Kelly Hughes’ 5th-grade class at Joe Henderson Elementary School gather around one of the many positive messages written in chalk throughout the school’s campus. This particular message reads “Believe in yourself,” but other uplifting affirmations include “Be a good friend,” “Stand up for what you believe in,” “Be silly, be kind” and “Everyone matters.” The chalk messages were part of the school’s celebration of the national Start with Hello Week, which was established by the nonprofit Sandy Hook Promise to prevent gun violence and bullying at an early age by encouraging students to take small but powerful actions to promote inclusion and identify others who may be struggling with isolation. On Monday, students and staff wore “Hello, My Name Is…” badges and were encouraged to greet others by name. Tuesday was a game of Human Bingo where students were given icebreaker cards and persuaded to have conversations with students they did not know. There was also a dance party on the playground during lunch. Wednesday saw the playground chalked with words of kindness and encouragement which were captured overhead by a drone. Thursday was Random Acts of Kindness Day, where students were prompted to do as many good deeds as possible for others with or without them knowing. Friday was Wear Green Day where the Henderson community wore the color of Sandy Hook Promise. (Photo by Nick Sestanovich)
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