Cannabis has been on the minds of Benicians since California residents voted to legalize the substance back in November. There have been numerous City Council meetings on the subject, and it has been a source of debate amongst city officials and representatives. The Planning Commission decided where cannabis business could be located and use at during the Oct.12 meeting.
After reviewing the agenda item, the commission opened up the discussion to public comment. Christina Strawbridge, a former City Councilmember and the owner of Christina S Fashion Destination on First Street was the first to speak
“I have been pretty outspoken on this,” she said. “I have appeared at both the council meetings and attended a lot of the stakeholders’ Economic Development Board meetings as well as the Youth Coalition. We also have presentations at our BID meeting. I think that one of my big concerns is that we’re going at it too fast.”
Jack Macon, a business owner in Benicia, spoke up next. He was in opposition to the proposed cannabis changes.
“I would ask you not to modify the downtown mixed use area.” Macon said. “First let’s look at First Street. First Street is basically for children and family. Businesses cater to tourists, as Christina described, that we work hard to get and they come there because of the small-town character of Benicia and they can have a nice day here. They do not have to feel threatened by the violence the police cite that goes along with this business.”
Many others spoke up in opposition to cannabis dispensaries in the downtown district and near schools and urged the commissioners to take a thoughtful approach to the agenda item. One of these people included Peter Morgan, a trustee on Benicia Unified School District’s governing board.
“Please do not do this,” he said. “You do not have enough information to make this decision tonight. There will be unintended consequences, things you have not thought of.”
The Planning Commission closed the public comment section and put the agenda item up for a vote. Chair Kari Birdseye mused before the vote that the City Council may have been going too fast with cannabis, and the Planning Commision could put brakes on the fast tracks of the issue.
Ultimately, with a vote 5-2, the commission approved for only one cannabis retail business not located in the downtown area and one microbusiness located in the Arsenal district with the proposed buffer zones. The delivery of medical cannabis within Benicia was approved 6-1. The last item the Commission voted on was a recommendation on the appearance of cannabis dispensaries in the city and a review process of cannabis related issues.
The City Council will be considering the Planning Commission’s recommendations when it makes a vote on a first reading and adoption at its Nov. 7 meeting.
Is anyone going to survey the businesses and residents of Lower Arsenal regarding a busy dispensary in their hood? First Street belongs to all of us, and the council has already indicated their preferences with regard to retail activity in commercial districts. Unfortunately, the PC disrespected their preferences. There were a lot of “I just think…” comments and emotional rhetorical questions, but not ONE bit of substantive evidence that dispensaries in downtown will invite crime and keep tourists away. To the contrary, plenty of evidence indicates contemporary dispensaries are not a risk to public safety, and in fact make a commercial area safer. The LA example is a great exhibit for this unfounded fear. Vallejo has ELEVEN dispensaries that are not a crime problem. California is expecting a huge surge in tourism driven by legal cannabis. Many major cities in Washington, Oregon, and Colorado have MULTIPLE dispensaries in their downtowns, where the tourists go. I did not watch the entire meeting, but this article suggests the PC did not support cannabusiness in BIP despite BIPA rolling out the welcome mat for everything but dispensaries. There has not been ONE letter of protest from Benicia business or professional groups. All we have at this point are 23 businesses that protested dispensaries on First Street. The rest either support them or don’t care one way or the other. First Street is “basically for children and families”? Main Street organizes alcohol-themed events throughout the year. Beer crawls, wine crawls, etc. Alcohol
is celebrated on First Street several times a year. Residents and visitors are strolling First Street high on alcohol, and in some cases way too much of it. Why should we encourage and promote a climate of alcohol-fueled strolling on First Street? (Rhetorical)
Yes, I am keeping score at home, and will be reminding the voters next year of who supported cannabusiness in Benicia, and who supported denying us access to medicine on First Street.
It appears that “going too fast” is going to be the theme Nov. 7th, because they have NOTHING else.
Stan you are out of touch.
Bob, you haven’t a clue. I’d say Stan is very much in touch with the pulse our town. Maybe you’d like a recount of prop 64?
Stan is out of touch. He talks about First Street and all the glamour and tourist. It is not likely to happen on First Street. Prop 64 was about legalization not where it will be sold. That is up to each city. Stan is out of touch as are you.
