By Dennis Lund
TOUCHING ON SEVERAL SUBJECTS that drew my attention during recent travels:
Voter ID laws have been a recurring subject in the news, with two diametrically opposed factions represented: Republicans trying to ensure election integrity with ID requirements and Democrats crying “voter suppression.” With recent events in Kansas, those favoring voter ID may have to reconsider their position:
Aaron Belenky is one of three “aggrieved voters” who joined an ACLU-filed lawsuit against newly enacted Kansas voter ID laws. His case is noteworthy as to the severity of these “oppressive” laws: It seems Mr. Belenky, new to Kansas, went online to register to vote. The process could not be completed until he presented proof of citizenship in person — an apparently daunting task, as reported by AP:
“Belenky, a 39-year-old computer programmer, has his birth certificate and a passport but said he’d have to open and rifle through boxes in his Overland Park apartment to find them and comply with a rule that doesn’t exist across most of the rest of the nation.”
I can envision the aggrieved Mr. Belenky’s apartment: boxes stacked high in various rooms, a mix of clutter and unsettled arrangements. It must look like an Oscar Madison-esque mess, with no Felix around to maintain order. The audacity of the state of Kansas in forcing Mr. Belenky to clean up his apartment is unacceptable. Folks, when we have suppressed the Oscar Madison vote, we have suppressed Middle America.
Also noteworthy is the bias AP reveals regarding “most of the rest of the nation,” as photo ID requirements are the law of the land in 30 states.
Fine dining on the government dime extends to more than expense account meals. Food stamp recipients have learned to bilk the system with the best of them. Why should one not be able to enjoy the finer things in life just because one has no money?
Jason Greenslate, who reminds one immediately of Jeff Spicoli, the surfer dude from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High,” made the news recently for living the “rat life, all day, every day” — his words. It seems Spicoli, I mean Greenslate, enjoys hanging out at the beach, surfing, playing his guitar and driving his Cadillac Escalade to the store to buy steaks, lobster and sushi with his SNAP card.
The report was lambasted by Media Matters as being an unfair representation of food stamp recipients, the vast majority of whom are indeed deserving of assistance. But Media Matters is being disingenuous by stating that “only 1 percent” of food stamp funds are lost to fraud. While 1 percent is a small number, the actual dollar amount is about $800 million, putting the amount of fraud in better perspective.
A second aspect to consider: The purchase of such luxury items as porterhouse steaks and lobster is not “fraud.” And that is the real point being made.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold,” according to the old Mafia expression. Indeed, revenge, well planned and well executed, was behind what happened recently to Chicago woman Jennifer Fitzgerald, who settled with the city after she was left with more than $100,000 in parking fines.
It seems Brandon Preveau, her ex-boyfriend, abandoned her car in an airport parking lot more than three years ago. When first reading this story, I had a vision of her $600 Chevy Monte Carlo blanketed by parking tickets left by oblivious “meter maids.” But it was not as simple as that.
It seems the boyfriend, a United Airlines employee, left the car in a difficult-to-access United Airlines employee lot, then removed the tickets daily and moved the car on a regular basis.
After a protracted legal struggle, the fines were negotiated down to about $5,000, with the ex coughing up $1,600 and Jennifer paying $78 a month for the next five years. But if there were any justice Brandon would be in jail and she would not have to pay a cent.
“I don’t want to work, I just want to bang on the drum all day.” This lyric, from the Todd Rundgren song used by KFOG to welcome in the weekend, may typify the desires of those who find living on the dole preferable to gainful employment. Their conundrum is put in perspective by a recent report released by the Cato Institute, “The Work Versus Welfare Trade-off.”
The report lists Hawaii as offering the highest combined benefits package, available to those seeking to maximize government benevolence, at about $49,000 a year. California ranks 11th at about $35,000 annually.
To put those numbers into perspective, the report answers the question: How much would one have to make an hour before breaking even, after paying taxes, to earn this much? Unfortunately, the answer is surprising: In Hawaii, $29.13, and in California, $17.87.
For reference, this amount exceeds the starting salary for elementary school teachers in some California cities.
