All this week, Benicia High School students have been working with the Young Audiences of Northern California (YANC) program to install a mural on the school’s F-Wing. YANC had previously provided assemblies and events to Benicia High, including Black History Month in Feburary and the Cultural Celebration Week in April. This week, Gilyon Brace-Wessel and Samuel Nakama of Hip Hop Fundamentals worked with 10 students of all grade levels to brainstorm, design, sketch and install the mural, the theme being Comm(You)nity– the representation of each student as a valued member of the school community. The students who participated were Zoe Roberts (11), Gabriella Abbott (12), Marlee Tuttle (12), Gwenivere Reynolds (10), Mackenzie Bradley (11), Madison Hathaway (11), Onome Ojo (12), Teija Bresler (12), Yzora Lopez (9), and Basil Othman (11). Hip Hop Fundamentals also performed for students in an assembly during Access Period on Wednesday and also invited students on stage to learn elements about hip-hop dance. (Photo by Nick Sestanovich)
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