Robert Semple Elementary School was named to the California Honor Roll by the Educational Results Partnership and the Campaign for Business and Education Excellence. (File photo)
In the past, Robert Semple Elementary School has received honors as a California Distinguished School, a Gold Ribbon School and for its implementation of Positive Behavioral Supports and Interventions. Now, through large-scale analysis by the Educational Results Partnership (ERP) and Campaign for Business and Education Excellence (CBEE), Semple is one of almost 1,800 public schools in California to be named to the state’s Honor Roll.
The California Honor Roll recognizes public schools, districts and charter systems in the state which made large strides in closing achievement gaps among higher-poverty student populations, according to a news release. The list is compiled by ERP, a nonprofit organization that applies scientific data toward methods that expedite student success, improve educational equity and promote career readiness.
“Educational success must be data-informed,” Greg Jones, ERP and CBEE’s board chairman, said in a statement. “These Honor Roll schools and districts are improving student achievement and we have the data to prove it. It’s critical that the business community supports and promotes educational success as today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce.”
The data was done on every public school in California, but only 1,798 made the Honor Roll, Semple included.
“Their data showed that Robert Semple was a clear leader in getting students in grade level and beyond,” Semple Principal Christina Moore said.
The criteria were based on learning objectives and their alignment to college and career readiness. These included utilization of Common Core standards, evidence-based instructional practices, a systemwide mission statement and the maintenance of student data, which Moore said Semple maintains through a system called Illuminate.
“All of that is what they factor into whether we are preparing students for college and career,” she said. “We were able to check off all those boxes.”
Moore said a number of factors at Semple led to the honor.
“We have a population of students who love to learn,” she said. “We have a staff full of support people and teachers who understand our student population and really focus on what’s best for our kids, to really motivate and push our kids to excellence.”
Additionally, Moore said the accolade was a result of hard work.
“To the teachers, staff and students, it means that the work that we’re doing is working,” she said. “At the end of the day, we choose kids first and it shows. Everything we do is focused on the kids.”
Semple will be provided with a banner listing the designation to be displayed on campus. For the full list of schools on the Honor Roll, go to edresults.org/HonorRoll/HonorRoll.
Way to go Semple!