There are very few who would advocate against providing help for the needy, be it through private charities or government-sponsored benefits. But “needy” is the key word. It appears we have a system created, encouraged and perpetuated that no longer addresses only “needs” — today we are now providing for the “wants” of those who would choose the “rat life,” as well as those who see no financial benefit in working.
Cue Todd Rundgren.
Dennis Lund is a mechanical engineer who lived in Benicia for more than 20 years.
j. furlong says
Too bad Mr. Belenky doesn’t live in TN. He could then use an out of date, out of state gun license as ID there because student ID, military ID, copies of birth certificates aren’t valid in TN. Now, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but gee, who votes Republican more than Democrat? Could it be gun owner/hunter demographics? Just wondering…
DDL says
Thanks for the comments j. furlong. Here is a summary of Voter ID requirements in Tennessee:
Any of the following IDs may be used, even if expired:
• Tennessee driver license with your photo
• United States Passport
• Photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
• Photo ID issued by the federal or Tennessee state government
• United States Military photo ID
Tennessee handgun carry permit with your photo
Exemptions to Tn. Voter ID Law:
• Voters who vote absentee by mail (view requirements here)
• Voters who are residents of a licensed nursing home or assisted living center and who vote at the facility
• Voters who are hospitalized
• Voters with a religious objection to being photographed
Voters who are indigent and unable to obtain a photo ID without paying a fee
j. furlong says
Sorry for the typo, I meant to refer to TX, not TN!
DDL says
Do you have a link to support the statement made regarding Texas law requirements?
After all, when you state a fact, it is a fact, right?
Benician says
Yes, I do. Are you disputing what I stated?
DDL says
Benician stated: Are you disputing what I stated?
Difficult to take you seriously tonight, as I corrected you twice previously and you admitted your error once:
“I meant to refer to TX, not TN!”
Yes, now the onus is on you. How many times do I have to prove you wrong?
JillSJ says
Once will suffice. TN for TX is a typo not an error. You’re wrong and you know it, and with Bob having gone to bed you don’t have daddy around to bail you out.
Benician says
You’re delusional. You’ve corrected me on nothing. I didn’t say anything about TN/TX. I await your apology.
DDL says
Benician: I quoted you on your comment on TN/TX.
Jill: Once is a typo, twice is an error.
Even in those cases, such as Tennessee whose guidelines are given, and generous exceptions are granted, Leftists remain adamantly opposed to voter ID. Sorry it rings shallow and disingenuous.
Take the case cited in the article, the best the ACLU could offer as an example of disenfranchisement, is a guy too lazy to unpack a few boxes?
Specious at best and smacking of desperation.
Now as far as I am concerned this conversation is over. But I know one of you will comment back.
Benician says
DDL, you are a liar. You quoted me as correcting myself on TN/TX. I did no such thing. Even when confronted with that FACT, you continue to push the lie. Here’s what you said:
Benician stated: Are you disputing what I stated?
Difficult to take you seriously tonight, as I corrected you twice previously and you admitted your error once:
“I meant to refer to TX, not TN!”
No, I never said that. You’ve gone past your usual half-truths and obfuscations. You’re now simply a liar.
DDL says
ahhh I see the issue. I meant to say j.furlong, not Benician.
Typo. My bad.
But you saw the error and decided to push it. Nice.
DDL says
Actually, as I look back at the exchange, I see the following:
J. furlong said:Sorry for the typo, I meant to refer to TX, not TN!
DDL then asked j.furlong: Do you have a link to support the statement made regarding Texas law requirements?
Benician then stated:Yes, I do. Are you disputing what I stated?
So it would appear that j.furlong and Benician are the same person. Why else would “benician” jump in on a question asked to j.furlong and respond with the assumption that the question was directed at him?
So my error was in not paging back up when you (as Benician) confirmed what you had stated as j.furlong.
You need to keep your various handles straight j.furlong/Benician
Benician says
Nice work, Columbo. You’ve really got me figured out.
For the record, I erred in thinking your TX question was in re statement citing the TX GOP’er who admitted the new voter suppression laws was purely political.
Bob Livesay says
Columbo, that is Thomas Gunter Petersen words. Now what. Good job Dennis.
