Hartig said Ingle’s autopsy, performed Tuesday, showed the man sustained major trauma he couldn’t survive.
He said the 43-year-old woman who was driving the 2013 Toyota Tacoma pickup that struck Ingle as she drove north on East Fifth Street has been “cooperating fully” with police. “She has provided a blood test,” he said.
There is no indication she was impaired by drugs or alcohol, Hartig said Wednesday.
A routine toxicology screening test also has been made on the victim, but those results will take time to arrive, Hartig said.
Ingle was celebrating his 39th birthday with his twin brother, Damian, and their friends Friday night. They had walked to the Bottom of the Fifth for dinner and were returning to Damian’s house when Ingle and a friend stopped at a liquor store for ice cream.
They were crossing the street when Ingle was struck by the truck. He was taken to Kaiser Permanente, Vallejo, where he died of his injuries.
Eyewitnesses to the accident as well as some video footage have indicated the truck’s lights were on at the time of the accident, Hartig said. It was dark, and a heavy rain had begun to fall, he added.
Ingle was dressed in dark clothing, denim jeans and a dark hoodie sweater, Hartig said.
He said the woman’s truck may have been traveling between 20 and 25 mph, though the department is examining the vehicle’s electronic data recorder that may provide information on the exact speed the truck was going at the time.
“It appears — we don’t know why — that Mr. Ingle ran or jogged into the street in front of the vehicle and was hit,” Hartig said.
Among the witnesses is a motorist who was driving south on East Fifth Street, the direction opposite that of the pickup. That driver is described as having seen the entire episode.
Though the preliminary investigation indicates the truck’s driver was not negligent, Hartig stressed that these indications and other elements of the investigation are still in the preliminary stages.
Once all evidence is received, it will be assembled and sent to the Solano County District Attorney’s office, he said.
Meanwhile, he added, “This is a lengthy investigation.”
Ingle was the sole supporter of his family. He is survived by his widow, Melissa, and their two daughters, Eva, 12, and Emily, 5. The couple had been sweethearts since attending Benicia High School.
Melissa has vowed to campaign for a pedestrian crosswalk where her husband was hit, saying there is no safe place near there to cross East Fifth Street.
A glazier who worked alongside his brother in San Francisco, Ingle had been a shortstop in Benicia’s Wednesday Night League.
A Go Fund Me online fundraising account has been established to help Melissa and the daughters. Donations are being accepted at www.gofundme.com/i0j1y0?pc=mb_em.
I know the driver. I also know she doesn’t have a license so what does it matter if he jogged or ran in front of her. She should not have been on the road to begin with!!!!
Leaving a bar after dark. Drunk. Jaywalking, in the rain. NONE of this falls on the driver. She was sober and in her lane and not speeding. I hope Mr. Ingle’s family covers the damage to her car.
How is it jaywalking when there is no crosswalk in sight!!
Your disgusting for leaving that comment no loved one should have to go like that. Have a little respect for the family asshole
YOU’RE “disgusting” for your poor grammar.
Thank you. Your comment is appropriate
Your. Your comment is appropriate
Agreed. Especially her use of the word “Ass Hole”. Appropriate AND classy.
“when Ingle and a friend stopped at a liquor store for ice cream’….. Lol! Riiiiight! Ice cream. Lol.
Sir you obviously have no respect for people who have passed on tragically. You are using a dead mans name to post on this?!?!?!! I hope karma come back on you.
To the person talking so rudely to a person who was an amazing man; It’s easy to talk badly behind a computer isn’t it???? You are really classy speaking about a man who NOBODY else has a single negative word about. And I won’t quote you by your user name because that’s another fellow Benician that was taken too soon. Please keep in mind this man has a family, they are already hurting how dare you add to their pain? And you weren’t there, who are you to judge? Shame on you for being a despicable jerk!
It is unfortunate that there are people who post here who seem to delight in purposefully being . as odious as possible. This poster is one example, there are a few others. Responding to them only seems to give them encouragement.
Very sad really.
Danny, this is Arlen wife I’m first going to say I pray for you I really do. Second it’s on video what my husband bought it was a red bull ice cream and skittles For our 5 year old daughter. Do not speak about what you may think happened I have a lawyer and you are slandering my husband (rude) you must be friends with her. Second her is the number to Kiser psychiatry department I really think you should seek help there is something terribly wrong with you for you to be so cold and heartless At horrible time like this can’t you let my kids and I grieve without your worthless input. Please speak help here’s the number 707_651_1000 and I’ll pray for you.
I can’t believe my first comment was denied. But it’s ok for Danny to post horrible things about my husband unbelievably. I pray for you Danny that you find someone love and kindness in you I can’t imagine your parents would raise such a heartless person and probably would be embarrassed as you should be for yourself please leave me and my family alone and let us grieve our beloved wonderful husband and dad.
Melissa, the comment wasn’t denied; since it’s your first time posting here, the comment was held for moderation. Future comments by you will not be held before being posted. Ed.
Mrs. Ingle and others, please do not concern yourselves with Danny DeMars’ comments. He/She is someone who constantly writes idiotic posts online just to get a reaction out of people. He/She does this because they have nothing better to do. He/She is someone who writes idiotic, sadistic, ridiculous comments just so people will respond in shock, horror, and disgust,. He/She is like a child who thinks negative attention is better than no attention. This is a person who hides behind a fake name and most likely a dummy email address because they don’t have the courage to write the garbage they write using their real name. If their comments are heartfelt, they are definitely someone who needs professional help, however, I am guessing they are just your basic, ordinary sad and pathetic person who needs to fill their day with something to do. Every time someone responds to his/her comments, it gives them a rush and allows them the opportunity to respond with another asinine post. Mrs. Ingle, and supporters, you have so much more on your plate to deal with than people like Danny DeMars. Don’t give his/her comments another thought. Best wishes to you and your loved ones in what must be a very difficult time in your lives.
Yours is a comment that needed to be said and is appreciated..
I also know the driver. I know this a terrible accident and I’m sorry for the loss of the family. The driver is torn over this horrific incident. My heart goes to all that were affected by this. I’m sorry Melissa and to your daughters. And people please quit talking down on the driver, don’t you think she is having a hard time also. All the rude comments about all the people involved are unecessary. Plz quit trash talking.