FDA and cannabis An ongoing tsunami of support for patient-centered medicinal cannabis is continuing to spread across our nation. Thirty states now have approved regulated medicinal access recommended by a clinician, the most recent being deep red Oklahoma, after voters there approved medicinal only just last month. Four more typically conservative states are putting medicinal […]
Stewart Hall: What I took away from attending a City Council meeting
By Stewart Hall Special to the Herald On July 17, I was able to attend the Benicia City Council meeting. It had been several months since attending meetings after the yearlong debate over cannabis. After seeing how that topic and how it was handled, I considered not attending or witnessing another session. I read in […]
Letter: Actions matter, so do words
Actions matter, so do words A recent op-ed (“Trump the Puppet? Words speak louder than action, it seems,” July 22) said we should look at Trump’s actions and not words in deciding if he is under Putin’s influence. I think the president’s words matter, and coupled with some the actions he has taken, we can […]
Devon Minnema: Dixon vice mayor’s controversial comments not reflective of today’s generation
Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the unfortunate role of needing to defend my hometown and constituents. First defending them from our own Vice Mayor Ted Hickman for a column he wrote in the Dixon Independent Voice calling for a “Straight Pride American Month,” and then from the dozens of emails echoing him that […]
Letter: Disappointed over reduced publication schedule
Disappointed over reduced publication schedule When my husband, Jim, and I moved to Benicia last year, one of the first things we did was subscribe to the Benicia Herald. We were delighted that the local paper was published almost daily (five days a week). Now our beloved paper will reduce its published schedule to three […]
Dennis Lund: Trump the Puppet? Words speak louder than action, it seems
President Trump’s recent European tour created an uproar from the anti-Trumpers that has surpassed election night 2016. The outcry, over comments to Putin, has not previously been seen or imagined in recent history. One member of the deranged left, Congressman Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) asked for a coup d’état in his tweet: “Where are our military […]
Letter: Museum’s ‘White Camel’ sale a success
Museum’s ‘White Camel’ sale a success The Museum’s “White Camel” sale was this past Sunday, July 15, and it was a wonderful event! We netted a tidy sum for programs and operating expenses and the event also attracted over 500 attendees from all over the Bay Area, including many new visitors to the Museum who […]
Letter guidelines
Letters can be submitted to beniciaherald@gmail.com.* Letters should be no longer than 500 words. If you would like to submit a longer piece (501-1,000 words), please consider submitting a guest editorial to beniciaherald@gmail.com. (Many of the same letter rules will apply.) * A maximum of five letters will be published per issue (depending on space available). […]
Letters: ISO rehearing vote
Well-done, Mayor Patterson! I was very happy to read the article “Mayor requests rehearing of Industrial Safety Ordinance vote” in the July 13 edition of Benicia Herald. I applaud our mayor’s determination to reopen review of this critical issue before the proposed November date! I was very surprised to learn that staff reports had not […]
Letter: Medicinal benefits
Medicinal benefits The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a cannabis-derived medicinal product formulated specifically to treat seizures associated with two rare forms of epilepsy. This means that clinicians can now write a prescription for the product, and patients or their caregivers will obtain it at a pharmacy, including the pharmacies in our town. The […]