Thomas Petersen says
Nice try Maximilian.
environmentalpro says
Is “that is Thomas Gunter Petersen words” even English? Good grief!
Bob Livesay says
Outstanding English from a long line of Americans from as far back as 1652. My family made it possible for you and many others to live a free life. Nice try Fritz.
Bob Livesay says
When ever your ready to get back to comments that do not attack and use makeup names I will do the same But not until you stop this crap.
environmentalpro says
I believe it was you that mentioned my name in one of your garbage comments. When this happens, expect backlash. BTW – the “Outstanding English from a long line of Americans” apparently skipped a generation.
Bob Livesay says
Fritz stop your juvenile comments. You do not even know who you are from one post to the next. Make up your mind and you might find some credibility instead of the sarcasim king of posting.
environmentalpro says
You are the last one who should be commenting on credibility, Uriah Heep.
Bob Livesay says
We just might have a few folks that comment under more than one name. It appears they are trying to build a force from one or two folks to more than there really are. Very interesting, where is Charlie Chan when we need him now.
j. furlong says
I also think those lazy food stamp folks should study the fabulous deductions and handouts corporations get for entertaining – shoot, they can even deduct alcohol – that way, everyone would be on the same page vis a vis scamming the government.
Benician says
1) There have been virtually no instances of voter ID fraud. This is clearly an attempt by the party of old, white people to make it harder for people who aren’t old and white to vote. GOP reps from TX and PA have admitted as much. Besides ID requirements, rethugs are also doing there best to limit voting opportunities (times, dates, locations, etc.). The party of old, white people had to decide whether to broaden their appeal, or attempt to limit the ability to vote by those who vote against them. In a typical profile in cowardice, they chose the latter.
2) The food stamp program has a fraud rate of 1.3%. It’s, perhaps, the most efficient program in government. Certainly more efficient than the program that pays corporate farmers, among them rethug reps who vote. This, apparently, is OK with DDL.
optimisterb says
Got any more bridges to sell, Benician?
Benician says
a typical mindless reply to actual facts.
DDL says
Benician said:The food stamp program has a fraud rate of 1.3%.
Thank you for the clarification.
So the fraud rate is actually 30% higher than stated in the piece. That means instead of the fraud costing us about $800 million a year it is actually costing well over a billion annually.
Benician says
Tell me what has a better efficiency rate than 98.7%. Certainly not the corporate giveaways and military overspending you seem to have no problem with. If you spend $100 on groceries, how much do you ultimately toss? more than $1.30’s worth, I dare say.
Bob Livesay says
Benician what I do not understand why is it Democrats who would be agsinst voter ID. Do not Democtats drive, have credit cards, own homes, travel. go to government buildings? I believe they do the same things that Republicans do. So why all the fuss about not having a proper ID to vote as well as anything else we may do on a daily bases. Is the Democratic party the party of the poor and minorities? I sure hope not. If that is so I would assume the Democrats would want to up their income, education, health and awarweness of the responsibilities that go with every day life. I would think the Democrats would support voter ID as a way to say get a bank account. This is not about voting it is about rersponsibility and the opening of doors for more opportunity. I would assume you would agree with that.
Benician says
Livesay, this comment helps explain your world view. You are oblivious to the lives of many. Many young people don’t drive. The numbers become larger each year. And, not just among the poor. Many of all ages don’t have credit cards so as to not accumulate debt or, perhaps, they have insufficient credit to get a card. Many of all ages don’t travel because they can’t afford to. Go to the heart of an inner city (have you ever been in one) and ask why they don’t travel or own a home. You’ll get laughed at. These people don’t exist in your world. If they did, perhaps you’d see things a bit differently.
Bob Livesay says
I have been to every big city in the USA. In fact lived in Baltimore in Fells Point for thirteen years. Traveled all of DC, Philly, NY, Boston, Cleveland, Chicago need I go on. I do know what is going on. I do not need a lecture on what goes on in big cities, I do know. Just where are all your stats on all this info. Do not most of these folks have bank accounts? If the Dems are so worried about getting a voter ID why are they not helping? Stop the blame game and start helping the poor get to a better life. Voter or photo ID would be a good start.