And the citizens of Benicia voted for it. My guess the most outspoken are the ones who don’t want it. Stan backs up his opinions with data and research. You… what? Just like to agitate and stir things up from what I’ve seen.
On the nose, JB, Especially the last part.
Stan has his side as do many others. The research differs . You can find all the data to support both sides. As far as stirring it up it is Fritz, Stan, JB and others. Cry like baby’s when they know good and well they will be able to buy Recreational cannabis many places. Just what is your issue. It appears to be Benicia only. Go to Vallejo.
Exactly right, Bob likes to think he is a wise old sage but he is actually just an ignorant anachronistic old man trying to feel important.
Thanks for the compliment Sue “WHO”. At least I am not afraid to say my full name. Just who are you clueless Sue or should I say SSUE. Or ,is it a Boy Named Sue. I love it all. Keep at.
The city council should consider giving staff level authority to approve new cannabusiness in Benicia, rather than have each applicant run the gauntlet at anti-cannabis PC, then have to appeal to council to get approved. The City of Davis PC was unanimous in support of seed to sale cannabusiness. Do we really want to be like Davis? (Rhetorical) Our ED Manager and Police Chief vetting applicants is all we need to get this going. Yes, it is for the money, among other things, and we need plenty of it. I can’t believe some people are advocating service cuts to keep cannabis out of town.
Speaking of cannabis on First Street, the fashion industry loves cannabis. Here is just one article of many on this topic. Next year when we have the annual First Street fashion soiree, the folks from the Big Apple will LOVE fine Cali cannabis close by..
Oh, yes! People in the fashion industry are big time heads. How do you think they come up with all those fashion ideas?
Fritz you are wrong again. You are saying that I am a big time head. I spent many years in the fashion industry. Believe me Stan and Fritz it was not that way. Fake news by two out of touch fools. It appears the real big time heads are failures in life with very little desire to use their own talents to be successful. They use cannabis as an excuse to try and be a big timer. Sorry Fritz it does not work that way. Only with very far left leaning Socialist Progressives. It appears California is the home to all the FLLSP. It also appears Fritz joined a long time ago.
No doubt in my mind the NY swanks were vaping in and around the Treasury Commons area at last month’s annual Benicia Runway extravaganza. They either violated federal law by bringing cannabis products across state lines, went to one of Vallejo’s ELEVEN dispensaries, or had a trusted local concierge hook them up.
Here are a couple of savvy entrepreneurs that count the Hollywood entertainment and haute couture elite as clients. Pastilles? I had to look it up.
Stan you are insulting a local business person. You are an ego driven agenda driven clueless bike rider. I notice that both Stan and Fritz are bike riders. Stan I did respect your view on medical cannabis because it seemed to help you. But your pro stance on Recreational Cannabis has turned me off. Just what is it you want Stan Medical or Recreational? You will not answer. You will just continue to search the internet for the answers you want. My advise is to take a look at the city’s that surround Benicia. See what they are doing. You could learn something.
” I notice that both Stan and Fritz are bike riders.” Oh, yeah? Where did you notice that, BML? I bet neither Stan or I drive a Saturn. The take away from BMLs comment being that BML does not care for bikes or bicyclist. Kind of a weird thing to dislike, but, oh well, that’s BML for you. What’s next? No bike stores on 1st Street? Also, it seems that BML would rather be turned on by Stan? Strange how BML always reacts to Stan’s comments like he is being personally attacked. I don’t think Stan has ever directly replied to BLM’s comments. Probably because he knows BLM has got nothing but name calling and petty ego driven nonsense to offer. As an aside, BLM is still insisting the doctor’s recommendations and state issued IDs. Shows he knows nothing about the topic. He should probably recuse himself from the discussion . Watch for feckless BML reaction in 3…2….1…
Fritz has a very wondering silly comment back to me. He takes everything personally and then makes silly things up. I get to him and I am good at it. He reacts in a very angry manner and I love it. Stan is only into himself. He does not care what I say only his own personal agenda. Your comments on bikes I set you up. You took the bait and I am loving it. Sorry Fritz for your anger. Try anger management.
As predicted. LOL!!
I haven’t read a thing he says since I juked him on the Raley’s incident and he turned nasty. He does not exist in my world.
He is as sensitive as he is a glutton for punishment. Quite a paradox.
