere, leading to more absorption of surface heat, and on it goes, a non-stoppable self-fulfillment of runaway global warming.”