Hank Harrison says
BS. Voter fraud does not occur in any significant way to justify the amount of time and effort the GOP spends attempting to stop it. In fact there’s evidence they are the only ones perpetrating it. There’s only one reason to spend so much energy stopping this nonexistent problem, and that’s to reduce Dem votes. It’s a fact, deny it all you want, won’t change the fact.
“Stop the blame game and start helping the poor get to a better life.” Agreed. Stop disenfranchising them, that would be a good start.
Bob Livesay says
Hank I would say just the other side of the issue. Make them a part of the process and quit disenfranchising their path to a better life. That is exactly what the Dems want. Get a ring in their nose and lead them any where you want. It sure is not out of poverty. There is such a thing as pride Hank. All the voter/personal Id does is get them to a position to improve their life style. Hank try getting on an airplane, enter A federal building, you need a photo ID.. You need a photo ID. Why would you or any other Dem want to take that away from these wonderful Americans. That is what I call having them under the Dems control and disenfranchising them out of fear that they may catch on to your game of control. Hank help them out and give them some pride. Photo ID is a good start.
Hank Harrison says
I know a libertarian or two who would claim a photo ID itself is a ring in the nose. But regardless, making voting contingent on having one is an act of widespread disenfranchisement, and that doesn’t seem to concern Republicans one bit. In fact they relish it. There is the crux of the problem.
Harvey Rifkin says
The Republican party is no more concerned about voter fraud than the Democratic Parties concern. The real issue here and the reality is that there many more voters who would vote Democratic rather than Republican. So the question is how can Republican’s reduce the potential Democratic voter base which has a large component of poor, elderly, immigrant, and disabled voters. The Republican goal of making voting rights more difficult will reduce the potential Democratic voter base. If their disengenuous need for voter laws to root out so called “voter fraud” that would reduce potential Republican voter base, we would not see this zeal to implement unnecessary voter ID laws. The bottom line is that Republicans abhore any kind of social progress or anything that works to empower the eeconomic and political power of the masses. The Democrats are obviously not devoid of deceit, duplicity, and disinformation, but Republicans in their desperate need to try to varnish over and dampen truths that are a threat to their lopsided power, one will find have a tendency to lie and misrepresent issues to a greater degree. As far as foreign policy, Obama has shown that he can be as equally evil and duplicious as a Bush. On domestic issues relating to the economics of the masses, minority rights, or gay marriage, the Republicans are heads above Democrats in their passion to lie and deceive; but given the desparities and inequities hoisted on the masses and minorities by rich old white men, from a practical standpoint what else would one expect. After all many of these rich old white men have a very diminished capacity for empathy, justice, and fairness, unless its their own family or members of their exclusive country club. They have no intention of going along with any policies that would in n ay awy diminish theireconomic or political power, even though it might be the humane, just, compassionate, and moral road to follow. If Mr. DDL showed as much concern about corporate and Military Industrial complex fraud as he does about allege concocted myths about entitlement fraud that he heard on FAUX News(FOX), America could potentially become a kinder, gentler, more just and peaceful country, where there would be less plutocratic Fascism and class warfare.
Bob Livesay says
Harvey a very long comment to just tell the folks you do not like Republican/Conservatives. You have no facts just a long list of your opinions that go know where. Now sit back and give us some detailed facts. I do hope you search Fox News for the answers where you will get only the true facts. Harvey I am glad you are back commenting.
Harvey Rifkin says
DDL: Lets just say that your Billion in food stamp fraud is correct. The result is that primarily more poor people are getting a discount on their food purchases. Wealthy people don’t get envolved in food stamp fraud because they can make a lot more money stealing in other venues. No one will die, be tortured, hate America, want to be a terrorist, but because billions of wasted on bombs, drones, covert CIA operations whivch is in effect worse than any economic fraud, you are OK with that, and never a word comes out of your myopic mind about rael attrocities and evil immoralities. But then again critisizing the Petro-Military Industrial Complex could be very detrimental to your pump sales.