Stan and Fritz do not like to be called out. They both are in way over their head on this cannabis issue. In their case it is very personal. I became a thorn in their very thin skinned side. Fritz is of no importance to me. He is just a very anti Republican Socialist Progressive. Stan I could care less about. Ride your bike and talk up cannabis.
What is a “Republican Socialist Progressive”? BML why are you stuck in 1965?
Read the comment . I said you are a very anti Republican Socialist Progressive. Wise up Fritz.
Funny that you think I’m anti republican just because I call you out on your twaddle.
Time to say goodbye to Fritz. Good bye Fritz
So long, little man.
Doesn’t seem like a smart business move by Strawbridge to come out against something the people in her industry enjoy immensely. We’re going too slow on this in my opinion. Same as sex-toy shops, Haughey? SMDH.
Janet just what do you know about the industry. I think only what Mr. Bike Stan says. Not a good source. Shame on you.
One by one, cities that formerly had emphatic “NO cannabis in our town” policy are coming into the 21st century, and respecting Prop. 64 results in their communities. American Canyon just extended their ban but put a toe in the water by indicating extensive community outreach so they could craft policy. They have a shiny new Napa Logistics Park but nobody in cannabis supply chain operations can lease any of it. NO supply chain ops allowed in Vallejo or Am Can while we have BIP that wants them to come here. As ED Manager Giuliani stated this meeting, staff has received multiple inquiries about BIP spaces.
Name the cities Stan. Can you”? Are you all talk.
The recent Benicia Main Street “cannabis survey” of First Street businesses and residents extending a block to either side produced the following results:
109 surveys to businesses, 43 responded, and only 23 said NO to dispensaries on First Street = 21%
301 surveys to residents, 86 responded, and only 78 said NO = 26%
I believe the proponents on the BMS Board that cooked up this survey had hoped for more participation and protests to use as a club against dispensaries on First Street at the PC meeting and subsequent council discussion, but it bombed big time. I asked for a copy of the responses but was informed the respondents had not given permission to release their identities to the public. Only members of the BMS Board know who said what. 28 people said YES to dispensaries on First Street. I don’t believe they care if the public knows who they are.
So it seems most businesses and residents along the First Street corridor are supportive or don’t care either way. These results from a real survey with real people wipe out the questionable Town Hall survey results that indicated NO on First Street to have a slight edge.
Thanks to BMS Executive Director Nancy Martinez for providing the data.
A speaker flatly stated dispensaries on First Street will scare off tourists because of the crime that comes with them.
“Demand for new forms of leisure spending by tourists and other visitors to California is potentially large, Given that adult-use cannabis remains illegal in most other states, California’s legalized adult-use industry may attract some new visitors whose primary reason for visiting the state is cannabis tourism.” – UC Davis study. Napa County reports over $1 billion yearly tourist leisure spending related to wine tourism, in large part by international visitors.
Stan remember why they come. Wine, not cannabis. I do believe you misunderstand recreational use of cannabis. Why come to Benicia when they will be able buy in other areas of this state. There is nothing glamorous about recreational cannabis use. You have never answered my question about revenue. Two stores in Benicia. How much tax revenue? Do you know. Maybe Vice Mayor Young can tell you.
Stan just who have you spoke to at the City? Are you getting revenue info from the internet. Not reality Stan. Give us all some facts given to you by the city. You do not have that. I do. I will not share that info at present. It will be available after about Nov.2.
There is little difference between a person that likes to take a little puff once in a while and a person that consumes a Michelob Ultra, or two, every day.
How on earth could that comment be personal? He never even mentioned you.
Stop it BB. You know better, I think. Just why do you think he = mentioned the beer by name. Just where have you been BB. It is a very personal attack by a big time loser. I hope you understand he does not like me. He resorts to personal attacks. But what he does not understand I am more than willing to go after him big time. Best he stops. This poor fella is a big time loser. You protect his personal comments. BB get with it.
WTF are talking about? Oh, and knock off the Fritz BS!!!!!!!!
My advise to you Fritz is to quit taking personal shots at me. You will lose big time.. I am more than willing to talk about your past Facebook BS wrong name calling and by the way your silly comment on why you named the plush toys their name. Stop it Fritz. You are getting to personal and way over your head. Sorry Fritz you are a loser.. Get out now before I go much deeper. Is that what you want, you loser.
OK, I think this thread has veered far away from what the original topic was. Please stay on topic, quit resorting to namecalling and I won’t have to lock any more comment sections in the future.