The November sun was high in the air,
you’d almost think summer was there,
but you don’t really
believe in Science now, do ya?
CO2 from dirty fuel melts the glaciers
and it’s cruel, but you say it’s all a Hoax,
now don’t ya?
President-Elect of the USA,
Electoral College winner any way,
how much Science did Wharton School
put through ya?
When Miami Beach goes underwater,
who’ll you send, your sons or daughter?
To move their highrises to higher ground,
Now, who’ll ya?
Running the world is more than a Tweet,
when you’re pissed and bittersweet,
only 25 cents voted for you,
not the whole dollar (53% voter turnout,
you got slightly less than half of that, Hillary got slightly more).
So here’s my cannon shot
across your bow,
gonna have to break-in
your ass somehow,
cheap-assed insults never scared off Rosie (or any of us remaining).
Bernie’s still on the planet, Jack,
be careful crossing the streets
and every crack,
we swore to a Revolution and it was his,
not yours.
BRUSH UP ON your Science too,
better take Pence with you,
most of his ramblings are really
Whacked CrackerJack too.
Stay tuned, so much more to come,
Molly Ivins is breathless somewhere.
PB, The A Cappella Handyman
(c) Peter Bray 11/12/16
ALL rights reserved
Do you have insightful, topical or just all around creative poetry that you’d like to share with the Benicia community? Submit your poems to, and they may be published in Friday’s Poetry Corner and possibly online at All ages are welcome to contribute. You do not need to be a resident of Benicia to submit your poem.
Who is Mike Pence?
From the above article/poetry corner:
“…better take Pence with you,
most of his ramblings are really
Whacked CrackerJack too.”
The article below ( investigative report) gives much support to Mr. Bray’s concerns about Mr. Pence.
“Mike Pence Will Be the Most Powerful Christian Supremacist in U.S. History”
“The election of Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the souls of compassionate, humane people across the country and the world. Horror that a candidate who ran on a platform of open bigotry, threats against immigrants and Muslims, and blatant misogyny will soon be president is now sinking in. Trump appointed a white nationalist, Steve Bannon, as chief White House strategist — which was promptly celebrated by the American Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Klan. Bannon and other possible extremist Trump appointees, such as John Bolton, a neocon who believes the U.S. should “bomb Iran,” and the authoritarian Rudy Giuliani, are now receiving much deserved public scrutiny.”
“The incoming vice president, Mike Pence, has not elicited the same reaction, instead often painted as the reasonable adult on the ticket, a “counterbalance” to Trump and a “bridge to the establishment.” However, there is every reason to regard him as, if anything, even more terrifying than the president-elect”
Read the rest of the story for a wake-up call .
Will you lost. Get over it and start behaving like an adult. California, Benicia or Solano County do not run this country. Donald Trump is your President. Mike Pence is your Vice President. Start showing respect for this country. The Democrats have been put just where they belong. Out of touch. You and Peter are the leaders of the Out of Touch group.
Peter, Leonard Cohen would approve.
So would Pete. So be it. Who cares America won not the party of Socialist. Respect your new President. You might try for a refund of your donation to Hillary. The Foundation will refund it. Fat chance. I am only assuming you rich fat cats gave a donation.
Hello Bob, Glad to here from you. Are things well with you and yours? Thanksgiving is coming up. I hope you have plans to spend some quality time with your family, That said, I’m not sure to whom your comment was directed. As, nothing contained in it really pertains to me.
As an aside, were you a Leonard Cohen fan as well?
First three words should answer your question.
Peter, Here is one of my favorite Cohen quotes:
To every people the land is given on condition. Perceived or not, there is a Covenant, beyond the constitution, beyond sovereign guarantee, beyond the nation’s sweetest dreams of itself.
Peter, I had a chance to get an autographed book by Cohen. I just cracked it open and immediately found this passage. “Act the way you’d like to be and soon you’ll be the way you act.”
This land is my land, this land is your land.