Bob Livesay says
Harvey I do know you are anti big oil which means you are anti fossil fuel and fracking. That also means you are anti the poor, lower income and middleclass. Harvey why would I say that? Simply put, natural gas is the least expensive energy source we have and you and the anti fossil fuel group want to deprive the poor, lower income and middleclass of that all important resourse to reduce their energy cost. Remember Harvey lower energy costs mean more new business, jobs and more taxes. All to the benefit of schools, renewable energy, health, highways and many other things. Without the money that does not happen. I know Harvey tax the wealthy 1%. That does not work either. Lets put science and hi-tech to work solving these problems and stop blaming the Conservatives. Harvey you yourself are a self explained capitolist. Sound simple Harvey? It is.
Harvey Rifkin says
critisizing(sic)=criticizing. My typo
DDL says
Harvey stated: But then again critisizing (sic) the Petro-Military Industrial Complex could be very detrimental to your pump sales.
Not really Harvey since the pumps I sell are not sold to those markets.
Didn’t you once ask why do people have to make these posting so personal?
You have now on multiple occasions falsely accused me of being motivated based on my career, yet you have nothing to back those charges up with.
Harvey Rifkin says
DDL: I understand that you handle the waste water segment of the market, but your company also has a major market in “Petro-Chemical” and military related market. The operative word above is “could”, not “shall”. Politics and economics are very tightly connected, speculating about a persons politics does in fact on many occasions have ties to their economic agenda. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair. I can speculate all I want. If my speculations make me appear to be a fool then I will have to deal with the consequences.
DDL says
York: When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots
How Democrats Steal Elections
From the above:
Fondse and Democrat Pat Johnston, Nolan recalled that the Republican won
“by about 54 votes or so.”
But after the election, Democrats “brought in their junkyard dog
lawyers from around the country,” said Nolan, “and basically harassed
the local registrar — got in their faces and demanded to handle
ballots” — which were of the same type now in dispute in Palm Beach.
The result? In the Stockton election, Nolan said Democrats were
successful in getting the vote count reversed from a plus-54 win by
Republicans to a minus-17 loss.
Benician says
Yes, brought to you by the conspiracy theorists at World Net Daily. They think every democratic win is the result of a conspiracy. Those clowns make Faux look like pinko commies. Really, DDL, is that the best you can do? Nothing on Beck’s website was appealing enough?
When GOP reps from TX and PA admit the purpose of the voter suppression laws is to keep Dems from voting, you still tout the party line? Amazing.
DDL says
The source of the article is Bob Haueter, a career political insider with a long history in California and Washington politics, but of course that was not considered, as soon as WND was seen as the link.
I also note that no comment was made on the second link.
Actually the method of discussion which permeates these threads continues to confirm the Braken analogy:
Arguing with a leftist is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how well you play chess, the pigeon just knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board, spews some unintelligible profanities, and struts around like he won.”
Hank Harrison says
I quote a great legislator: Arguing with you (DDL) is like arguing with the kitchen table. Facts just bounce off and rattle onto the linoleum.
DDL says
I quote a great legislator
That great legislature you refer to;
Was that the one whose roommate was running a male prostitution ring out of his basement?
The same one who was repeatedly warned by Republicans (Bush and McCain) of the pending disaster at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
The same ‘great legislator’ who was in fact in a ‘life’ partner relationship with a high ranking employee of Fannie Mae?
The same one who was literally in bed with the ‘hen’, when he, the ‘fox’, was supposed to be guarding the hen house?
Barney Frank is well known for that quote, though he may not have originated it.
Benician says
Political ‘insider’? More like a political ‘hack’. From a RIGHT WING website: “In yet another ham-handed attempt to throw control of local political leadership to Buck McKeon, Frank Ferry and their supporters, McKeon deputy Bob Haueter uses his newly created fake replacement CRA unit to steal properly made endorsements away from the original and only true Santa Clarita Valley Republican Assembly Unit.”
That he posts at WND tells us all we need to know about him. That DDL uses him as a source tells us all we need to know about DDL.
DDL says
Leftists hate it when Republicans actually fight back, like in 2000.
JillSj says
Ha ha we love to see you scramble to twist reality to your preconceived notions. It’s hilarious.
Benician says
‘LOL’ is DDL-speak for “I’ve lost the argument but still want to get the last word in.”
Bob Livesay says
Benician please answer my question. Thamk you.
Bob Livesay says
Benician the statement you just made does need some verification. Do you mind if I ask that burning question? What I think the folks that keep track of your comments want is your source of facts. I am sure you can provide the date, source and for sure just who said it. Now is that too much to ask? If you have credible sources it will make your statement a little more believable and not just a statment of anti DDL which it does appear to be.
JillSj says
Anti DDL is pro truth. That’s enough for me
Bob Livesay says
jillSj are you saying that DDL tells lies?
JillSj says
I am saying he distorts and does not weigh evidence equally. Are you saying he lies? Well that is a very strong statement.
Bob Livesay says
Jill stop it and read my comment.
JillSj says
All your comments are the same. Reading them leads only in circles.
Benician says
DDL’s continued assertions I said something about TN/TX proves he’s a liar.
DDL says
No it proves you are posting as two different people, as you confused what you were saying under the separate names.
You really are desperate to attack people without foundation.
Benician says
Livesay, when I state a fact, it’s a fact. If you think I’m wrong, disprove me. You’re the only one we know of that tracks/archives forum posts. In the past, you’ve cited Faux as a source of credible information. Nothing could be further from the truth. You want answers from me? I’ve asked the following question time and again, and you refuse to answer it. Here’s another opportunity: Studies prove the more one watches Faux, the less they know about what’s in the news. So, is this because the more one watches Faux, the stupider they become, or stupid people are drawn to watching Faux? Please answer the question before you ask me to answer another question in the future.
DDL says
Benician said: “You’re the only one we know of that tracks/archives forum posts.
Not true.
I recall ‘mike’ posting just recently a comment I made from Jan. 2012, where I took exception to yet another odious post from one leftist ordinaire, who posts regularly on this thread.
I commented that I found it interesting that he held onto a comment for eight months, just itching for the opportunity to spring it.
DDL says
Correction, it was Jan. 2013, not 2012.
Thomas Petersen says
Bob, You of all people are demanding that folks provide credible sources? Please! When is the last time you provided ANY source on here to support your arguments. Try never.
Bob Livesay says
Do not need to. I am always right and you Thomas never dispute what I say.
Thomas Petersen says
Oh no? For one, remember when you did not know the difference between fracking and tar sands extraction? Let’s check the archives.
But I digress, I have a challenge for you. Please post a link to support any one of your talking points. I bet you won’t, because you don’t know how. Any other response, rather than you posting a link, will only prove my point.
Bob Livesay says
Thomas you did sort of get me on the fracking. But I never use other folks info. I do my own research and then make my points. In almost all cases I am never challenged because I am correct. But Thomas a possible mistake out of thousands of post I will take that any day of the week.
Thomas do not under estimate my abilities.
environmentalpro says
Bob, I sort of got you on many things. Doing “research” implies that there are sources/references. The results of “research” do not just materialize out of nothing.
Never assume that I “never dispute” what you say. I just don’t feel the need, or have the time to post it here. BTW – I hope you don’t mind if I choose to continue to question your abilities. It shouldn’t really matter.
Hank Harrison says
Dennis it’s always risky to reference Fox “News,” especially when the entire report is a ginned-up exercise in propaganda — and taken out of context.
To anyone reading this comment, we could debunk Dennis Lund nonsense all day and all night. Just wait a week and everything he writes unravels.
DDL says
Actually, had you actually read what I wrote, you would have seen that my only reference was in fact to Media Matters, not Fox. And nothing I stated was untrue (though 1% vs. 1.3% would be a quibble).
Media Matters does not take exception to anything stated (by Fox) regarding Greenslate, so in fact nothing at all ‘unravels’.
Hank Harrison says
In fact, you miss the point. Fox, and you, used Greenslate as some kind of example of SNAP abuse when in actuality he is an extreme outlier. Why else would you write about him right after writing this noxious sentence:
“Food stamp recipients have learned to bilk the system with the best of them.”
Unraveling …